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Murmur Docker Container

Latest Build Status Docker Pulls Docker Stars MB License

Docker Tag Murmur Version Description Release Date
latest 1.3.4 Latest stable release 2021-02-10
1.3.4 1.3.4 Static stable release tag/image 2021-02-10


This container exposes four volumes:

  • /opt/murmur/cert - Murmur SSL certificate files
  • /opt/murmur/config - Murmur configuration files
  • /opt/murmur/data - Murmur database and other data files
  • /opt/murmur/log - Murmur log for troubleshooting

This container exposes two ports:

  • 64738/tcp Murmur server TCP port
  • 64738/udp Murmur server UDP port

The most basic way to run this container:

$ docker run --name murmur -d \
    -p 64738:64738/udp -p 64738:64738 \

Recommended: run via Docker Compose:

Have the container store the config & logs on a local file-system or in a specific, known data volume (recommended for persistence and troubleshooting):

version: '3'

    image: goofball222/murmur
    container_name: murmur
      - 64738:64738
      - 64738:64738/udp
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - ./cert:/opt/murmur/cert
      - ./config:/opt/murmur/config
      - ./data:/opt/murmur/data
      - ./log:/opt/murmur/log
      - TZ=UTC

Example docker-compose.yml file

Environment variables:

Variable Default Description
DEBUG false Set to true for extra entrypoint script verbosity for debugging
MURMUR_OPTS unset Any additional custom run flags for the container murmur.x86 process
MURMUR_SUPW unset Used to set/change the superuser password on the command line. NB/IMPORTANT: By design Murmur will not fully start or accept connections with the -supw command line option set. Start the container once to change the password, then stop the container and remove the variable.
PGID 999 Specifies the GID for the container internal murmur group (used for file ownership)
PUID 999 Specifies the UID for the container internal murmur user (used for process and file ownership)
RUN_CHOWN true Set to false to disable the container automatic chown at startup. Speeds up startup process on overlay2 Docker hosts. NB/IMPORTANT: It's critical that you insure directory/data permissions on all mapped volumes are correct before disabling this or murmur will not start.

SSL custom certificate support (LetsEncrypt, etc.):

  1. Map the Docker host cert storage location or volume to the /opt/murmur/cert volume exposed by the container
  2. Must contain a PEM format SSL private key corresponding to the SSL certificate to be installed. Private key file MUST be named privkey.pem.
  3. Must contain a PEM format SSL certificate file with the full certification chain. LetsEncrypt handles this automatically, other providers may need manual work ( Certificate file MUST be named fullchain.pem.
  4. Start the container. sslCert and sslKey paths in murmur.ini are updated automatically during startup if SSL certificate files are detected. Status, errors, etc. can be found in the container log, IE: docker logs <containername>

If you don't want to use a custom SSL certificate then the /opt/murmur/cert volume can be left unmapped. Alternatively if the privkey.pem and/or fullchain.pem file are not present SSL customization will be skipped.

To revert from a custom cert to a Murmur self-signed certificate: stop the container, rename or remove both privkey.pem and fullchain.pem from /DATA_VOLUME/murmur/cert. Then edit the murmur.ini file in /DATA_VOLUME/murmur/config and change the lines sslCert=/opt/murmur/cert/fullchain.pem to ;sslCert= & sslKey=/opt/murmur/cert/privkey.pem to ;sslKey=, save the file, and restart the container.