M.Sc from UFPR (Universidade Federal do Paraná) in Computer Vision, B.Sc. Computer Science from the Universidade Federal do Paraná (2018).
Experienced in Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Python.
Computing and working with diverse people keep me inspired to build solutions and think of a better world.
Deep Learning for Image-based Automatic DialMeter Reading: Dataset and Baselines.. G Salomon, R Laroca, D Menotti. 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8.
Can Giraffes Become Birds? An Evaluation of Image-to-image Translation for Data Generation. DV Ruiz and G Salomon, E Todt. Computer on the Beach (COTB'20), 1-7.
Open-set Face Recognition for Small Galleries Using Siamese Networks. G Salomon, A Britto, RH Vareto, WR Schwartz, D Menotti (2020, July). 2020 International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), 161-166. IEEE.