I am a passionate data analyst bridging my biology and computer science skills to develop healthcare applications! Ever since I completed my Biology Undergraduate, I have been learning about Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) as well as how to analyze public health datasets from Kaggle and StatsCanada. Interested in web, OSS and biotech/neurotech as well as python libraries. Currently, I am learning about machine learning and how to create neural networks or building web applications, all my work is focused on one thing: making a difference to the wider community. In my spare time, you can find me watching anime, working out and traveling finding new places while playing Pokemon GO. I love doing hackathons and developing new skills as well as working together with various people to create an impact and develop new applications!
- 🔭 I’m currently working on my own Website/Blog: | ✏️ Medium
- 🌱 I’m currently learning ML and AI
- 👨💻 Competitive programming: Codechef | 💾Hackerrank | ⌚Freecodecamp
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Projects and Hackathons
- 🙋 I’m looking for help with using Django, Flutter and Google Cloud!
- 💬 Ask me about Python,R, SQL!
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am a tutor and tech enthusiast
- 🏃 Hobbies: Working out, playing sports, watching Netflix
- 🎮Website <---- find some of my projects here !!🚀🚀
- 💼Devpost <---- more projects !!🚀🚀
- 🔍Credly
▶️ Youtube <--- if you like content creation🚀🚀- ⭐Patreon
- ☀️Topmate
Check out my youtube playlist:
Click here for a detailed breakdown ---> go to repo... 🚀🚀
List of courses:
[Transforming and Analyzing Data with SQL]
[Statistical Modelling with Python]
[Data Visualization and Dashboards with Tableau]
[Capstone Project]