Package that allow to show test coverage in gutter.
Information about test coverage is extracted form LCOV file that generated by unite test framework reporter. For instance karma coverage allow to generate such LCOV files: ...[] , ...[]
- pathToLCOV - path to file where LCOV is placed
- basePath - base path for the tests For instance project is placed by following path: /Users/Developer/Projects/foo and has following structure: /Users/Developer/Projects/foo/web/src/module1/file1.js*/Users/Developer/Projects/foo/web/src/module1/file2.js* /Users/Developer/Projects/foo/web/src/module2/file1.js /Users/Developer/Projects/foo/web/src/module2/file2.js /Users/Developer/Projects/foo/test/karma.conf.js
LCOV generate report into: /Users/Developer/Projects/foo/test/coverage/ and in LCOV file has following paths:
SF:./src/module2/file2.js ... SF:./src/module2/file2.js ...
BasePath has to be selected: /Users/Developer/Projects/foo/web
- green line - fully covered line
- orange line - some of the branch in if condition is not covered
- red line - color is uncovered by test line
--- If you found bug or you have some question in configuration please use this link ---