This device is just a simple RGB-LED with a display which can be controlled by the virtual serial port on its USB connection.
In combination with the appropriate desktop application Lync-Presence-Bridge it shows the active Lync / Skype for Business state and in the case of a call or chat it displays the counterpart of the conversation. This is especially useful, if the monitor is locked. That's why I implemented this device.
With the time Lync or Skype for Business is no more state of the art and Microsoft introduced Teams. Therefore I implemented a the desktop application PresenceBridge to cover that connectivity. Not all functionalities are implemented, yet, but at least the availability status is shown on the LED.
To control the LyncDisplayLight the specific protocol string followed by a new-line character (ASCII 0x0A) can be sent through the serial port at a speed of 115200 baud. The protocol string just a key-word followed by a colon and then the parameters:
Keyword | Parameters | Description |
rgb | red[0..255], green[0..255], blue[0..255] | Set the color of the cube light |
callerid | string to display | Sets the Text on the Display. Send empty string to clear the display |
So to set the Color to yellow (red=255, green=255, blue=0) just set the string: rgb:255,255,0\n
To set a display text send the string: callerid:John Doe\n
- Arduino IDE
- ESP8266 board support:
- Adafruit_NeoPixel library
- Adafruit_GFX library
- Adafruit_SSD1306 library
- Visual Studio to have a comfortable IDE
- Visual Micro to integrate Arduino IDE in Visual Studio
The hardware consists of:
- Wemos D1 mini (available on Aliexpress)
- WS2812b board for Wemos D1 mini (available on Aliexpress)
- 128x32 OLED display SSD1306 (soldered) (available on Aliexpress)
The WS2812b board stacks just on top of the Wemos D1 mini. The connector of the LED has to be unsoldered and then the OLED has to be soldered directly using wires. I wired it up to the WS2812b board.
The housing is 3D printed using black PLA for the base and clear PLA for the diffusor. I also made different types with smaller diffusors or special diffusors. Even though the diffusor cube is 42x42mm it doesn't look square if the height is also 42mm. Therefore I changed the hight to 38mm which looks sqare. This is the diffusor height I used most often.
A description how to build this device is available in the documentation.