You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 473
Examples of useful rulesets
Assuming that you start with out of the box ruleset.
To copy a specific ruleset below into your own ruleset, go to "My rules" in the dashboard. When you click Edit, you will be able to freely edit your rules, so from there it is just a matter of copying any specific ruleset below and pasting at the end of your list of rules, then click Save.
* facebook.com * block
* facebook.net * block
facebook.com facebook.com * allow
facebook.com fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net * allow
Probably needs more rules, but I don't have a Facebook account, can't tell. But for those without a Facebook account, this worked good enough to browse Facebook pages.
A more granular version that might be useful is:
facebook.com 1st-party xhr allow
facebook.com facebook.com cookie allow
facebook.com fbcdn.net script allow
facebook.com fbcdn.net xhr allow
facebook.com staticxx.facebook.com frame allow
facebook.com video-ort2-2.xx.fbcdn.net media allow
facebook.com www.facebook.com frame allow
facebook.com www.facebook.com media allow
facebook.com www.facebook.com xhr allow
This works for logging in (including 2-factor auth!) and browsing Facebook, posting comments, viewing images/videos, etc.
github.com ghconduit.com xhr allow
github.com githubapp.com * allow
github.com raw.githubusercontent.com * allow
github.com render.githubusercontent.com * allow
github.com render.githubusercontent.com frame allow
github.com s3.amazonaws.com other allow
github.com s3.amazonaws.com xhr allow
reddit.com cdn.embedly.com frame allow
reddit.com gateway.reddit.com xhr allow
reddit.com oops.redditmedia.com xhr allow
reddit.com www.reddit.com script allow
reddit.com www.reddit.com xhr allow
reddit.com www.redditmedia.com frame allow
reddit.com www.redditmedia.com script allow
reddit.com www.redditstatic.com script allow
Should let you browse Reddit comfortably. Probably need more whitelisting to log in. Need additional rules to view embedded content (Youtube and so on).
skyscraperlive.com brightcove.com plugin allow
skyscraperlive.com brightcove.com script allow
skyscraperlive.com c.brightcove.com plugin allow
skyscraperlive.com connect.facebook.net script allow
skyscraperlive.com discintlhdflash-f.akamaihd.net plugin allow
skyscraperlive.com platform.twitter.com script allow
skyscraperlive.com ustream.tv plugin allow
skyscraperlive.com ustream.tv script allow
skyscraperlive.com www.ustream.tv frame allow
stackoverflow.com ajax.googleapis.com script allow
stackoverflow.com sstatic.net image allow
stackoverflow.com sstatic.net script allow
translate.google.com ssl.gstatic.com script allow
translate.google.com translate.google.com media allow
translate.google.com translate.google.com script allow
translate.google.com translate.google.com xhr allow
translate.google.com www.gstatic.com script allow
Should allow you to translate stuff, listen to pronunciations, and so on. Probably need a more relaxed ruleset to allow login and so on.
twitch.tv akamaized.net xhr allow
twitch.tv ttvnw.net xhr allow
twitch.tv static.twitchcdn.net script allow
twitter.com abs-0.twimg.com script allow
twitter.com abs.twimg.com script allow
twitter.com api.twitter.com xhr allow
twitter.com mobile.twitter.com script allow
twitter.com ton.twimg.com script allow
twitter.com twitter.com cookie allow
twitter.com twitter.com frame allow
twitter.com twitter.com script allow
twitter.com twitter.com xhr allow
twitter.com video.twimg.com xhr allow
Should allow you to login to Twitter, like stuff, comment on stuff, post stuff, watch videos, etc.
This worked for me:
youtube.com apis.google.com * allow
youtube.com apis.google.com frame allow
youtube.com googlevideo.com * allow
youtube.com plus.google.com * allow
youtube.com plus.google.com frame allow
youtube.com plus.googleapis.com * allow
youtube.com plus.googleapis.com frame allow
youtube.com ytimg.com * allow
Even if you blocked all things Google in the global scope, Youtube will work just fine with these rules.
A more granular ruleset that might be useful is:
youtube.com clients1.google.com script allow
youtube.com googlevideo.com media allow
youtube.com googlevideo.com xhr allow
youtube.com www.google.com script allow
youtube.com www.youtube.com xhr allow
youtube.com youtube.com script allow
youtube.com ytimg.com script allow
This has yet to break anything for me (i.e. I can watch Youtube videos just fine on youtube.com).
This one is useful when you click on a blocked Youtube embedded in a frame on a 3rd-party page (click the label). It worked for me.
youtube-nocookie.com googlevideo.com xhr allow
youtube-nocookie.com ytimg.com * allow
uMatrix: Point and click matrix to filter net requests according to source, destination and type.