.NET 7.0, ASP.NET Core Web API, Minimal Api, Distributed Cache, Docker, MSTest, Moq, RESTful API, HackerNews
- Developer Coding Test
- Observations
- Assumptions
- The Solution
- How to run the application
- OpenAPI definition for Best Stories API
- Implementation Details
- Testing
- If I had more time
Using ASP.NET Core, implement a RESTful API to retrieve the details of the best n stories from the Hacker News API, as determined by their score, where n is specified by the caller to the API.
The Hacker News API is documented here: https://github.com/HackerNews/API.
The IDs for the stories can be retrieved from this URI: https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/beststories.json.
The details for an individual story ID can be retrieved from this URI: https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/21233041.json (in this case for the story with ID 21233041 )
The API should return an array of the best n stories as returned by the Hacker News API in descending order of score, in the form:
"title": "A uBlock Origin update was rejected from the Chrome Web Store",
"uri": "https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/745",
"postedBy": "ismaildonmez",
"time": "2019-10-12T13:43:01+00:00",
"score": 1716,
"commentCount": 572
{ ... },
{ ... },
{ ... },
In addition to the above, your API should be able to efficiently service large numbers of requests without risking overloading of the Hacker News API.
You should share a public repository with us, that should include a README.md file which describes how to run the application, any assumptions you have made, and any enhancements or changes you would make, given the time.
I conducted a simple test, first calling the Hacker News API endpoint to fetch the IDs for best stories, followed by calling the endpoint to fetch each story. These steps were repeated at 5 second intervals over a period of time.
I observed the beststories
endpoint consistently returns 200 IDs, which appear to have been sorted by score in descending order. However, a story’s score is subject to change by the time the story has been fetched by calling the endpoint for individual stories, passing in the story’s ID.
- There is no way to subscribe to score changes in stories.
- Consumers of Best Stories API will not be authenticated. The API will be open to the public like the Hacker News API.
- There is no rate limit on Hacker News API endpoints, so no need to "back off" periodically.
Because of the indeterminate way each story’s score can be updated, after obtaining the IDs from the beststories
endpoint, each story will be fetched, to obtain it's latest score. This currently results in a total of 201 requests to Hacker News API, one request for the collection containing 200 best story IDs, followed by request for each of the 200 stories.
To efficiently service large numbers of requests without risking overloading of the Hacker News API, the results will be cached in a distributed cache, with an expiry time.
I have taken the approach of having a second API, whose sole responsibility is to co-ordinate recycling the cached stories. Concurrent requests to recycle the cache will await a semaphore, where only the first one will be allowed to call Hacker News API to re-build the cache.
An alternative approach would be to employ a distributed locking mechanism, should the distributed cache support it. This demonstration uses Distributed Memory Cache, which does not support distributed locking.
After the stories have been cached, subsequent requests will simply retrieve the cached stories and return the top n specified by the caller, until the cached stories expire and are flushed from the cache.
The first request after the cached stories have expired will fetch an updated collection of best stories from the Hacker News API and cache them.
Prior to persisting the stories in the cache, they will be sorted in descending order of score. The total number of stories persisted will be determined by the CacheMaxSize
The life of the cached stories will be determined by the CacheExpiryInSeconds
private async Task<IEnumerable<Story>> PersistStoriesToCacheAsync(IEnumerable<Story> stories)
IEnumerable<Story> rankedStoriesToCache =
stories.OrderByDescending(s => s.score)
DateTimeOffset expires = DateTimeOffset.Now.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_bestStoriesCacheConfiguration.CacheExpiryInSeconds));
byte[] storiesToCache = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonSerializer.Serialize(rankedStoriesToCache));
await _distributedCache.SetAsync(
new DistributedCacheEntryOptions { AbsoluteExpiration = expires })
return rankedStoriesToCache;
Clone the repository and open the solution BestStories.sln in Visual Studio.
Note this requires Docker Desktop to be installed.
Run the following command docker network inspect bridge
to obtain the Gateway IP address of the Docker host.
Update the BestStoriesCacheAPI url in the BestStoriesAPI's appsettings.Development.json with the Gateway IP address of the Docker host.
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
"BestStoriesConfiguration": {
"BestStoriesCacheAPI": "https://[Gateway IP address]:7157",
"DefaultCacheMaxSize": 200
Open the solution properties window, select Single startup project
and select docker-compose
in the dropdown.
Compile the solution, and start running by pressing F5
The default url for Best Stories API is https://localhost:7240
Send a request to the Best Stories API using postman or a browser, such as chrome e.g. https://localhost:7240/getbeststories/200
If you do not have Docker Desktop installed you can run both Best Stories API and Best Stories Cache API as multiple startup projects.
In Solution explorer, right-click on docker project ("docker compose") and select "Unload project". Delete the Dockerfile
from both Best Stories API and Best Stories Cache API projects.
Open the solution properties window, select Multiple startup projects
and set the action to both Best Stories API and Best Stories Cache API projects to Start
Compile the solution, and start running by pressing F5
Exposing the generated OpenAPI definition for the getbeststories
To retrieve the details of the best n stories from the distributed cache, the consumer will call the getbeststories/{count:int}
minimal API endpoint, specifying the number of stories required.
The flow for Best Stories API is follows:
- First check if the cache has been populated, if yes return the required stories from the cache.
- Second, if the cache is empty (previously cached values have expired), send a request to Best Stories Cache API to recycle the cache.
- Finally, when Best Stories Cache API returns the required stories from the freshly recycled cache, return them to the consumer.
app.MapGet("getbeststories/{count:int}", BestStoriesEndpoint.GetBestStories)
.WithDescription("The GetBestStories Endpoint")
// Configuration
"BestStoriesConfiguration": {
"BestStoriesCacheAPI": "https://localhost:7157",
"DefaultCacheMaxSize": 200
If a request to Best Story API determines the cached stories have expired, it will send on a request to recycle the cache to Best Stories Cache API, which exposes the recyclecachedstories
minimal API endpoint.
When Best Stories Cache API receives a request to recycle the cache, it will ensure only one request is sent to Hacker News API.
The flow for Best Stories Cache API is follows:
- First check if the cache has been populated, if yes return the required stories from the cache.
- Second, if the cache is empty (previously cached values have expired), enter the semaphore.
- Third, double check if the cache has been poulated, if yes return the required stories from the cache.
- Fourth, fetch the latest best stories from Hacker News API.
- Fifth, persist the stories to the cache, setting the expiry to
. - Finally, return the required stories from the freshly recycled cache.
Note any requests awaiting the semaphore will now enter it to find the cache has already been recycled, and will simply return the required stories from the freshly recycled cache.
app.MapGet("recyclecachedstories/{count:int}", BestStoriesCacheEndpoint.GetBestStories)
.WithDescription("The Get Best Cached Stories Endpoint")
// Configuration
"BestStoriesConfiguration": {
"HackerNewsApi": "https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/",
"CacheMaxSize": 200,
"CacheExpiryInSeconds": 10
Distributed caching was chosen for performance and scalability, especially if Best Stories API is hosted by a cloud service or a server farm.
The current implementation for distributed caching is DistributedCache, managing concurrent requests to recycle the cache using await SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync()
, ensuring only the first request fetches the latest best stories from Hacker News API, and persists them to the distributed cache. All subsequent requests will await
, until they finally enter the semephore, by which time the cache will already be populated, so they retrieve their stories directly from the cache and return.
Distributed Memory Cache is used for development and testing purposes, or in single server scenarios.
In a production environment, the distributed cache should be configured for an appropriate caching service e.g. Redis.
Both Best Stories API and Best Stories Cache API use endpoint filters to validate their consumers provide a valid number between 1 and the specified CacheMaxSize
The CacheMaxSize
is set in the IDistributedCache
by Best Stories Cache API at startup. After setting the CacheMaxSize
in the IDistributedCache
at startup, the Best Stories Cache API's own validation filter will continue to use it's local copy of CacheMaxSize
rather than make a call to IDistributedCache
The Best Stories API's validation filter will get the CacheMaxSize
from IDistributedCache
. If it is unavailable, it wall fall back to it's own DefaultCacheMaxSize
set in it's appsettings.json.
- Implement authentication between Best Stories API and Best Stories Cache API to restrict access to Best Stories Cache API i.e. Best Stories API remains open to requests from the public, however, Best Stories Cache API will only accept requests from Best Stories API.
- Load/stress testing.