Each of the above folder is a source of verifyable information linking a cryptocurrency wallet to an entity. These sources are public sanctions lists as well as other publicly advertised lists published by service providers.
These lists help investigators make links between addresses and entities but absolutely need to be verified prior to prosecution. Each of the folder contains the necessary scripts to scrape the contents and build datasets that may be used to automate these purposes.
In investigating Cryptocurrencies and Virtual Assets, attribution is key. A TagPack contains information about the actors owning the asset and where this information was found.
This repository contains codes to convert public information regarding tagged virtual assets to the GraphSense TagPacks format.
Please refer to the READMEs in each folder to use the converters.
Works with Python3.
Requires Python tools: regex (re), PyYAML (yaml), and requests (requests).
Python tools datetime and json should already be installed.
These are typically installed with pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Prior to working on this repository and its contents, please make sure your agree to our disclaimer
This repository only contains the code, not the police data. Please do not store your TagPack(s) in this repository.
Please let us know by opening an Issue if you want to suggest a new feature or data source or find a bug.