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Merge pull request #218 from granule-project/dev-minor
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v0.9.4.0 release merge
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dorchard committed Jul 24, 2023
2 parents 6df2ed0 + 7e56421 commit f6e378d
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Showing 259 changed files with 9,379 additions and 2,075 deletions.
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@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
--- Module: Choice
--- Description: A datatype with two elements. The only way to consume it is by either
--- choosing the first or the second element. You must choose exactly one.
--- Description: A datatype with two elements. The only way to consume it is by either choosing the first or the second element. You must choose exactly one.
--- Authors: Vilem-Benjamin Liepelt
--- License: BSD3
--- Copyright: (c) Authors 2018
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
--- Module: Coffee
--- Description: Coffee data type for uniqueness examples
--- Authors: Daniel Marshall, Dominic Orchard
--- License: BSD3
--- Copyright: (c) Authors 2022
--- Issue-tracking:
--- Repository:

module Coffee hiding (Coffee, Awake) where

data Coffee = Coffee
data Awake = Awake

drink : Coffee -> Awake
drink Coffee = Awake

keep : Coffee -> Coffee
keep x = x

sip : *Coffee (Coffee, Awake)
sip fresh = let !coffee = share fresh in (keep coffee, drink coffee)
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Expand Up @@ -12,12 +12,14 @@ module Either where

data Either a b where Left a | Right b

--- Distribute a graded modality inside Either
-- TODO: latest version can generalise this to `c : k, k : Semiring`
pushEither : forall {a : Type, b : Type, c : Nat} . {c <= 1} =>
(Either a b) [c] -> Either (a [c]) (b [c])
pushEither [Left x] = Left [x];
pushEither [Right y] = Right [y]

--- Distrbute a graded modality outside Either
pullEither : forall {a : Type, b : Type, c : Nat}
. Either (a [c]) (b [c]) -> (Either a b) [c]
pullEither (Left [y]) = [Left y];
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ module File where

import Maybe

readMany : Int Handle R (Handle R, String) <IO>
--- Read a string of a specified length from a file
readMany : Int Handle R (Handle R, String) <IO>
readMany 0 h = pure (h, "");
readMany n h =
let (h, c) readChar h;
Expand All @@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ auxiliaryReadFile h rest = let
False -> let
(h, c) <- readChar h in auxiliaryReadFile h (stringSnoc rest c)

--- Given a filename, open the file, read it all in, and close it
readFile : String -> String <{Open, Read, Close, IOExcept}>
readFile fileName = let
h <- openHandle ReadMode fileName;
Expand All @@ -28,11 +30,12 @@ readFile fileName = let
auxiliaryWriteFile : Handle W -> String -> (Handle W) <{Write, IOExcept}>
auxiliaryWriteFile h rest =
case stringUncons rest of
None -> pure h;
Some (c, rest) -> let
Nothing -> pure h;
Just (c, rest) -> let
h <- writeChar h c
in auxiliaryWriteFile h rest

--- Given a filename, and a string, open the file, write the string, and close
writeFile : String -> String -> () <{Open, Write, Close, IOExcept}>
writeFile fileName fileData = let
h <- openHandle WriteMode fileName;
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Expand Up @@ -12,20 +12,21 @@ module Fin where

import Nat

--- Representation of a number bounded above by `n`
data Fin : Nat -> Type where
FZ : forall {k : Nat} . Fin (k + 1);
FS : forall {k : Nat} . Fin k -> Fin (k + 1)

-- If m < n then (x in Fin m) -> (x in Fin n)
--- If m < n then (x in Fin m) -> (x in Fin n)
upcast : forall {n : Nat, m : Nat} . {m .<= n} => Fin m -> Fin n
upcast FZ = FZ;
upcast (FS n) = FS (upcast n)

-- Map from a natural number into the finite set one bigger than it
--- Map from a natural number into the finite set one bigger than it
fromN : forall {n : Nat, m : Nat} . N n -> Fin (n + 1)
fromN Z = FZ;
fromN (S n) = FS (fromN n)

-- Map from a natural number into a finite set that is arbitrarily bigger than it
--- Map from a natural number into a finite set that is arbitrarily bigger than it
fromNInto : forall {n : Nat, m : Nat} . {m >= 1} => N n -> Fin (n + m)
fromNInto n = upcast (fromN n)
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Expand Up @@ -16,52 +16,57 @@ import Bool

data List a where Empty; Next a (List a)

-- Length function must ignore the elements
--- Append two lists
append_list : forall {a : Type} . List a -> List a -> List a
append_list xs ys = case xs of
Empty -> ys;
Next x xs -> Next x (append_list xs ys)

--- Make a singleton list
singleton_list : forall {a : Type} . a -> List a
singleton_list x = Next x Empty

--- Length function must ignore the elements
length_list : forall {a : Type} . List (a [0]) -> Int
length_list xs =
case xs of
Empty -> 0;
(Next [_] xs) -> 1 + length_list xs

-- Map function for lists
--- Map function for lists
lmap : forall {a : Type, b : Type}
. (a -> b) [0..∞] -> List a -> List b
lmap [f] Empty = Empty;
lmap [f] (Next x xs) = Next (f x) (lmap [f] xs)

-- Lookup function
--- Lookup function
lookupBy : forall {a : Type, b : Type}
. (a -> a -> Bool) [0..∞] -> a [0..∞] -> (List (a, b)) [0..1] -> Maybe b
lookupBy [p] [k] [Empty] = None;
lookupBy [p] [k] [Empty] = Nothing;
lookupBy [p] [k] [Next (k', v) xs] =
if p k k' then Some v else lookupBy [p] [k] [xs]
if p k k' then Just v else lookupBy [p] [k] [xs]

-- Safe head function
--- Safe head function
head_list : forall {a : Type} . (List a) [0..1] -> Result a
head_list xs =
case xs of
[Empty] -> Failed ["Empty list!"];
[(Next x _)] -> Ok x

--- Foldr on lists
foldr_list : forall {a : Type, b : Type}
. (a -> b -> b) [0..∞] -> b -> List a -> b
foldr_list [f] z xs =
case xs of
Empty -> z;
Next x xs -> f x (foldr_list [f] z xs)

--- Push a graded modality inside a list (defined as `push @List`)
pushList : forall {s : Semiring, r : s, a : Type}
. {(1 : s) <= r} => (List a) [r] -> List (a [r])
pushList = push @List

--- Pull a graded modality out of a list (defined as `pull @List`)
pullList : forall {s : Semiring, r : s, a : Type}
. List (a [r]) -> (List a) [r]
pullList = pull @List

append_list : forall {a : Type} . List a -> List a -> List a
append_list xs ys = case xs of
Empty -> ys;
Next x xs -> Next x (append_list xs ys)

singleton_list : forall {a : Type} . a -> List a
singleton_list x = Next x Empty
pullList = pull @List
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Expand Up @@ -13,39 +13,40 @@ module Maybe where
import Bool

--- Type-safe null; wrap a computation that could fail
data Maybe a = None | Some a
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

--- The maybe function takes a default value, a function, and a Maybe value.
--- If the Maybe value is None, the function returns the default value.
--- Otherwise, it applies the function to the value inside the Some and
-- returns the result.
--- If the Maybe value is Nothing, the function returns the default value.
--- Otherwise, it applies the function to the value inside the Just and
--- returns the result.
maybe : forall {a : Type, b : Type}
. b [0..1] -> (a -> b) [0..1] -> Maybe a -> b
maybe [d] [_] None = d;
maybe [_] [f] (Some x) = f x
maybe [d] [_] Nothing = d;
maybe [_] [f] (Just x) = f x

-- Monady interface for Maybe
--- Monad interface for Maybe
returnMb : forall {a : Type} . a -> Maybe a
returnMb = Some
returnMb = Just

--- Monad interface for Maybe
bindMb : forall {a : Type, b : Type}
. Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) [0..1] -> Maybe b
bindMb None [_] = None;
bindMb (Some x) [k] = k x
bindMb Nothing [_] = Nothing;
bindMb (Just x) [k] = k x

--- The fromMaybe function takes a default value and and Maybe value. If the
-- Maybe is None, it returns the default values; otherwise, it returns the value
-- Maybe is Nothing, it returns the default values; otherwise, it returns the value
-- contained in the Maybe.
fromMaybe : forall {a : Type}
. a [0..1] -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe [d] None = d;
fromMaybe [_] (Some x) = x
fromMaybe [d] Nothing = d;
fromMaybe [_] (Just x) = x

--- Whether a `Maybe a` value is `Some a`
isSome : forall {a : Type} . Maybe (a [0]) -> Bool
isSome None = False;
isSome (Some [_]) = True
--- Whether a `Maybe a` value is `Just a`
isJust : forall {a : Type} . Maybe (a [0]) -> Bool
isJust Nothing = False;
isJust (Just [_]) = True

--- Whether a `Maybe a` value is `None`
isNone : forall {a : Type} . Maybe (a [0]) -> Bool
isNone m = not (isSome m)
--- Whether a `Maybe a` value is `Nothing`
isNothing : forall {a : Type} . Maybe (a [0]) -> Bool
isNothing m = not (isJust m)
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Expand Up @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ module Parallel where

import List

-- basic parallel combinator (defined in terms of linear channels)
-- `par` expects two thunks, `f` and `g`, and returns their resulting values in a pair
--- basic parallel combinator (defined in terms of linear channels)
--- `par` expects two thunks, `f` and `g`, and returns their resulting values in a pair
par : forall {a : Type, b : Type} . (() -> a) -> (() -> b) -> (a, b)
par f g = let c = forkLinear (\c' -> close (send c' (f ()))); -- compute f in new thread
b = g (); -- compute g in current thread
Expand All @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ par f g = let c = forkLinear (\c' -> close (send c' (f ()))); -- compute f in n
_ = close c'
in (a, b)

-- parallel combinator for lists of computations
-- `parList` expects a list of thunks, and returns a list of values (computed in parallel)
--- parallel combinator for lists of computations
--- `parList` expects a list of thunks, and returns a list of values (computed in parallel)
parList : forall {a : Type} . List (() -> a) -> List a
parList lst =
case lst of
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Expand Up @@ -51,18 +51,18 @@ if0 g [x] [y] =

--- # Numeric functions and constants

-- Given some n, return
-- + 1 iff n is positive
-- + -1 iff n is negative
-- + 0 otherwise
--- Given some n, return
--- + 1 iff n is positive
--- + -1 iff n is negative
--- + 0 otherwise
sign : Int [1..2] -> Int
sign [x] = if x > 0 then 1 else if x < 0 then -1 else 0

--- An approximation of pi
pi : Float
pi = 3.141592653589793

-- An approximation of Euler's number
--- An approximation of Euler's number
e : Float
e = 2.718281828459045

Expand All @@ -86,33 +86,38 @@ uncurry : forall {a : Type, b : Type, c : Type} .
(a -> b -> c) -> (a × b -> c)
uncurry f (x, y) = f x y

--- # Coeffect-polymorphic combinators
--- # Semiring-polymorphic combinators

--- Coeffectful composition
comp : forall {k : Coeffect, n : k, m : k, a : Type, b : Type, c : Type} .
(b [n] -> c) -> (a [m] -> b) [n] -> a [n * m] -> c
comp g [f] = \[x] -> g [f [x]]

--- Graded necessity is an applicative functor
boxmap : forall {a b : Type, s : Semiring, r : s} . (a -> b) [r] -> a [r] -> b [r]
boxmap [f] [x] = [f x]

unbox : forall {a : Type, k : Semiring} . a [1 : k] -> a
unbox [x] = x

--- 'Comultiplication' operation showing that graded necessity is a graded comonad
disject : forall {a : Type, k : Semiring, n : k, m : k} . a [m * n] -> (a [n]) [m]
disject [x] = [[x]]

--- 'Counit' operation showing that graded necessity is a graded comonad
extract : forall {a : Type, s : Semiring, r : s} . {(1 : s) <= r} => a [r] -> a
extract [x] = x

--- Push coeffects on a pair into the left and right elements
-- pushPair : forall {a : Type, b : Type, k : Coeffect, c : k} . {(Hsup c c) == c} => (a × b) [c] -> a [c] × b [c]
-- pushPair [(x, y)] = ([x], [y])
--- Push coeffects on a pair into the left and right elements. A distributive
--- law of graded necessity over products. Note however that this is not always
--- defined: the operation {c ⨱ c} is partial and is only defined if the semiring
--- `k` permits this behaviour at `c`. (An example of a semiring where this is not true
--- is for `k = LNL` and `c = 1`).
pushPair : forall {a : Type, b : Type, k : Coeffect, c : k} . {c ⨱ c} => (a × b) [c] -> a [c] × b [c]
pushPair [(x, y)] = ([x], [y])

--- Pull coeffects of pair elements up to the pair
pullPair : {a : Type, b : Type, k : Coeffect, n : k, m : k} . (a [n], b [m]) (a, b) [n ∧ m]
--- Pull coeffects of pair elements outside of the pair
pullPair : {a : Type, b : Type, k : Coeffect, n : k} . (a [n], b [n]) (a, b) [n]
pullPair = pull @(,)

--- Generic copying of a value into a pair
copy : forall {a : Type, s : Semiring} . a [(1 + 1):s] -> (a, a)
copy [x] = (x, x)

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Expand Up @@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ fromResult [default] result =
(Failed [_]) -> default;
(Ok x) -> x

-- Monady interface for Result
--- Monady interface for Result
return_res : forall {a : Type} . a -> Result a
return_res = Ok

--- Monady interface for Result
bind_res : forall {a : Type, b : Type}
. Result a -> (a -> Result b) [0..1] -> Result b
bind_res m [k] =
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Expand Up @@ -3,12 +3,16 @@ module Stack where
-- Use vectors to implement stacks
import Vec

--- Pop most recently added item from the stack
pop : forall {n : Nat, a : Type} . Vec (n+1) a -> (a, Vec n a)
pop = uncons

--- Push item onto the stack
push : forall {n : Nat, a : Type} . a -> Vec n a -> Vec (n+1) a
push = Cons

--- Pop the most recent item from the stack without removing it
peek : forall {n : Nat, a : Type} . (Vec (n+1) a) [1..2] -> (a, Vec (n+1) a)
peek [Cons x xs] = (x, Cons x xs)

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