Daniele Grandi
Fabian Riquelme
. ├─ data # Data folder and preprocessing code │ ├─ extract_text_data.py # Takes the raw ABC data and extracts the `assembly names` and `part names` │ ├─ clean_names.py # Takes the output of `extract_text_data.py` and peforms some cleaning and preprocessing steps, and EDA │ └─ Exploratory_analysis.ipynb # EDA | ├─ assembly_name_prediction │ ├─ assembly_name_prediction.ipnyb # Notebook containing all relevant experiments for the assembly name prediction task │ └─ fine_tuning # Code to perform language modeling pre-training using MLM method, copied from the Huggingface repo │ ├─ sentence_pair_classification │ └─ sentence_pair_classification.ipnyb # Notebook containing all relevant experiments for the sentence-pair binary classification task │ └─ W266_Final_Project.pdf # Final paper