Watch for changes on any file in current directory and send the last line of the file to a telegram chat using a pre-configured bot account.
First you need create a bot on Telegram and get your API KEY.
Start a chat with the boot and get the chatid by running this command:
curl<API-KEY-HERE>/getUpdates | json_pp
You should see something like:
"chat" : {
"type" : "private",
"username" : "username",
"first_name" : "Your Name",
"id" : 9398161236
Edit the telegram.conf file and replace it with your API-KEY and CHAT-ID
Install all requirements:
pip install -r requirements.tx
usage: [-h] [-p P]
Watch for changes on any file in current directory and send the last line of the file to a telegram chat using a pre-configured bot account.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p P Especify a File or Directory to watch (default: ".")