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[dev.boringcrypto] misc/boring: release packaging
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Add scripts and docs for packaging releases.

Change-Id: I0682c92bbb2e229d2636762e49fe73513852d351
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <>
  • Loading branch information
rsc committed Aug 26, 2017
1 parent 94fb822 commit f48a9fb
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Showing 7 changed files with 378 additions and 0 deletions.
97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions misc/boring/
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This directory holds build scripts for unofficial, unsupported
distributions of Go+BoringCrypto.

## Version strings

The distribution name for a Go+BoringCrypto release has the form `<GoVersion>b<BoringCryptoVersion>`,
where `<GoVersion>` is the Go version the release is based on, and `<BoringCryptoVersion>` is
an integer that increments each time there is a new release with different BoringCrypto bits.
The `<BoringCryptoVersion>` is stored in the `VERSION` file in this directory.

For example, the first release is based on Go 1.8.3 is `go1.8.3b1`.
If the BoringCrypto bits are updated, the next would be `go1.8.3b2`.
If, after that, Go 1.9 is released and the same BoringCrypto code added to it,
that would result in `go1.9b2`. There would likely not be a `go1.9b1`,
since that would indicate Go 1.9 with the older BoringCrypto code.

## Releases

The `build.release` script prepares a binary release and publishes it in Google Cloud Storage
at `gs://go-boringcrypto/`, making it available for download at
The script records each published release in the `RELEASES` file in this directory.

The `build.docker` script, which must be run after `build.release`, prepares a Docker image
and publishes it on in the goboring organization.
`go1.8.3b1` is published as `goboring/golang:1.8.3b1`.

## Release process

1. If the BoringCrypto bits have been updated, increment the number in `VERSION`,
send that change out as a CL for review, get it committed, and run `git sync`.

2. Run `build.release`, which will determine the base Go version and the BoringCrypto
version, build a release, and upload it.

3. Run `build.docker`, which will build and upload a Docker image from the latest release.

4. Send out a CL with the updated `RELEASES` file and get it committed.

## Release process for dev.boringcrypto.go1.8.

In addition to the dev.boringcrypto branch, we have a dev.boringcrypto.go1.8 branch,
which is BoringCrypto backported to the Go 1.8 release branch.
To issue new BoringCrypto releases based on Go 1.8:

1. Do a regular release on the (not Go 1.8) dev.boringcrypto branch.

2. Change to the dev.boringcrypto.go1.8 branch and cherry-pick all
BoringCrypto updates, including the update of the `VERSION` file.
Mail them out and get them committed.

3. **Back on the (not Go 1.8) dev.boringcrypto branch**, run `build.release <commit>`,
where `<commit>` is the latest commit on the dev.boringcrypto.go1.8 branch.
It will build a release and upload it.

4. Run `build.docker`.

5. Send out a CL with the updated `RELEASES` file and get it committed.

## Building from Docker

A Dockerfile that starts with `FROM golang:1.8.3` can switch
to `FROM goboring/golang:1.8.3b2` (see [goboring/golang on Docker Hub](
and should need no other modifications.

## Building from Bazel

Using an alternate toolchain from Bazel is not as clean as it might be.
Today, as of Bazel 0.5.3 and the bazelbuild/rules_go tag 0.5.3,
it is necessary to define a `go-boringcrypto.bzl` file that duplicates
some of the rules_go internal guts and then invoke its `go_repositories` rule
instead of the standard one.

See for a minimal example.

Note that in the example that the Bazel `WORKSPACE` file still refers to the release as "go1.8.3" not "go1.8.3b2".

## Caveat

BoringCrypto is used for a given build only in limited circumstances:

- The build must be GOOS=linux, GOARCH=amd64.
- The build must have cgo enabled.
- The android build tag must not be specified.
- The cmd_go_bootstrap build tag must not be specified.

The version string reported by `runtime.Version` does not indicate that BoringCrypto
was actually used for the build. For example, linux/386 and non-cgo linux/amd64 binaries
will report a version of `go1.8.3b2` but not be using BoringCrypto.

To check whether a given binary is using BoringCrypto, run `go tool nm` on it and check
that it has symbols named `*_Cfunc__goboringcrypto_*`.

The program []( will report the
crypto implementation used by a given binary when invoked with the `-crypto` flag.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions misc/boring/RELEASES
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# This file lists published Go+BoringCrypto releases.
# Each line describes a single release: <version> <git commit> <URL> <sha256sum>
go1.9rc2b2 91753387bdf7 59355a45e6970e8013060851ddb3f079afe8db52e90db520a0826a13f1b5ae5b
go1.8.3b3 f6ff81bac156 6287ad971cd268bb2684fb8b1275dea928ad527823062bc057e73036c419e7af
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions misc/boring/VERSION
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57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions misc/boring/build.docker
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# Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

# build.docker builds and publishes a Docker image for
# a given Go+BoringCrypto release.

set -e

# With no arguments, use the most recent release in the RELEASES file.
case "$#" in
version=$(tail -1 RELEASES | awk '{print $1}');;
echo 'usage: build.docker [version]' >&2
exit 2

url="$(grep "^$version " RELEASES | awk '{print $3}')"
sha256="$(grep "^$version " RELEASES | awk '{print $4}')"
if [ "$sha256" = "" ]; then
echo "cannot find $version in RELEASES file" >&2
exit 2

# Build a temporary directory with a Dockerfile.
dir=$(mktemp -d)
trap "rm -rf $dir" EXIT

if echo "$url" | grep '!' >/dev/null; then
# ! is sed delimiter below. Should never happen.
echo "URL contains an exclamation mark!" >&2
exit 2

sed "s!UUU!$url!; s/SSS/$sha256/" >$dir/Dockerfile
cp go-wrapper $dir/go-wrapper

dversion=$(echo "$version" | sed 's/^go//')
docker build -t goboring/golang:$dversion $dir
docker run goboring/golang:$dversion go version
docker run goboring/golang:$dversion go tool nm /usr/local/go/bin/go >$dir/nm
if ! grep crypto/sha1.boringNewSHA1 $dir/nm >/dev/null; then
echo 'built docker image but did NOT find sha1.boringNewSHA1 in go command!' >&2
exit 2
if egrep 'crypto/sha1\.\(\*digest\)' $dir/nm >/dev/null; then
echo 'built docker image but DID find sha1.(*digest) in go command unexpectedly!' >&2
exit 2
docker push goboring/golang:$dversion

echo published as goboring/golang:$dversion
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions misc/boring/build.release
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# Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

# build.release builds and publishes a new Go+BoringCrypto release.
# After running this script, the change to the RELEASES file should be
# sent out for review and committed to the repository (but the release
# is already done, so there's not much to review).

set -e

case "$#" in
echo 'usage: build.release [git-rev]' >&2
exit 2

# Determine commit to use.
commit=$(git rev-parse "$rev" | awk '{print substr($1, 1, 12)}')
if [ "$commit" = "" ]; then
echo 'cannot find commit in git history' >&2
exit 2

# Determine base Go release from tags.
base=$(git log --decorate=short --oneline "$rev" | grep 'tag: go' | sed 1q | sed 's/[),].*//; s/.*tag: //')
if [ "$base" = "" ]; then
echo "cannot find go release tag in git history for $rev" >&2
exit 2

# Determine boring crypto version from file.
boring=$(git show "$commit:misc/boring/VERSION")
if [ "$boring" = "" ]; then
echo "missing BORINGVERSION file in $commit" >&2
exit 2

# Make sure we're not redefining a published release.
if grep "^$version " RELEASES >/dev/null; then
echo "found $version in RELEASES - not rereleasing" >&2
exit 2

# Show what's going on, while the release builds.
# Good time for user to type ^C if something is wrong.
echo >&2
echo "building $version from $commit" >&2
echo >&2
git log -n1 "$commit" >&2
echo >&2

# Build the release tool in a temporary GOPATH.
dir=$(mktemp -d)
trap "rm -rf $dir" EXIT
export GOPATH="$dir"
export GOBIN="$dir"
go get -u

# Build the release.
shortgo=$(echo "$base" | perl -pe 's/(go\d+\.\d+)(\.\d+|rc\d+)/$1/')
$dir/release -target linux-amd64 -rev "$commit" -version "$version" -tools "release-branch.$shortgo"
ls -l "$output"
sha256=$(sha256sum "$output" | awk '{print $1}')

trap "rm -f /tmp/go.release.$$ /tmp/go.nm.$$" EXIT
tar -xzf "$output" -O go/bin/go >/tmp/go.release.$$
go tool nm /tmp/go.release.$$ >/tmp/go.nm.$$
if ! grep crypto/sha1.boringNewSHA1 /tmp/go.nm.$$ >/dev/null; then
echo 'built release but did NOT find sha1.boringNewSHA1 in go command!' >&2
exit 2
if egrep 'crypto/sha1\.\(\*digest\)' /tmp/go.nm.$$ >/dev/null; then
echo 'built release but DID find sha1.(*digest) in go command unexpectedly!' >&2
exit 2

# Publish the release.
gsutil cp "$output" gs://go-boringcrypto/

# Record that it was published.
echo "$version $commit $url $sha256" >>RELEASES
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions misc/boring/
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# Template for Dockerfile, used in build.docker script.
# Based on
FROM buildpack-deps:stretch-scm

# gcc for cgo
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
g++ \
gcc \
libc6-dev \
make \
pkg-config \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

ADD UUU /go.tgz

RUN set -eux; \
echo "SSS /go.tgz" | sha256sum -c -; \
tar -C /usr/local -xzf /go.tgz; \
rm /go.tgz; \
export PATH="/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH"; \
go version

ENV PATH $GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH
RUN mkdir -p "$GOPATH/src" "$GOPATH/bin" && chmod -R 777 "$GOPATH"

COPY go-wrapper /usr/local/bin/
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions misc/boring/go-wrapper
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@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# Copied from
# Copied into Docker images.

set -e

usage() {
base="$(basename "$0")"
usage: $base command [args]
This script assumes that is is run from the root of your Go package (for
example, "/go/src/app" if your GOPATH is set to "/go").
In Go 1.4, a feature was introduced to supply the canonical "import path" for a
given package in a comment attached to a package statement
This script allows us to take a generic directory of Go source files such as
"/go/src/app" and determine that the canonical "import path" of where that code
expects to live and reference itself is "". It
will then ensure that "/go/src/" is a symlink to
"/go/src/app", which allows us to build and run it under the proper package
For compatibility with versions of Go older than 1.4, the "import path" may also
be placed in a file named ".godir".
Available Commands:
$base download
$base download -u
(equivalent to "go get -d [args] [godir]")
$base install
$base install -race
(equivalent to "go install [args] [godir]")
$base run
$base run -app -specific -arguments
(assumes "GOPATH/bin" is in "PATH")

# make sure there is a subcommand specified
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
usage >&2
exit 1
# "shift" so that "$@" becomes the remaining arguments and can be passed along to other "go" subcommands easily

goDir="$(go list -e -f '{{.ImportComment}}' 2>/dev/null || true)"

if [ -z "$goDir" -a -s .godir ]; then
goDir="$(cat .godir)"

dir="$(pwd -P)"
if [ "$goDir" ]; then
goPath="${GOPATH%%:*}" # this just grabs the first path listed in GOPATH, if there are multiple (which is the detection logic "go get" itself uses, too)
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$goDirPath")"
if [ ! -e "$goDirPath" ]; then
ln -sfv "$dir" "$goDirPath"
elif [ ! -L "$goDirPath" ]; then
echo >&2 "error: $goDirPath already exists but is unexpectedly not a symlink!"
exit 1
goBin="$goPath/bin/$(basename "$goDir")"
goBin="$(basename "$dir")" # likely "app"

case "$cmd" in
set -- go get -v -d "$@"
if [ "$goDir" ]; then set -- "$@" "$goDir"; fi
set -x; exec "$@"

set -- go install -v "$@"
if [ "$goDir" ]; then set -- "$@" "$goDir"; fi
set -x; exec "$@"

set -x; exec "$goBin" "$@"

echo >&2 'error: unknown command:' "$cmd"
usage >&2
exit 1

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