Hethe Berg
Vlad Abacumov
Xang Thao
Frank Shaw
Antonio Dangond
You control Frogger, guiding him in four directions with the arrow keys.
You must guide Frogger to each of the five empty slots at the top of the screen in order to advance to the next stage.
You start at the bottom of the screen beneath five lanes of traffic.
You must reach the sidewalk in the middle of the screen without getting hit by any vehicles.
You must not fall in the water on the way to one of the slots at the top. Ride the turtles and logs to the top, but don't get pulled off the side of the screen.
Beware of diving turtles. If Frogger is on them when they dive, he loses a life.
Avoid crocodile mouths, catch flies in the slots for bonus points.
Decide on Git Commits
- Clean
- Bullet point, like a plot in a story
- Single Responsibility Like
Don't Merge own stuff
OOP discussion
- Initially, Phaser should do most of this.
- 3 files, one for each
Jasmine Testing
- Learn how to do testing
- Everyone writes after to learn how and so we can apply in future
Game 1 MVP - Phaser (goal time of Friday Night)
- Initialize Sinatra skeleton
- Initialize a game window like canvas
- Deploy Heroku, continuous integration, semaphore
- water is inverse of the road, collision-wise
---- 5 empty slots top screen to have frog advance toward
---- How many movements are possible up to down, left to right by frog - 3 functions: onload(), create(), update()
- declare all of the objects of Frogger, variable names
- generate moving logic, variable names
- Event binding arrow keys moves frog
- Deploy heroku
- Generating logs and cars and turtles
---- 3) how fast each row of cars
---- 3) turtles ducking down - Jasmine testing
---Non MVP
3) Deploy Heroku, continuous integration, semaphore
3) Choosing a Theme
4) Time limit add
4) Score taking
4) Flies (or other) as a bonus.
5) Powerups
###Trello Link###