Seemlessly Use Neovim Inside VSCODE
- Alfred V4 (Update Workflow with pass)
- Swish (Easy Tiling) (replaced by yabai +skhd)
- Dash
- Drop Over (Drag and Drop Files)
- Aldente (Battery Management)
- Android Studio
- XCode
- Sketch
- PostgreSQL and PgAdmin
- Paste Json as Code - Quicktype
- Docker
- Sequel Pro
- Vectonator
- Karibiner
- VSCode
- Typora
- MindNode
- Table Tool (CSV)
- Php
- Python
- brew
- pass,pass-otp
- jrnl
- alacritty
- iTerm2 (Quake Terminal mode) Binded to ⌥`
Note: iTerm2 has 2 Binary for arm and x64
- neovim
- RustUp (Uninstall the Default rust)
- Go & Hugo
- FNM (Node Version Manager) (can only be installed on x64
- FVM (Flutter Version Manager)
- pyenv
- git,hub,gh (version Control)
Set on System Preference -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Mission Control -> Shortcuts
Uses FN then Gestures to Easily Move or Tile a Window
Note: Spotlight Keybinding was remove
⌘ space
- Pass
Requires terminal app: pass , pass-otp
Easily Get Username , Password and OTP
- pass $query
- otp $query
- user $query
- My Main Note Taking App using the terminal
- can also be triggered by with jrnl keyword on alfred
- This Holds All Our Documentations and Other Snippets