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Simply deploy and run a privacyIDEA instance in a container environment.


privacyIDEA is an open solution for strong two-factor authentication like OTP tokens, SMS, smartphones or SSH keys.

This project is a complete build environment under linux to build and run privacyIDEA in a container environment. It uses the Wolfi OS image and the official privacyIDEA-Project from PyPi. The image uses gunicorn from PyPi to run the app.


  • Build and run the container image, simple and fast.
  • Deploy different versions and/or stages (e.g. production, staging, devel ...) with the same or different configuration on the same host.
  • Easy deploy a "full-stack" (e.g. privacyIDEA, radius, database and reverse proxy) with docker compose.
  • Keep the container's image simple, slim and secure.
  • To build images with no changes to the original privacyIDEA code and as less as possible additional scripts as possible inside the image to run the container.


  • A possible way to ignore the privacyIDEA Documentation
  • A guide on how to use docker
  • A guide how to configure and use privacyIDEA


See requirements

Clone repository and start a full privacyIDEA stack*:

git clone
cd privacyidea-docker
make cert fullstack

Username / password: admin / admin

Easy install (Ubuntu)

See the privacyidea-ansible project.

K8s / Helm / Cloud install

See the privacyidea-helm project.

Find helm chart on Artifact Hub


The image does not include a reverse proxy or a database backend. Running the default image as a standalone container uses gunicorn and a sqlite database. Using sqlite is not suitable for a production environment.

A more 'real-world' scenario, which is often used, is described in the Compose a privacyIDEA stack section.

Also check the Security considerations before running the image or stack in a production environment.

While decoupling the privacyIDEA image from dependencies like Nginx, Apache or database vendors ect., it is possible to run privacyIDEA with your favorite components.


Directory Description
conf contains pi.cfg and logging.cfg files which is included in the image build process.
environment contains different example-environment files for a whole stack via docker compose
scripts contains custom scripts for the privacyIDEA script-handler. The directory will be mounted into the container when composing a stack. Scripts must be executable (chmod +x)
templates contains files used for different services (nginx, radius ...) and also contains the ssl certificate for the reverse-proxy. Replace it with your own certificate and key file. Use PEM-Format without a passphrase. *.pfx is not supported. Name must be pi.pem and pi.key.


Sample images from this project can be found here:

registry repository docker pull docker pull


latest tagged image is maybe a pre- or development-release. Please use always a release number (like 3.11)


Prerequisites and requirements

  • Installed a container runtime engine (docker / podman).
  • Installed BuildKit, buildx and Compose V2 (docker-compose-v2) components
  • The repository is tested with versions listed in
  • Podman is partially supported. Please refer to for more details.

Quick & Dirty

docker pull
docker run -d --name privacyidea-docker\
            -e PI_ADMIN=admin\
            -e PI_ADMIN_PASS=admin\
            -e PI_PEPPER=changeMe\
            -e PI_SECRET=changeMe\
   	    -v pidata:/privacyidea/etc/persistent:rw,Z\
  	    -p 8080:8080\

Web-UI: http://localhost:8080

User/password: admin/admin

Preferred way

To build and run a simple local privacyIDEA container (which can run standalone with sqlite):

git clone
cd privacyidea-docker
make cert build push run
Accessing the Web-UI:

Use https://localhost:8080

Default admin username: admin

Default admin password: admin

Build images

You can use Makefile targets to build different images with different privacyIDEA versions.

Build a specific privacyIDEA version

make build PI_VERSION=3.11 PI_VERSION_BUILD=3.11

Push to a registry

Use make push [REGISTRY=<registry>]to tag and push the image1


Push image to local registry on port 50002

make push REGISTRY=localhost:5000

Remove the container:

make clean

You can start the container with the same database (sqlite) and configuration and use make run again without bootstrapping the instance.

Remove the container including volumes:

make distclean

ⓘ This will wipe the whole container including the volumes!

Overview make targets

target optional ARGS description example
Build an image. Optional: specify the version, requirements version and image name make build PI_VERSION=3.11 PI_VERSION_BUILD=3.11
push REGISTRY Tag and push the image to the registry. Optional: specify the registry URI. Defaults to localhost:5000 make push
run PORT
Run a standalone container with gunicorn and sqlite. Optional: specify the prefix tag of the container name and listen port. Defaults to pi and port 8080 make run TAG=prod PORT=8888
secret Generate secrets to use in an environment file make secret
cert Generate a self-signed certificate for the reverse proxy container in ./templates and overwrite the existing one make cert
stack TAG PROFILE Run a whole stack with the environment file environment/application-TAG.env. Default is prod. Possible PROFILE values: stack,fullstack,ldap,radius make stack, make stack TAG=dev PROFILE=fullstack , make stack TAG=prod PROFILE=stack,radius
fullstack Make a full stack with docker-compose.yml make fullstack
resolver Create resolvers and realm for fullstack make resolver
clean TAG Remove the container and network without removing the named volumes. Optional: change prefix tag of the container name. Defaults to prod make clean TAG=prod
distclean TAG Remove the container, network and named volumes. Optional: change prefix tag of the container name. Defaults to prod make distclean TAG=prod


Using the image as a standalone container is not production ready. For a more like 'production ready' instance, please read the next section.

Compose a privacyIDEA stack

By using docker compose you can easily deploy a customized privacyIDEA instance, including Nginx as a reverse-proxy and MariaDB as a database backend.

With the use of different environment files for different full-stacks, you can deploy and run multiple stacks at the same time on different ports.

graph TD;
  w5(RADIUS  2812);
  w6(LDAP 2389);
  subgraph s3 [ ];
  st2[stack 2];
  w2(RADIUS 1812);
  w3(LDAP 1389);
  subgraph s1 [ ];
  st1[Stack 1];


  w1<-- API / WebUI -->n1<-- reverse proxy -->n3(privacyIDEA)<-->n4
  w2<-- radius auth -->r1<-- privacyIDEA Radius -->n3
  w3<-- for clients -->n2<-- resolver -->n3

  w4<-- API / WebUI -->n5<-- reverse proxy -->n7(privacyIDEA)<-->n8
  w5<-- radius auth -->r2<-- privacyIDEA Radius -->n7
  w6<-- for clients -->n6<-- resolver -->n7

  classDef plain font-size:12px,fill:#ddd,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:4px,color:#000;
  classDef heading font-size:12px,fill:#9db668,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff;
  classDef title font-size:16px,color:#000,background-color:#9db668,stroke:#ffff;
  classDef docker fill:#265a88,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff;
  classDef second fill:#dba614,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff;
  classDef tags fill:#dba614,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff;
  classDef cluster fill:#fff,stroke:#888,stroke-width:2px,color:#265a88;
  class w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6 plain;
  class r1,n2,r2,n6 second;
  class n1,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,r2,t1 docker;
  class s1,s2,s3,s4 title;
  class a1,a2,st1,st2 heading;

Find example .env files in the environment directory.


The optional RADIUS and LDAP container is only available with PROFILE=fullstack|ldap|radius. See examples below.



The docker-compose.yaml, used in this example, always use images from external registries. Change docker-compose.yaml to use your own images.

Run a stack with project the name prod and environment variables files from environment/application-prod.env

  $ make cert  #run only once to generate certificate
  $ docker compose --env-file=environment/application-prod.env -p prod up

Or simple run a maketarget.

This example will start a stack including privacyIDEA, reverse_proxy and mariadb container:

make cert stack

This example will start a full stack including privacyIDEA, reverse_proxy, mariadb, ldap and radius including sample data with users,realms. Project tag is prod

make cert fullstack 


The ldap have sample users. The resolvers and realm are already configured in privacyIDEA when stack is ready.

Shutdown the stack with the project name prod and remove all resources (container,networks, etc.) except the volumes.

docker compose -p prod down 

You can start the stack in the background with console detached using the -d parameter.

  $ docker compose --env-file=environment/application-prod.env -p prod up -d

Full example including build with maketargets:

make cert build push stack PI_VERSION=3.11 PI_VERSION_BUILD=3.11 TAG=pidev

Now you can deploy additional containers like OpenLDAP for user realms or Owncloud as a client to test 2FA authentication.

Have fun!


  • Volumes will not be deleted.
  • Delete the files in */privacyidea/etc/persistent/ *inside the privacyIDEA container if you want to bootstrap again. This will not delete an existing database expect sqlite databases!
  • Compose a stack takes some time until the database tables are deplolyed and privacyIDEA is ready to run. Check health status of the container.

Environment Variables


Variable Default Description
ENVIRONMENT environment/application-prod.env Used to set the correct environment file (env_file) in the docker compose, which is used by the container. Use a relative filename here.
PI_VERSION latest Set the used image version
PI_ADMIN admin login name of the initial administrator
PI_ADMIN_PASS admin password for the initial administrator
PI_PASSWORD admin Password for the admin user. See Security considerations for more information.
PI_PEPPER changeMe Used for PI_PEPPER in pi.cfg. The filename, including the path, to the file inside the container, with the secret. Use make secrets to generate new random secrets to use with an environment file See Security considerations for more information.
PI_SECRET changeMe Used for SECRET_KEY in pi.cfg. Use make secrets to generate new random secrets to use with an environment file. See Security considerations for more information.
PI_ENCKEY The enckey file for DB-encryption (base64). Only used if exists. Otherwise it will be generatetd using the pi-manage command. See privacy documentation how to create a key.
PI_PORT 8080 Port used by gunicorn. Don't use this directly in productive environments. Use a reverse proxy..
PI_LOGLEVEL INFO Log level in uppercase (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ect.).
SUPERUSER_REALM "admin,helpdesk" Admin realms, which can be used for policies in privacyIDEA. Comma separated list. See the privacyIDEA documentation for more information.
PI_SQLALCHEMY_ENGINE_OPTIONS False Set pool_pre_ping option. Set to True for DB clusters (like Galera).

Additional enviornment variables starting with PI_ will automatically added to pi.cfg

DB connection parameters

Variable Description
DB_HOST Database host
DB_PORT Database port
DB_NAME Database name
DB_USER Database user
DB_PASSWORD The database password.
DB_API Database driver (e.g. mysql+pymysql)
DB_EXTRA_PARAM Extra parameter (e.g. "?charset=utf8"). Will be appended to the SQLAlchemy URI (see pi.cfg)

Reverse proxy parameters (for compose/stack)

Variable Default Description
PROXY_PORT 8443 Exposed HTTPS port
PROXY_SERVERNAME localhost Set the reverse-proxy server name. Should be the common name used in the certificate.

RADIUS parameters (for compose/fullstack)

Variable Default Description
RADIUS_PORT 1812 Exposed (external) radius port tcp/udp
RADIUS_PORT 1813 Additional exposed (external) radius port udp

LDAP parameters (for compose/fullstack)

Variable Default Description
LDAP_PORT 1389 Exposed (external) ldap port

Other values (for compose/fullstack)

  • Openldap admin user: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org with password openldap
  • Password for ldap user always givenName in lowercase (e.g. Sandra Bullock = sandra)
  • Additional user helpdesk with password helpdesk and admin with password admin available in ldap.

Security considerations


The current concept of using secrets with environment variables is not recommended in a docker-swarm/k8s/cloud environment. You should use secrets in such an environment. You can modify and re-write the pi.cfg to read secret files inside the container/pod via python.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are not all pi.cfg parameters available as environment variables?

  • There is only the most essential and often-used parameters included. You can add more variables to the conf/pi.conf file and build your own image.

How can I rotate the audit log?

  • Simply use a cron job on the host system with docker exec and the pi-manage command:
docker exec -it pi-privacyidea-1 pi-manage audit rotate_audit --age 90

How can i access the logs?

  • Use docker log:
docker logs pi-privacyidea-1 

How can I update the container to a new privacyIDEA version?

  • Build a new image, make a push and pull. Re-create the container with additional argument PIUPDATE. This will run the schema update script to update the database. Or use the privacyidea-schema-upgrade script.

Can I import a privacyIDEA database dump into the database container from the stack?

  • Yes, by providing the sql dump to the db container. Please refer to the "Initializing the database contents" section from the official MariaDB docker documentation.

Help! make build does not work, how can i fix it?

mkdir -p $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins
curl -SL -o $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose
curl -SL -o $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-buildx
chmod +x $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-{buildx,compose}

Help! Stack is not starting because of an error like permission denied. How can I fix it?

Check selinux and change the permissions like:

chcon -R -t container_file_t PATHTOHOSTDIR

PATHTOHOSTDIR should point to the privacyidea-docker folder.

Help! make pushdoes not work with my local registry, how can I fix it?

  • Maybe you try to use ssl: Use the insecure option in your /etc/containers/registries.conf:

How can I create a backup of my data?

  • Save environment files (enckey ect.) which are stored persistent in the containers volume.
  • Dump your database manually:

For the example stack, use the db container:

docker exec -it pi-db-1 mariadb-dump -u pi -psuperSecret pi



Will follow soon


See docker-freeradius


This project is my private project doing in my free time. This project is not from the NetKnights company. The project uses the open-source version of privacyIDEA. There is no official support from NetKnights for this project.


  1. If you push to external registries, you may have to login first.

  2. You can run your own local registry with:
    docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2.7