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ExAbby is a minimal A/B testing library for Elixir/Phoenix.

Caveat: This was created primarily over a weekend with the help of Chat GPT/Claude. The code is working but still needs a lot of cleanup and optimizations, which I'll do as I run into problems. As it stands, it is working under low load in production settings providing a super easy way to AB test Phoenix and Liveview using assigns.

Why Ex Abby?

I have found there are no super simple ways to get ab testing working for smaller sites in Elixir. You have to pay $$ or use a complex system. And everything has moved to feature tagging. This experiment framework is based on something we built in-house for a previous company that reached virality co-efficients of 1.0 a few times. And the goal is to make it super easy to use in Liveview environments.

This is really early and the API is 100% likely to change. Feedback is appreciated!

It supports:

  • Ecto-based storage (Experiments, Variations, Trials)
  • Session-based or User-based assignment
  • Weighted randomization
  • Recording success events
  • LiveView helpers (checking connected?/1 and storing assigned variation)
  • Admin LiveViews
  • Upserting experiments/variations with optional weight updates
  • Reviewing results over different time periods.
  • ability to toggle variations by user or session for testing

Coming in the future

  • armed bandits
  • optimizations / caching
  • auto-archiving / deletion of old entries
  • combining user and session data so you can see how users perform from session-based signup experiments (i.e. how good are the users when you promote how "easy" your product is vs how "amazing" it is).
  • statistical significance
  • better UX of admin screens
  • So much cleanup
  • Likely changes to the API.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation

  2. Configuration

  3. Migrations

  4. Upserting Experiments and Updating Weights

  5. Session Setup

  6. Admin Routes

  7. Usage in Controllers

  8. Usage in LiveView

  9. Production Deployment

  10. Troubleshooting


  1. Add ex_abby as a dependency in your Phoenix (host) app’s mix.exs.

    If it’s a public Hex package (or if you plan to publish it):

    defp deps do
        {:ex_abby, "~> 0.1.0"}

    If it’s a GitHub repo (private or public):

    defp deps do
        {:ex_abby, github: "grahac/ex_abby", tag: "0.1.0"}
  2. Run:

    mix deps.get


In your host app’s config/config.exs (or dev.exs, etc.), set:

config :ex_abby,
  repo: MyApp.Repo

Where MyApp.Repo is your Ecto Repo module.


ExAbby provides Ecto migrations that create three tables:

  • exabby_experiments
  • exabby_variations
  • exabby_trials

In your host app, generate a new migration:

mix ecto.gen.migration create_ex_abby_tables

Open priv/repo/migrations/2025xxxxxx_create_ex_abby_tables.exs, and add:

defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.CreateExAbbyTables do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def up do

  def down do

Then run:

mix ecto.migrate

Upserting Experiments and Updating Weights

If you have a function like:

  "Testing different landing pages",
    {"Original", 1.0},
    {"Variation A", 1.0},
    {"Variation B", 2.0}
  success1_label: "Signup",
  success2_label: "Purchase"


  • If "landing_page_test" does not exist, the library creates a new experiment with that name + description, and 3 variations with the specified weights.
  • If the experiment already exists, we do not change its weights. We update all the other info if
  • you can optionally add labels to label success. This is just for readability and is optional.

Seeding Experiments

Create a file priv/repo/seeds/experiments.exs to define your experiments:

experiments = [
    "Testing different button colors for signup",
      {"control", 0.33},
      {"green", 0.33}, 
      {"blue", 0.33}
    [success1_label: "Signup", success2_label: "Purchase", update_weights: false]

# Seed or update experiments without modifying weights
Enum.each(experiments, fn {name, description, variations, opts} ->
  ExAbby.upsert_experiment_and_update_weights(name, description, variations, opts)

Then in your priv/repo/seeds.exs, add:

Code.require_file("seeds/experiments.exs", __DIR__)

You can run the seeds in different ways:


mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs

Session Setup

To enable session-based A/B testing, add ExAbby.SessionPlug to your endpoint or router pipeline:

# In  your router pipeline (recommended):

pipeline :browser do
  # ... other plugs ...
  plug ExAbby.SessionPlug

# In lib/your_app_web/endpoint.ex
plug Plug.Session,
  store: :cookie,
  key: "_your_app_key",
  signing_salt: "your_signing_salt"

plug ExAbby.SessionPlug

This plug creates a unique "ex_abby_session_id" for tracking A/B test variations across requests.

Admin Routes

ExAbby includes a simple admin interface for viewing and managing experiments. To use it:

  1. Add the routes to your router:
defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
  use MyAppWeb, :router
  import ExAbby.Router  # add this line 

  scope "/admin", MyAppWeb do
    pipe_through [:browser, :admin_auth]
  1. Visit /admin/ab_tests to see a clean, Tailwind-styled interface showing:
    • List of all experiments
    • Experiment details and descriptions
    • Quick links to view individual experiments

Usage in Controllers

Session-based Example

In a controller action (e.g., PageController):

def index(conn, _params) do
  # Single variation example
  {conn, _variation} = ExAbby.get_variation(conn, "landing_page_test")
  # Multiple variations example
  {conn, _variations} = ExAbby.get_variations(conn, ["landing_page_test", "button_color_test"])
  render(conn, "index.html")

def record_conversion(conn, _params) do
  # Single experiment success recording
  ExAbby.record_success(conn, "landing_page_test")
  # Multiple experiment success recording
  ExAbby.record_successes(conn, ["landing_page_test", "button_color_test"])
  # Record with options (works for both single and multiple)
  ExAbby.record_successes(conn, ["landing_page_test", "button_color_test"], 
    amount: 99.99,
    success_type: :success1
  redirect(conn, to: "/thank_you")

User-based Example

If you have a current_user:

def show(conn, _params) do
  user = conn.assigns.current_user
  # Single variation
  variation = ExAbby.get_variation(user, "dashboard_experiment")
  # Multiple variations
  variations = ExAbby.get_variations(user, ["dashboard_experiment", "feature_test"])
  render(conn, "show.html", ab_variations: variations)

def record_dashboard_success(conn, _params) do
  user = conn.assigns.current_user
  # Record multiple successes
  ExAbby.record_successes(user, ["dashboard_experiment", "feature_test"])
  redirect(conn, to: "/thanks")

Usage in LiveView

  1. Ensure your endpoint/pipeline sets up a session and calls ExAbby.SessionPlug or something similar to create "ex_abby_session_id".
  2. In your LiveView:
defmodule MyAppWeb.ButtonTestLive do
  use MyAppWeb, :live_view

  def mount(_params, session, socket) do
    # Get multiple variations at once
    socket = ExAbby.get_variations(socket, session, ["landing_page_test", "button_color_test"])
    {:ok, assign(socket, session: session)}

  def render(assigns) do
    <div class="max-w-md mx-auto mt-10 p-6 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-lg">
      <%= case @ex_abby_trials["landing_page_test"] do %>
        <% "hello_world" -> %>
          <div>Hello World!</div>
        <% _ -> %>
          <div>This is the control</div>
      <% end %>

        Click Me!

  def handle_event("convert", _params, socket) do
    case ExAbby.record_successes(socket, ["landing_page_test", "button_color_test"]) do
      {:ok, _trial} ->
        {:noreply, put_flash(socket, :info, "Conversion recorded!")}
      {:error, _reason} ->
        {:noreply, put_flash(socket, :error, "Failed to record conversion")}

  # Helper function for button styling based on variation
  defp get_button_class("blue"), do: "bg-blue-500 text-white rounded hover:bg-blue-600"
  defp get_button_class("green"), do: "bg-green-500 text-white rounded hover:bg-green-600"
  defp get_button_class(_), do: "bg-gray-500 text-white rounded hover:bg-gray-600"

The variations are stored in @ex_abby_trials as a map where:

  • Keys are experiment names (e.g., "landing_page_test")
  • Values are variation names (e.g., "hello_world", "control")

Recording Conversions with Options

You can record conversions with additional options:

# Record a conversion with an amount
ExAbby.record_success(socket, "button_color_test",
  amount: 100.0,
  success_type: :success2

# Record multiple conversions at once
ExAbby.record_successes(socket, ["landing_page_test", "button_color_test"])

Available options:

  • :amount - Optional numeric value to track with the success (default: 0.0)
  • :success_type - Type of success to record, either :success1 or :success2 (default: :success1)

Production Deployment

ExAbby experiments can be seeded automatically during your migration process.

  1. Update Mix Release Configuration

In your mix.exs, ensure you have the releases configuration:

def releases do
    memoir: [
      include_erts: true,
      include_executables_for: [:unix],
      applications: [runtime_tools: :permanent],
      overlays: ["priv/repo/seeds"]
  1. Add Release Module Function

In lib/your_app/release.ex:

defmodule YourApp.Release do
  # ... existing release module code ...

  def seed_experiments do
    repo = Application.get_env(:ex_abby, :repo)
    {:ok, _, _} = Ecto.Migrator.with_repo(repo, fn _repo ->
      seed_path = Application.app_dir(@app, "priv/repo/seeds/experiments.exs")
  1. Update Migration Script

Your existing rel/overlays/bin/migrate script will now run both migrations and seeds:


./memoir eval "Memoir.Release.migrate"
./memoir eval "Memoir.Release.seed_experiments"

Now your experiments will be automatically seeded whenever you run migrations using:


This will create or update your experiments while preserving existing weights for any experiments that already exist.


  • No Ecto repo configured for :ex_abby
    Add config :ex_abby, repo: MyApp.Repo in your host app’s config.exs.

  • No Experiment Found
    If you see a warning for no experiment found, make sure you have seeded the database wtih experiments nd variations.

Enjoy A/B testing with ExAbby! Feel free to customize it further for bandit algorithms, Bayesian stats, or other advanced features.


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