The purpose of this code is to implement and test the explicit stabilized
- Abdulle, A., Gander, L., & Rosilho de Souza, G. Optimal explicit stabilized postprocessed
$\tau$ -leap method for the simulation of chemical kinetics. arXiv: math.NA/2106.09339, 2021.
In addition to the SK-$\tau$-ROCK schemes, other popular
- the exact, up to statistical error, Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (
) [1], - the standard explicit
$\tau$ -leap method (tl
) [2], - the SK-$\tau$-ROCK method with or without postprocessing (
) [3], - the
$\tau$ -ROCK method and reversed$\tau$ -ROCK methods (tr
) [4], - the implicit
$\tau$ -leap method with or without postprocessing (itl
) [5], - the trapezoidal
$\tau$ -leap method (ttl
) [6], - the split-step implicit
$\tau$ -leap method (ssitl
) [7].
The following problems are already implemented in the code and can be solved by any of the above methods (see src/ProblemsList.cpp for the details):
- Reversible Isomerization, a simple linear scalar model problem [6],
- Nonlinear Reversible Reaction [4],
- Genetic Positive Feedback Loop [8],
- Michaelis-Menten,
- Schlogl Reaction [9],
- Decaying Dimerizing [2],
- E. Coli [10].
Prerequisites: CMake, git and a C++ compiler.
The code can be downloaded and compiled with the following commands:
git clone
cd sk-tau-rock_methods
chmod u+x
The executable is found in the install/
Remark: the git clone
step is crucial for automatic download of the required external libraries Eigen
and GetPot
during the ./
Alternative: The code can be downloaded and compiled without the need of git. In that case, however, the configuration script will not automatically download Eigen
and GetPot
. Hence, the two libraries must be downloaded separately and placed in the external/eigen
and external/getpot
folders. Or change the CMakeLists.txt file if you already have them somewhere.
To run the code the following options are available:
: the example to solve, the argument n=1,2,...,7 corresponds to the number in the above list. -
: the tau-leap method to use, must be one of:ssa, tl, str, tr, rtr, itl, ttl, ssitl
. -
: number of Monte Carlo samples. Choose 1 if you want to simulate only one path and save it. By default is 1. -
: the step size. When the solver istl
, tau might be reduced during integration due to stability restrictions. -
: When mc is 1 it indicates, approximately, the number of outputs. -
: name of output file, by default is sol. -
: must be 0 or 1 to indicate if postprocessing of str or itl is activated or not. By default is 1. -
: if given, it must correspond to a previously computed solution. The result of the new simulation will be compared the provided one. -
: tolerance in Newton algorithm of implicit solvers. By default it is 1e-2. -
: if given, the explicit stabilized methods will not choose the number of stages automatically according to their stability constraint formula but$s$ will be fixed to the given value. -
: add some stages to the minimum required for stability. May be necessary when the stiffness increases within one time step and the algorithm becomes unstable. By default it is 1. -
: changes the damping parameter, fortr
this option is considered only when-s
is given as well. By default, forstr
damping is 0.05, fortr
it is chosen according to a formula depending on$s$ .
Before running the examples, move into the install/
- to run the Genetic Positive Feedback Loop problem, using 1e4 Monte Carlo iterations with the Stochastic Simulation Algorithm and name the output file ssa_sol, run:
./TauLeapMethods -prob 3 -mc 1e4 -solver ssa -ofile ssa_sol
Simulation results are found in the install/GeneticPositiveFeedbackLoop
- to run the same problem, with tau=0.05, 1e4 Monte Carlo iterations, using SK-$\tau$-ROCK with postprocessing and using 4 additional stages, naming the output file sk-tau-rock_sol and finally compare the result with the previous simulation, run:
./TauLeapMethods -prob 3 -tau 0.05 -mc 1e4 -solver str -pp 1 -s_add 4 -ofile sk-tau-rock_sol -refsol ssa_sol
- to compute one sample of the Michaelis-Menten problem, using SK-$\tau$-ROCK without postprocessing, with tau=0.001 and 1e3 output points, naming the output file MM_str, run:
./TauLeapMethods -prob 4 -tau 0.001 -nout 1e3 -mc 1 -solver str -pp 0 -ofile MM_str
The solution can be displayed with the Plot_path.m
for licensing information.
- [1] D. T. Gillespie. Exact stochastic simulation of coupled chemical reactions. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 81(25), 1977.
- [2] D. T. Gillespie. Approximate accelerated stochastic simulation of chemically reacting systems. Journal of Chemical Physics, 115(4), 2001.
- [3] Abdulle, A., Gander, L., & Rosilho de Souza, G. Optimal explicit stabilized postprocessed tau-leap method for the simulation of chemical kinetics. arXiv: math.NA/2106.09339, 2021.
- [4] A. Abdulle, Y. Hu, and T. Li. Chebyshev Methods with Discrete Noise: the τ-ROCK Methods. Journal of Computational Mathematics, 28(2), 2010.
- [5] M. Rathinam, L. R. Petzold, Y. Cao, and D. T. Gillespie. Stiffness in stochastic chemically reacting systems: The implicit tau-leaping method. Journal of Chemical Physics, 119(24), 2003.
- [6] Y. Cao, L. R. Petzold, M. Rathinam, and D. T. Gillespie. The numerical stability of leaping methods for stochastic simulation of chemically reacting systems. Journal of Chemical Physics, 121(24), 2004.
- [7] C. B. Hammouda, A. Moraes, and R. Tempone. Multilevel hybrid split-step implicit tau-leap. Numerical Algorithms, 74(2), 2017.
- [8] Y. Yang, M. Rathinam, and J. Shen. Integral tau methods for stiff stochastic chemical systems. Journal of Chemical Physics, 134(4), 2011.
- [9] M. Rathinam, L. R. Petzold, Y. Cao, and D. T. Gillespie. Consistency and Stability of Tau-Leaping Schemes. Multiscale Model. Simul., 4(3), 2005.
- [10] Hu, Y., Abdulle, A., & Li, T.. Boosted hybrid method for solving chemical reaction systems with multiple scales in time and population size. Communications in Computational Physics, 12(4), 2012.