nodecheck will find any GraphQL schema that is not conform to Node interface.
# Valid
type User implements Node {
id: ID!
# Invalid. not conform to Node
type Community {
name: String!
# Invalid. not conform to Node but id is exist
type Item {
id: ID!
A runnable linter can be created with multichecker package. You can create own linter with your favorite Analyzers. And nodecheck has independ flag for allow exclude types of nodecheck.
Full example
func main() {
var excludes string
flag.StringVar(&excludes, "excludes", "", "exclude GraphQL types for node check. it can specify multiple values separated by `,` and it can use regex(e.g .+Connection")
analyzer := nodecheck.Analyzer(excludes)
provides a executable binary. So, you can get cmd tool via go install
$ go install
The nodecheck
command receive two flags, schema
and excludes
. excludes
can specify with regex format and it can receive multiple arguments separated by ','.
$ nodecheck -schema="server/graphql/schema/**/*.graphql" -excludes=.+Connection,.+Edge