A videogame that teaches children the names of food items in Sà'án Sàvǐ (Yucunani Mixtec).
Sà'án Sàvǐ is spoken in the Yucunani village, in Oaxaca (Mexico). This game was created as a pedagogical resource for children. The original concept was developed in Scratch as part of an assignment for LING 221 - Field Methods at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Language items have been collected by Jeremías Salazar (language advocate and educator). Game design by Giorgia Troiani (PhD student in Linguistics).
This work is being released under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) You are welcome to share and adapt the material as long as you attribute appropriate credit, do not use the material for commercial use, and distributed your remixed work under the same license as the original.
At the moment we did not release any version of the game, but if you are interested in the project, you are welcome to contact Giorgia and Jeremías at gtroiani@ucsb.edu
- Funding for the documentation of Sà'án Sàvǐ was provided by the National Science Foundation
- University of California, Santa Barbara provided initial training for the development of the project
- Professor Eric W. Campbell provided training on language documentation, community-based research, and creation of pedagogical material for language learners
- Professor John W. Du Bois provided initial training on Game Maker Language
- This game has been improved by the feedback and expertise of Terry Du Bois and Brady Moore
- Language data has been collaboratively collected by the participants to the 2019-2020 cycle of LING 221 - Field Methods. Special thanks are extended to Guillem Belmar and Alonso Vásquez for their help with revising tones in Sà'án Sàvǐ and translations into Spanish.