The aim of the eIDAS-Testbed, which has been launched within the OpenID-Wallet-Plugfest (23.-24. May 2024), is to push forward the interoperable implementation of European Digital Identity Wallets in the sense of Art. 5a (EU) 2024/1183 and similar sorts of Personal or Organisational Credential Managers used in the Gaia-X domain (collectively called “Wallets”), which are able to handle Verifiable Credentials according to the W3C Data Model using protocols such as OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (OpenID4VCI) and OpenID for Verifiable Presentations (OpenID4VP) with a view to the current Architecture Reference Framework (ARF) and an outlook to application domains, including the Open European Health Data Space (EHDS) for example.
The current functionality and the context of the eIDAS-Testbed is outlined in the following figure:
It currently supports
- the issuance of a Personal Identity Data (PID) attestation according to the current version of the PID-Rulebook,
- with the latest draft of the SD-JWT-format
- using the latest draft of OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (OpenID4VCI, Draft 13 / Implementers Draft 1) using either
- your personal eIDAS-means, if you come from
- Austria,
- Germany,
- Luxembourg,
- Poland or
- Slovakia, or
- your personal Test account, which will be created upon request, if you come from another region.
Additional functionality will be supported as soon as there are more Wallets and resources to create comprehensive test specification. Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions, suggestions or if you want to contribute to the further development of the community-driven eIDAS-Testbed.
Using the eIDAS-Testbed to issue your PID to your wallet consists of the following steps:
- Providing your identity information via either
- your eIDAS-means or via
- login in to your personal test account
- Starting your Wallet
- Retrieving OpenID Credential Offer via QR-Code (or Link in the future)
- Let your Wallet perform the PID-issuance according to OpenID4VCI and
- Check whether the PID-attestation has been correctly issued to your Wallet.
Please provide feedback with respect to the results of your tests here or within LinkedIn. Please make sure to include #eIDASTest and @go_eIDAS Association or Detlef Hühnlein.
The hopefully growing list of successfully tested Wallets so far is as follows:
- Version 2.6.0 on Android
- Selecting the appropriate language MAY be helpful (…*/Wallet Settings)
- You MUST select …*/Wallet Profiles/OWF Baseline Profile
- Visit https://test.eID.AS and use your eID or reach out to us for other regions
- Click the “Retrieve Offer” button to display the QR code
- Capture the QR code to trigger the issuance of your PID-credential in SD-JWT-format