This repository is a collection of useful cross-platform, well-commented, self-contained, simple, and interesting C++ classes in the style of the standard template library.
The current classes are as described below:
Group | Class | Description | ❔ |
ai | ann | Artificial neural network using the backpropagation algorithm for training. | ✔️ |
ai | hmm | Hidden markov model using the Baum-Welch algorithm for training. | ✔️ |
algorithm | astar | Implementation of the astar algorithm used to solve pathfinding problems. | ✔️ |
algorithm | dijkstra | Implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm used to solve pathfinding problems. | ✔️ |
algorithm | gaussian_elimination | Linear simultaneous equation solver. | ✔️ |
algorithm | kmeans | Implementation of the KMeans clustering algorithm. | 🚧 |
algorithm | maxn | The MaxN search algorithm to find the best possible moves for an N player game with known information. | 🚧 |
algorithm | quicksort | Recursive quicksort algorithm, both full and partial versions. | ✔️ |
algorithm | satisfiability | A simple SAT solver. | 🚧 |
algorithm | simulation_loop | Fixed time step helper class for creating game loops. | ✔️ |
container | any | Class that can hold any variable type. | ✔️ |
container | array_nd | N-dimensional statically or dynamically sized array. | ✔️ |
container | lambda | Lambda function class that uses the heap for storage. | ✔️ |
container | ring_buffer | Dynamically sized thread-safe multi-producer multi-consumer ring-buffer. | ✔️ |
container | static_array_nd | N-dimensional statically sized array. | ✔️ |
container | static_lambda | Lambda function class that uses the stack for storage. | ✔️ |
container | static_ring_buffer | Statically sized thread-safe multi-producer multi-consumer ring-buffer. | ✔️ |
container | static_variant | A static_variant class that can contain any one of its listed template types. | 🚧 |
container | static_view | A non-owning static_view into multi-dimensional memory. | 🚧 |
crypto | aes | An implementation of the aes encryption algorithm for 128, 196, and 256 bits. | ✔️ |
crypto | chacha | An implementation of the chacha encryption algorithm. | ✔️ |
crypto | rc4 | An implementation of the rc4 or arc4 encryption algorithm. | 🚧 |
crypto | rsa | An implementation of the RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) asymmetric encryption algorithm. | ✔️ |
debug | access | Classes and macros for accessing class private members. | ✔️ |
debug | assert | Macros that define an assert macro that optionally takes a format string and parameters. | ✔️ |
debug | assume | Macro that hints to the compiler when a statement should be assumed true. | ✔️ |
debug | breakpoint | Macro for creating a breakpoint. | ✔️ |
debug | expect | Macro that hints to the compiler when a statement should be expected as true or false. | 🚧 |
debug | sentinel | A simple class to help detect stack overflows. | 🚧 |
debug | short_file | Replacement for the __FILE__ macro to prevent build path being leaked into the binary. | ✔️ |
debug | signal | Class to wrap signal handlers allowing the use of lambdas with scope. | ✔️ |
debug | unused | Macro for hiding unused variable warnings. | ✔️ |
execution | barrier | Thread syncronisation barrier. | ✔️ |
execution | coroutine | Setjump/Longjump implementation of stackful coroutines. | ✔️ |
execution | semaphore | Semaphore made using a mutex and condition variable. | ✔️ |
execution | spin_lock | Spin lock implemented using an atomic flag. | ✔️ |
execution | thread_pool | Multi-queue thread-pool that performs jobs in priority order. | ✔️ |
execution | triple_buffer | Lockless triple buffer interface to three buffers. | ✔️ |
file/archive | tar | Tar format archive reader and writer. | 🚧 |
file/text | json | A small json parser and composer. | 🚧 |
game | mastermind | An implementation of Donald Knuth's algorithm to solve the mastermind game in five moves or less. | 🚧 |
game | puzzle_cube | Solver for 3x3 puzzle cubes. | 🚧 |
game | sudoku | A sudoku solver for standard 9x9 grids. | 🚧 |
game | tic_tac_toe | Solver for the game tic-tac-toe on a 3x3 board. | 🚧 |
hash | crc | An implementation of the crc hashing function for 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits. | ✔️ |
hash | md5 | An implementation of the md5 hashing function. | ✔️ |
hash | sha0 | An implementation of the sha0 hashing function. | ✔️ |
hash | sha1 | An implementation of the sha1 hashing function. | ✔️ |
hash | sha2 | An implementation of the sha2 hashing function for 224, 256, 384, and 512 bits. | ✔️ |
hash | sha3 | An implementation of the sha3 hashing function for 224, 256, 384, and 512 bits. | ✔️ |
io | file | An RAII file handle that wraps file operation functions. | 🚧 |
io | paths | Collection of cross platform functions to provide useful paths. | ✔️ |
io | socket | Cross platform socket class, supporting tcp (server and client) and udp protocols. | 🚧 |
math | big_integer | Arbitrary sized signed integers. | ✔️ |
math | big_unsigned | Arbitrary sized unsigned integers. | ✔️ |
math | symbolic | Compile time symbolic differentiation using template metaprogramming. | 🚧 |
parser | generator | A parser generator to generate parsers defined using a collection of parsing primitives. | ✔️ |
parser | pl0 | A parser and interpreter for the PL/0 programming language. | 🚧 |
platform | architecture | Macros and helper function to get the architecture used for the build. | ✔️ |
platform | compiler | Macros and helper function to get the compiler used for the build. | ✔️ |
platform | cpu | Class to extract cpuid information to determine supported instructions at runtime. | ✔️ |
platform | operating_system | Macros and helper function to get the operating system used for the build. | ✔️ |
platform | runtime | Macros and helper function to get the runtime used for the build. | ✔️ |
platform | timestamp | Function to get a monotonically increasing timestamp. | ✔️ |
platform | types | Type aliases of standard types to short names. | ✔️ |
protection | virtual_machine | A simple stack based virtual machine allowing easy creation of custom operands. | ✔️ |
random | random_mt | Mersenne twister pseudo-random number generator. | ✔️ |
random | random_pcg | PCG pseudo-random number generator. | ✔️ |
random | random_rlcg | A reversible pseudo-random number generator. | ✔️ |
random | random_romu_32 | Romu 32 bit pseudo-random number generator. | ✔️ |
random | random_romu_64 | Romu 64 bit pseudo-random number generator. | ✔️ |
random | random_splitmix | Splitmix pseudo-random number generator. | ✔️ |
random | random_xorshift | Xorshift pseudo-random number generator. | ✔️ |
string | static_string | Container and macro generator for compile time string templates. | ✔️ |
string | static_string_encrypted | Compile-time string encryption with runtime decryption to obfuscate strings. | ✔️ |
type | enum_name | Compile-time enum value name as a string with -fno-rtti. | ✔️ |
type | standard | Standard type size sanity. | 🚧 |
type | type_id | Simple run-time-type-information (rtti) with -fno-rtti. | ✔️ |
type | type_name | Compile-time type name as a string with -fno-rtti. | ✔️ |
utility | error | Composable error class that can be returned down a call stack. | ✔️ |
utility | event | Thread safe multi-in/multi-out event/messaging system. | ✔️ |
utility | pimpl | Statically sized pointer to implementation wrapper. | ✔️ |
utility | sizeof_bitfield | Macro to get the size in bits of a bitfield. | 🚧 |
vision/camera/model | pinhole | Pinhole camera model with no distortion. | 🚧 |
vision/consensus/evaluate | inlier_support | Implementation of a model evaulator that counts the number of inliers under a threshold. | 🚧 |
vision/consensus/evaluate | least_median_of_squares | Implementation of a model evaulator that calculates the LMedS score. | 🚧 |
vision/consensus/evaluate | maximum_likelihood | Implementation of a model evaulator that calculates a capped residual sum. | 🚧 |
vision/consensus/sample | exhaustive | Implementation of an exhaustive dataset sampler. | 🚧 |
vision/consensus/sample | random | Implementation of a random dataset sampler. | 🚧 |
vision/consensus | consensus | A generic consensus system composed of templated dataset sampler, model estimator, and model evaluator. | 🚧 |
vision/consensus | estimator | Interface of a consensus model estimator. | 🚧 |
vision/consensus | evaluator | Interface of a consensus model evaluator. | 🚧 |
vision/consensus | sampler | Interface of a consensus dataset sampler. | 🚧 |
vision/feature/angle | orb_angle | Implemetation of feature angle from the paper "ORB: An efficient alternative to SIFT or SURF". IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (2011). | 🚧 |
vision/feature/descriptor | beblid | Implemetation of feature description from the paper "BEBLID: Boosted Efficient Binary Local Image Descriptor". Pattern Recognition Letters (2020). | 🚧 |
vision/feature/descriptor | orb | Implemetation of feature description from the paper "ORB: An efficient alternative to SIFT or SURF". IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (2011). | 🚧 |
vision/feature/descriptor | rs_brief | Implemetation of feature description from the paper "eSLAM: An Energy-Efficient Accelerator for Real-Time ORB-SLAM on FPGA Platform". Design Automation Conference (2019). | 🚧 |
vision/feature/detector | fast | Implemetation of feature detection from the paper "Faster and better: A machine learning approach to corner detection". IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (2008). | 🚧 |
vision/feature/distributor | square_covering | Implemetation of feature distribution from the paper "Efficient adaptive non-maximal suppression algorithms for homogeneous spatial keypoint distribution". Pattern Recognition Letters (2018). | 🚧 |
vision/feature/refinement | exhaustive | Exhaustive search method for the best match between two patches. | 🚧 |
vision/feature/refinement | golden_section | Golden section search method for the best match between two patches. | 🚧 |
vision/feature/refinement | quadratic_fitting | Quadratic fitting search method for the best match between two patches. | 🚧 |
vision/feature/score | fast_score | Implemetation of feature quality score from the paper "Faster and better: A machine learning approach to corner detection". IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence (2008). | 🚧 |
vision/feature/score | harris_score | Implemetation of feature quality score from the paper "A Combined Corner and Edge Detector". Alvey Vision Conference (1988). | 🚧 |
vision/feature/score | shi_tomasi_score | Implemetation of feature quality score from the paper "Good Features to Track". IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (1994). | 🚧 |
vision/feature | binary_descriptor | Simple structure to hold a buffer of binary data that describes a feature. | 🚧 |
vision/feature | feature | Simple structure to hold a the information defining a detected feature. | 🚧 |
vision/image_processing | integral | Simple integral image processor. | 🚧 |
vision/image_processing | sub_pixel_patch | Generation of a sub-pixel patch for match refinement. | 🚧 |
vision/match/detector | bruteforce | Bruteforce feature matcher. | 🚧 |
vision/match/score | hamming | Simple hamming matching without the popcount instruction. | 🚧 |
vision/match/score | ncc | Normalised cross correleation between two patches. | 🚧 |
vision/match/score | sad | Sum of absolute distances between two patches. | 🚧 |
vision/match/score | ssd | Sum of squared distances between two patches. | 🚧 |
vision/match/score | zncc | Zero-mean normalised cross correleation between two patches. | 🚧 |
vision/match/score | zsad | Zero-mean sum of absolute distances between two patches. | 🚧 |
vision/match/score | zssd | Zero-mean sum of squared distances between two patches. | 🚧 |
vision/match | match | 💡 | |
vision | api | An API for a computer vision system that consumes sensor data to perform localisation and mapping. | 🚧 |
Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Geoffrey Daniels.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License only.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see