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GlamAR Web Demo App

Built With

  • React
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Webpack


Make sure you have installed all of the following prerequisites:

  • Node.js
  • npm

Clone the repository

To clone the repository:

$ git clone

You can follow a thorough guide here

Starting the project

To start the project locally,

1. Install npm packages

yarn install

2. Setup local SSL certificate

  1. First install mkcert. Refer this link to install it.
  2. We will be using mkcert to generate locally-trusted development certificate. Use this command to generate SSL certificate
$ mkcert -key-file key.pem -cert-file cert.pem "*"
  1. Create a folder named ssl at root level of repository.

  2. Copy the two .pem files (i.e key.pem & cert.pem) generated above command to ssl folder

  3. Next up we will bind localhost or to host name i.e

  4. open and edit /etc/hosts and insert

How to Open /etc/hosts File

  • Mac: Use Terminal and type sudo nano /etc/hosts.
  • Windows: Open hosts file in Notepad as administrator from C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.

Remember to be cautious when editing system files like hosts.

3. Running the Project

  1. To run the project locally, use the following command:
yarn serve

This command will start the server, and your code will be running on http://localhost:59089.

  1. Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:59089 to view the project.

4. Setting Up GlamAR Activation Key

To use GlamAR's features, update the TryonFrame.jsx file with your GlamAR Activation Key. In useEffect, replace 'Replace it with your GlamAR Activation Key' with your actual key. For SKU-specific features, refer to the GlamAR SDK documentation.

5. Usage

If you are using via npm, then you need to import the GlamAR SDK as a module. Then you can call the APIs available on the GlamAR object.

Import GlamAR module

import * as GlamAR from 'glamar-sdk';

Init GlamAR module with your API KEY

// Pass in the id of a container and your API key
GlamAR.init('GlamAR-module', <<YOUR_ACCESS_KEY>>, {
  platform: 'web',
  mode: ’private’,
  hideTryOnScreen: false,
  theme: 'dark',
  hideLiveCamera: false,
  hideModelTryOn: false,
  hideUploadMode: false 
GlamAR.addEventListener('opened', () =>

Call applyBySku on any event to apply the SKU

<button onclick="GlamAR.applyBySku(<<SKU_ID>>)">Apply Lip Color</button>

API Reference

Methods Description
init GlamAR.init(containerId, apiKey, options)

  • containerId: string, id of the div to mount the widget
  • apiKey: string, api key
  • options(optional): boolean, whether to open widget in live mode.
Return Value: None
Initializes the widget
applyBySku GlamAR.applyBySku(skuId, callback)

  • skuId: number, a sku ID
  • callback(optional): function, fires after the VTO effect is applied
Return Value: None
Changes the VTO effect by the given SKU ID, you could retrieve your SKU information from the admin panel.
addEventListener GlamAR.addEventListener(eventName, handlerFunction)

  • eventName: string, a named event
  • handlerFunction: function, a handler
Return Value: None
Adds the listener to the given event name.
removeEventListener GlamAR.removeEventListener(eventName, handlerFunction)

  • eventName: string, a named event
  • handlerFunction: function, a handler
Return Value: None
Removes the given listener for the event name.
getAllSKUs GlamAR.getAllSKUs()
Parameters: None

Return Value: Promise that resolves to an array of SKUs available for the given API key.
Returns an array of available SKUs for the given API key.
reset GlamAR.reset()
Parameters: None

Return Value: None
Removes all the makeup effects from the canvas.
close GlamAR.close()
Parameters: None

Return Value: None
Closes canvas and back to main widget page.
snapshot GlamAR.snapshot(contentType)

  • contentType: string, valid value: `base64` or `blob`
Return Value: image in `base64` or `blob`
Takes a snapshot of current result window.
isLoaded GlamAR.isLoaded()
Parameters: None

Return Value: `true` if the module is loaded else `false`
Returns status of module loading.
isLoading GlamAR.isLoading()
Parameters: None

Return Value: `true` if the module is loading else `false`
Returns status of module loading.


Events Description
loaded Payload: None

This event is fired when GlamAR module is loaded
opened Payload: None

This event is fired when the GlamAR module is opened.
closed Payload: None

This event is fired when the canvas is closed and user returns to main widget page.
camera-opened Payload: None

This event is fired when the camera is opened.
camera-closed Payload: None

This event is fired when the camera is closed.
camera-failed Payload: None

This event is fired when the camera failed. Either user refuses to grant permission or the app is unable to retrieve video stream normally.
photo-loaded Payload: None

This event is fired when a given photo loaded on the canvas.
sku-applied Payload: None

This event is fired when a given sku effects are applied.
sku-failed Payload: None

This event is fired when a given sku is not applied successfully.
reset Payload: None

This event is fired when all the effects are reset.
error Payload: Error

This event is fired anytime an error occurs.