Hello, here I am generating 2-CNF boolean functions by encoding the search for them as a SAT problem. I am currently using Z3Py (Python Interface for Z3 Solver) for generating satisfying assingments.
Head over to Z3's github page and download the zip file
unzip the folder in local machine
In the root directory of the folder, type
python scripts/mk_make.py --prefix=*path to home directory* --python
Now you could possibly face make exceptions/errors stating "C++ compiler not found" and "C compiler not found". In such a situation you need to set the CXX and CC environment variable. You could do it by:
- First locate where g++ and gcc is sitting in your machine:
whereis g++
whereis gcc
- Select the 'usr' path and type (for g++ compiler):
$~ CXX=/path/to/g++/compiler $~ export CXX
for gcc compiler:
$~ CC=/path/to/gcc/compiler $~ export CC
cd build
sudo make install