Make movies in UCSF Chimera using python scripts.
To Install:
- First, download and install UCSF Chimera.
- Run it once before installing the plugin; on some platforms, e.g. MacOS, you may see a warning message on first run which you have to accept. This may prevent further issues after adding the plugin.
- On Windows, install to your home folder rather than to "Program Files". In the latter, the OS may not allow further modifications, i.e. adding this plugin.
- Download latest version of the BioMovie plugin.
- In a terminal, navigate to where the file was downloaded, then execute the following commands (replacing #_# with latest version number):
- unzip
- cd biomovie_#.#
- python [path to Chimera]
- python ~/Desktop/
Note that on Windows, you may use the python bundled with Chimera itself, so the third command would be
- [path to Chimera]\bin\python [path to Chimera]
To Run:
* On Mac OS, an error message may be shown on first run after installing, see here for solution.