Summer pet project for a rainy holiday afternoon.
I've got a fan connected to a Wemo switch ( I also have one BeeWi temperature & humidity sensor,us,4,BBW200-A1.cfm. The idea is simple: Switch on my fan when temperature is over a threshold and switch off the fan when temperature is below. I also want to be informed when state changes via Telegram.
- I use noble (bluetooth) to speak with the BeeWi sensor.
- I use wemo-client to speak with Wemo device
- I use telebot to send data to my Telegram Bot.
- The script runs with node within my Rasberry Pi 3
- Create a Telegram bot to see:
- The status of my fan.
- The temperature, humidity and battery status of my BeeWi device.
- Detect my Peeble watch and never switch on the fan when I'm not close to it.
- Install node dependencies (npm install)
- Rename conf.json.dist to conf.json with your api key and device's mac address