A library to interact with Amazon's AWS CloudSearch API.
- PHP 5+
- cURL extension
- AWS account
- CloudSearch domain
For detailed instructions, check out Making Amazon CloudSearch API Requests.
curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install
Require "markwilson/awscloudsearchphp" in your composer.json:-
"require": {
"markwilson/awscloudsearchphp": "dev-master"
Pass your CloudSearch domain and server location to initialise the class:-
$loader = require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$cloudSearch = new \AwsCloudSearch\AwsCloudSearch(<domain>, <server location>);
// search domain's indexed documents
$cloudSearch->setReturnFields(<array of fields in storage>);
$response = $cloudSearch->search(<term>, <additional parameters>);
if ($response->wasSuccessful()) {
else {
// add/update/delete array of documents
$documents = array();
$document = new \AwsCloudSearch\Document\AddDocument(<id>, <version>, <lang=en>, <fields array>);
$documents[] = $document;
$response = $cloudSearch->processDocuments($documents);
if ($response->wasSuccesful()) {
echo $response;
else {
Documents must be formatted to the Search Data Format (SDF).
- Error handling
- Initialise CloudSearch indexing
- Complete Response classes
- PHPDoc blocks
- Send documents in blocks rather than attempting all at once
- Handle HTML error response - e.g. 403 Forbidden
- Improve search and rank configuration - move to an object rather array
If you need help or have questions, please contact Mark Wilson.
Inspiration from awsCloudSearchPHP by Greg Avola.