npm install nody-http --save
has `nody as peerDependency, so be sure to install it too
var nhttp = require('nody-http')
var http = require(http)
//create server
var httpServer = http.createServer()
nhttp.server( httpServer )
.pipe( anotherNodyStream )
var router = nhttp.router()
nhttp.server( httpServer )
.pipe( router )
router.route('/allMethods', otherStream)
router.route('GET /aGetPath/:withParams', getStream)
router.route(matchingFunction, getStream)
The router works quite like the nody.cond stream, only it accepts strings, regular expressions and functions as first parameter and transforms them into a matcher function. .route()
, which you should use instead of pipe, returns the provided target stream, so you can chain further processing right here.
Unlike a cond stream the router will respond to the client with HTTP code 404. To prevent or customize this behaviour, you can call .route()
method with only a stream. This will be used as a catch all route.
//TODO: Experimental nody-http is compatible with almost every Connect middleware by default. Just pass a middleware function to a nody.node as processor:
var staticAssets = require('connect-static')
nhttp.pipe( nody.node( staticAssets() ) )