ExAbby is a minimal A/B testing library for Elixir/Phoenix.
Caveat: This was created primarily over a weekend with the help of Chat GPT/Claude. The code is working but still needs a lot of cleanup and optimizations, which I'll do as I run into problems. As it stands, it is working under low load in production settings providing a super easy way to AB test Phoenix and Liveview using assigns.
I have found there are no super simple ways to get ab testing working for smaller sites in Elixir. You have to pay $$ or use a complex system. And everything has moved to feature tagging. This experiment framework is based on something we built in-house for a previous company that reached virality co-efficients of 1.0 a few times. And the goal is to make it super easy to use in Liveview environments.
This is really early and the API is 100% likely to change. Feedback is appreciated!
It supports:
- Ecto-based storage (Experiments, Variations, Trials)
- Session-based or User-based assignment
- Weighted randomization
- Recording success events
- LiveView helpers (checking
and storing assigned variation) - Admin LiveViews
- Upserting experiments/variations with optional weight updates
- Reviewing results over different time periods.
- ability to toggle variations by user or session for testing
Coming in the future
- armed bandits
- optimizations / caching
- auto-archiving / deletion of old entries
- combining user and session data so you can see how users perform from session-based signup experiments (i.e. how good are the users when you promote how "easy" your product is vs how "amazing" it is).
- statistical significance
- better UX of admin screens
- So much cleanup
- Likely changes to the API.
as a dependency in your Phoenix (host) app’smix.exs
.If it’s a public Hex package (or if you plan to publish it):
defp deps do [ {:ex_abby, "~> 0.1.0"} ] end
If it’s a GitHub repo (private or public):
defp deps do [ {:ex_abby, github: "grahac/ex_abby", tag: "0.1.0"} ] end
mix deps.get
In your host app’s config/config.exs
(or dev.exs
, etc.), set:
config :ex_abby,
repo: MyApp.Repo
Where MyApp.Repo
is your Ecto Repo module.
ExAbby provides Ecto migrations that create three tables:
In your host app, generate a new migration:
mix ecto.gen.migration create_ex_abby_tables
Open priv/repo/migrations/2025xxxxxx_create_ex_abby_tables.exs
, and add:
defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.CreateExAbbyTables do
use Ecto.Migration
def up do
def down do
Then run:
mix ecto.migrate
If you have a function like:
"Testing different landing pages",
{"Original", 1.0},
{"Variation A", 1.0},
{"Variation B", 2.0}
success1_label: "Signup",
success2_label: "Purchase"
- If
does not exist, the library creates a new experiment with that name + description, and 3 variations with the specified weights. - If the experiment already exists, we do not change its weights. We update all the other info if
- you can optionally add labels to label success. This is just for readability and is optional.
Create a file priv/repo/seeds/experiments.exs
to define your experiments:
experiments = [
"Testing different button colors for signup",
{"control", 0.33},
{"green", 0.33},
{"blue", 0.33}
[success1_label: "Signup", success2_label: "Purchase", update_weights: false]
# Seed or update experiments without modifying weights
Enum.each(experiments, fn {name, description, variations, opts} ->
ExAbby.upsert_experiment_and_update_weights(name, description, variations, opts)
Then in your priv/repo/seeds.exs
, add:
Code.require_file("seeds/experiments.exs", __DIR__)
You can run the seeds in different ways:
mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
To enable session-based A/B testing, add ExAbby.SessionPlug
to your endpoint or router pipeline:
# In your router pipeline (recommended):
pipeline :browser do
# ... other plugs ...
plug ExAbby.SessionPlug
# In lib/your_app_web/endpoint.ex
plug Plug.Session,
store: :cookie,
key: "_your_app_key",
signing_salt: "your_signing_salt"
plug ExAbby.SessionPlug
ExAbby includes a simple admin interface for viewing and managing experiments. To use it:
- Add the routes to your router:
defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
use MyAppWeb, :router
import ExAbby.Router # add this line
scope "/admin", MyAppWeb do
pipe_through [:browser, :admin_auth]
- Visit
to see a clean, Tailwind-styled interface showing:- List of all experiments
- Experiment details and descriptions
- Quick links to view individual experiments
In a controller action (e.g., PageController
def index(conn, _params) do
# Single variation example
{conn, _variation} = ExAbby.get_variation(conn, "landing_page_test")
# Multiple variations example
{conn, _variations} = ExAbby.get_variations(conn, ["landing_page_test", "button_color_test"])
render(conn, "index.html")
def record_conversion(conn, _params) do
# Single experiment success recording
ExAbby.record_success(conn, "landing_page_test")
# Multiple experiment success recording
ExAbby.record_successes(conn, ["landing_page_test", "button_color_test"])
# Record with options (works for both single and multiple)
ExAbby.record_successes(conn, ["landing_page_test", "button_color_test"],
amount: 99.99,
success_type: :success1
redirect(conn, to: "/thank_you")
If you have a current_user
def show(conn, _params) do
user = conn.assigns.current_user
# Single variation
variation = ExAbby.get_variation(user, "dashboard_experiment")
# Multiple variations
variations = ExAbby.get_variations(user, ["dashboard_experiment", "feature_test"])
render(conn, "show.html", ab_variations: variations)
def record_dashboard_success(conn, _params) do
user = conn.assigns.current_user
# Record multiple successes
ExAbby.record_successes(user, ["dashboard_experiment", "feature_test"])
redirect(conn, to: "/thanks")
- Ensure your endpoint/pipeline sets up a session and calls
or something similar to create"ex_abby_session_id"
. - In your LiveView:
defmodule MyAppWeb.ButtonTestLive do
use MyAppWeb, :live_view
def mount(_params, session, socket) do
# Get multiple variations at once
socket = ExAbby.get_variations(socket, session, ["landing_page_test", "button_color_test"])
{:ok, assign(socket, session: session)}
def render(assigns) do
<div class="max-w-md mx-auto mt-10 p-6 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-lg">
<%= case @ex_abby_trials["landing_page_test"] do %>
<% "hello_world" -> %>
<div>Hello World!</div>
<% _ -> %>
<div>This is the control</div>
<% end %>
Click Me!
def handle_event("convert", _params, socket) do
case ExAbby.record_successes(socket, ["landing_page_test", "button_color_test"]) do
{:ok, _trial} ->
{:noreply, put_flash(socket, :info, "Conversion recorded!")}
{:error, _reason} ->
{:noreply, put_flash(socket, :error, "Failed to record conversion")}
# Helper function for button styling based on variation
defp get_button_class("blue"), do: "bg-blue-500 text-white rounded hover:bg-blue-600"
defp get_button_class("green"), do: "bg-green-500 text-white rounded hover:bg-green-600"
defp get_button_class(_), do: "bg-gray-500 text-white rounded hover:bg-gray-600"
The variations are stored in @ex_abby_trials
as a map where:
- Keys are experiment names (e.g.,
) - Values are variation names (e.g.,
You can record conversions with additional options:
# Record a conversion with an amount
ExAbby.record_success(socket, "button_color_test",
amount: 100.0,
success_type: :success2
# Record multiple conversions at once
ExAbby.record_successes(socket, ["landing_page_test", "button_color_test"])
Available options:
- Optional numeric value to track with the success (default: 0.0):success_type
- Type of success to record, either:success1
ExAbby experiments can be seeded automatically during your migration process.
- Update Mix Release Configuration
In your mix.exs
, ensure you have the releases configuration:
def releases do
memoir: [
include_erts: true,
include_executables_for: [:unix],
applications: [runtime_tools: :permanent],
overlays: ["priv/repo/seeds"]
- Add Release Module Function
In lib/your_app/release.ex
defmodule YourApp.Release do
# ... existing release module code ...
def seed_experiments do
repo = Application.get_env(:ex_abby, :repo)
{:ok, _, _} = Ecto.Migrator.with_repo(repo, fn _repo ->
seed_path = Application.app_dir(@app, "priv/repo/seeds/experiments.exs")
- Update Migration Script
Your existing rel/overlays/bin/migrate
script will now run both migrations and seeds:
./memoir eval "Memoir.Release.migrate"
./memoir eval "Memoir.Release.seed_experiments"
Now your experiments will be automatically seeded whenever you run migrations using:
This will create or update your experiments while preserving existing weights for any experiments that already exist.
No Ecto repo configured for :ex_abby
Addconfig :ex_abby, repo: MyApp.Repo
in your host app’sconfig.exs
. -
No Experiment Found
If you see a warning for no experiment found, make sure you have seeded the database wtih experiments nd variations.
Enjoy A/B testing with ExAbby! Feel free to customize it further for bandit algorithms, Bayesian stats, or other advanced features.