A central repository for python utility functions and everything that deals with the graphsense backend. Its CLI interface can be used to control important graphsense maintainance tasks.
Access the graphsense cassandra db. This requires a graphsense config (see Modules/Config)
from graphsenselib.db import DbFactory
env, currency = "test", "btc"
with DbFactory().from_config(env, currency) as db:
Alternatively, the database can also be accessed without relying on the graphsense config file.
from graphsenselib.db import DbFactory
with DbFactory().from_name(
cassandra_nodes = ["test.cassandra1", "test.cassandra2"]
) as db:
Graphsenslib exposes a commandline interface - graphsence-cli.
Help can be viewed by:
> graphsense-cli --help
Usage: graphsense-cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Commandline interface of graphsense-lib
graphsense-cli exposes many tools and features to manager your graphsense
crypto-analytics database.
-v, --verbose One v for warning, two for info etc.
--help Show this message and exit.
config Inspect the current configuration of graphsenselib.
convert Useful file convertions tools for the graphsense...
db Query related functions.
delta-update Updating the transformed keyspace from the raw keyspace.
exchange-rates Fetching and ingesting exchange rates.
ingest Ingesting raw cryptocurrency data from nodes into the...
monitoring Tools to monitor the graphsense infrastructure.
schema Creating and validating the db schema.
version Display the current version.
watch Commands for permanently watching cryptocurrency events.
GraphSense - https://graphsense.github.io/
Assess the current database state.
> graphsense-cli db --help
Usage: graphsense-cli db [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
DB-management related functions.
--help Show this message and exit.
block Special db query functions regarding blocks.
logs Special db query functions regarding logs.
state Summary Prints the current state of the graphsense database.
Extracting and validating the current database schema.
> graphsense-cli schema --help
Usage: graphsense-cli schema [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Creating and validating the db schema.
--help Show this message and exit.
create Creates the necessary graphsense tables in Cassandra.
show-by-currency Prints the current db schema expected from
show-by-schema-type Prints the current db schema expected from
validate Validates if the expected schema matches the database.
Loading raw data from cryptocurrency nodes into the graphsense raw keyspace.
> graphsense-cli ingest --help
Usage: graphsense-cli ingest [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Ingesting raw cryptocurrency data from nodes into the graphsense database
--help Show this message and exit.
from-node Ingests cryptocurrency data form the client/node to the...
Updates the data in the transformed keyspace based on the raw keyspace
> graphsense-cli delta-update --help
Usage: graphsense-cli delta-update [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Updating the transformed keyspace from the raw keyspace.
--help Show this message and exit.
patch-exchange-rates Rewrites the transformed exchange rate at a...
status Shows the status of the delta updater.
update Updates transformed from raw, if possible.
validate Validates the current delta update status and its...
Fetches exchange_rates from different sources and adds them to the database.
> graphsense-cli exchange-rates --help
Usage: graphsense-cli exchange-rates [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Fetching and ingesting exchange rates.
--help Show this message and exit.
coindesk From coindesk.
coinmarketcap From coinmarketcap.
Shows the currently used configuration. Configurations reside per default in ~/graphsense.yaml. It contains the cassandra and keyspace configurations for different environments. A template config can be generated via graphsense-cli config template
> graphsense-cli config --help
Usage: graphsense-cli config [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Inspect the current configuration of graphsenselib.
--help Show this message and exit.
path Prints the path where the config is loaded from.
show Prints the configuration used in the environment.
template Generates a configuration template.
Helpful functions to keep an eye on the state and health of your graphsense database state.
> graphsense-cli monitoring --help
Usage: graphsense-cli monitoring [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Tools to monitor the graphsense infrastructure.
--help Show this message and exit.
get-summary Receives a summary record of the current database state.
notify Sends a message to the configured handlers (e.g. a slack
channel) by topic.
Provides functions to generate notifications on cryptocurrency events like value flows on certain addresses.
> graphsense-cli watch --help
Usage: graphsense-cli watch [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Commands for permanently watching cryptocurrency events.
--help Show this message and exit.
money-flows Watches for movements money flows and generates...
To install the package from the python package index run.
> pip install graphsense-lib
If you want to install it from source run
> make install
> pip install .
Caution: python 3.11 is currently not supported. Please use python3.10
it is advised to use a virtual environment (venv) for development. Run the following command to initialize one
> python3 -m venv .venv
and activate it (in bash) using
> source .venv/bin/activate
For more information refer to (venv). Run
> make dev
to initialize the dev environment. If you want to install graphsenselib in development mode run
> make install-dev
Before committing anything to the repository please format, lint and test your code in that order. Fix all linter warnings and make sure all test are passing before a commit.
Use the following commands for that:
> make format
> make lint
> make test
or equivalently run
> make pre-commit
Some slow tests are excluded when running make test. Occasionally, one should run
> make test-all
to run the entire test-suite.
Linting and formatting should be automatically executed on every git commit using pre-commit.
To create the documentation please run:
> make docs
Creating the docs need python dev dependencies to build see (Stackoverflow)
To tag a new release please update the changelog first. Afterwards, update the Version numbers RELEASESEM and RELEASE in the main Makefile.
To apply the tags run
> make tag-version
Some components used by graphsense-lib use OpenSSL, to provide certain hash functions. Since OpenSSL 3.0 some hash functions needed are not available anymore by default (e.g. ripemd160). This leads to errors while running the test suite. To avoid these errors, enable legacy providers in the OpenSSL config. An example of the necessary changes can be found in the "fix openssl legacy mode" step in .github/workflows/run_tests.yaml