![ilustração de um computador](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MicaelliMedeiros/micaellimedeiros/master/image/computer-illustration.png)
I'm Web Full-Stack Developer.
I'm currently studying Artificial Intelligence and real-time systems, trying to improve myself in web development more and more.
import Developer from "grsantos2215";
class AboutMe extends Developer {
name = "Gabriel Ferraz dos Santos";
area = "Developer Pl";
Job = "Yooper Digital Marketing";
local = "Remote";
class Skills extends Developer {
knowledge = ["PHP", "JavaScript", "SQL", "NoSQL", "HTML", "CSS", "GIT", "Linux", "APIs", "Android"];
libraries = ["Next.js", "Nuxt.js", "Express.js", "Astro", "Elysia.js", "Tailwind"];
frameworks = ["Node.js", "React.js", "Flutter", "React-Native"];
💌 If you want, you can contact me via: