Scripts employed for analyses in the associated publication are provided here as additional materials. The original scripts are provided in R Markdown format (.Rmd extension). Each script is accompanied by knitted RMarkdown output with additional tables and figures for ease of visualization. The knitted output is in .html format and will open in a default Internet browser if you download and open these files on your local computer. You can also check out the knitted RMarkdown output through Github Pages. Data to reproduce results reported in the associated publication was made available on figshare:
- Metadata and summary statistics of pre-processed recordings, as well as statistical comparisons of nest and social group size estimates between ranges
- General and fine-scale structural differences in contact calls between ranges were assessed with supervised machine learning
- Fine-scale structural differences in contact calls between ranges were assessed with frequency modulation measurements. The independent effects of habitat and range were also assessed for a set of acoustic measurements that captured call structure
- Individual identity content in contact calls between ranges was evaluated with Beecher's statistic
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Contact the corresponding author of the associated publication for more information about analyses and data: