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Sends emails to users that subscribe to specific GOV.UK email alerts.

Provides a consistent internal interface to external email notification services. Currently supports only GOV.UK Notify.

Given a tagged publication event, it sends email alerts for subscribers to those tags via the external services.


  • Content change:

    • A publication event that creates or changes a content item
    • The representation of that event for the purpose of sending emails
  • Delivery attempt:

    • An attempt to send a generated email to a subscriber using the external email notification services
    • Can be multiple attempts per email if there are errors
  • Digest run:

    • One batch of either daily or weekly digests representing a particular subscription that has a start and end time and a set of subscribers to send emails to
  • Email:

    • An email generated from one or more content changes with a subject line and body, to be sent to subscribers
  • Matched content change:

    • A content change that has been matched to a set of subscribers who will receive an email about it
  • Subscriber list:

    • A set of criteria that users can subscribe to in order to receive emails (eg. all publications by HMRC)
  • Subscriber:

    • A user who has subscribed to one or more subscriber lists
  • Subscription:

    • The relationship between a subscriber and the subscription lists they are subscribed to

Technical documentation


  • PostgreSQL database (9.3 or higher - requires json with json_object_keys method)
  • Redis (for Sidekiq)
  • GOV.UK Notify API key and other details (see email_service.yml for required fields)

Initial setup

  • Check that the configuration in config/database.yml is correct
  • Run bundle exec rake db:setup to load the database

Running the application

$ ./
  • email-alert-api runs on port 3088
  • sidekiq-monitoring for email-alert-api uses 3089

Running the test suite

  • Run RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:setup to load the database
  • Run bundle exec rspec to run the tests

Using test email addresses for signup

Using any email address that ends with will not create a subscriber or a subscription, however will return a 201 Created response.

Fixing "PG::InsufficientPrivilege" error in the development VM

email-alert-api relies on PostgreSQL's uuid-ossp module. This is not available by default and you might find running migrations results in the following error:

PG::InsufficientPrivilege: ERROR:  permission denied to create extension "uuid-ossp"

This can be solved by:

> sudo -upostgres psql email-alert-api_development
psql> CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp";

and then repeating for email-alert-api_test.


Send a test email

To send a test email to an existing subscriber:

$ bundle exec rake deliver:to_subscriber[<subscriber_id>]

To send a test email to an email address (doesn't have to be subscribed to anything):

$ bundle exec rake deliver:to_test_email[<email_address>]

Change a subscriber's email address

This task changes a subscriber's email address.

$ bundle exec rake manage:change_email_address[<old_email_address>, <new_email_address>]

Manually unsubscribe subscribers

This task unsubscribes one or more subscribers from everything they have subscribed to.

To unsubscribe a single subscriber:

$ bundle exec rake manage:unsubscribe_single[<email_address>]

To unsubscribe a set of subscribers in bulk from a CSV file:

$ bundle exec rake manage:unsubscribe_bulk_from_csv[<path_to_csv_file>]

The CSV file should have email addresses in the first column. All other columns will be ignored.

Move subscribers from one list to another

This task moves all subscribers from one subscriber list to another one. It is useful for organisation or taxonomy changes.

$ bundle exec rake manage:move_all_subscribers[<from_slug>, <to_slug>]

You need to supply the slug for the source and destination subscriber lists.

Available endpoints

application API

  • GET /subscriber-lists?tags[organisation]=cabinet-office - gets a stored subscriber list that's relevant to just the cabinet-office organisation, in the form:
  "subscriber_list": {
    "id": "an id",
    "title": "Title of topic",
    "subscription_url": "https://public-url/subscribe-here?topic_id=123",
    "gov_delivery_id": "123",
    "document_type": "",
    "created_at": "20141010T12:00:00",
    "updated_at": "20141010T12:00:00",
    "tags": {
      "topics": ["topic-slug"]
  • POST /subscriber-lists with data:
  "title": "My title",
  "tags": {
    "organisations": ["my-org"]

and it will respond with the JSON response for the GET call above.

  • POST /notifications with data:
  "subject": "This is the subject/title of my bulletin",
  "body": "Email body here",
  "tags": {
    "tag": ["values"]

and it will respond with 202 Accepted (the call is queued to prevent slowness in the external notifications API).

The following fields are accepted on this endpoint: subject, from_address_id, urgent, header, footer, document_type, content_id, public_updated_at, publishing_app, email_document_supertype, government_document_supertype, title, description, change_note, base_path, priority and footnote.

  • GET /subscribers/ - gets a subscriber's subscriptions, in the form:
  "subscriber": {
    "id": 1,
    "address": "",
    "created_at": "Wed, 07 Mar 2018 17:04:28 UTC +00:00",
    "updated_at": "Wed, 07 Mar 2018 17:04:28 UTC +00:00",
    "signon_user_uid": null,
    "deactivated_at": null
  "subscriptions": [
      "subscriber_id": 1,
      "subscriber_list_id": 4232,
      "created_at": "Wed, 07 Mar 2018 18:52:25 UTC +00:00",
      "updated_at": "Wed, 07 Mar 2018 18:52:25 UTC +00:00",
      "frequency": "daily",
      "signon_user_uid": null,
      "id": "476e1439-f5ba-4d7a-b4aa-1090563c5c36",
      "source": "imported",
      "ended_at": null,
      "ended_reason": null,
      "subscriber_list": {
        "id": 4232,
        "title": "All types of document about all topics by Foreign & Commonwealth Office",
        "created_at": "Thu, 01 Aug 2013 12:53:34 UTC +00:00",
        "updated_at": "Tue, 13 Mar 2018 15:11:29 UTC +00:00",
        "document_type": "",
        "tags": {},
        "links": {
          "organisations": ["9adfc4ed-9f6c-4976-a6d8-18d34356367c"]
        "email_document_supertype": "",
        "government_document_supertype": "",
        "signon_user_uid": null,
        "slug": "all-types-of-document-about-all-topics-by-foreign-commonwealth-office"
  • PATCH /subscribers/ with data:
  "new_address": ""

and it will respond with the details of the subscriber including the new email address.

  • POST /subscriptions with data:
  "address": "",
  "subscribable_id": "The id of a subscriber list"

and it will create a new subscription between the email address and the subscriber list. It will respond with a 201 Created if it's a new subscription or a 200 OK if the subscription already exists.

  • PATCH /subscriptions/xxxx with data:
  "frequency": "weekly"

and it will respond with the details of the subscription including the new frequency.

healthcheck API

A queue health check endpoint is available at /healthcheck.

  "checks": {
    "queue_size": {
      "status": "ok"
    "queue_age": {
      "status": "ok"
  "status": "ok"

Manually retrying failed notification jobs

In the event of an outage, the Email Alert API will enqueue failed notification jobs in the Sidekiq retry queue. The retry queue size can be viewed via Sidekiq monitoring or by running the following command in a rails console:

To manually retry all jobs in the retry queue:

See the Sidekiq docs for more information.


MIT License


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