getting_started/first_2d_game/06.heads_up_display #69
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In the last part about "removing old creeps" the newest version of Godot now supports global and scene groups. |
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C# users must change the connections under the Node tab to C# nomenclature, not the default it provides you. Change these: _on_start_button_pressed to: OnStartButtonPressed or, if you've already created the script as guided, you can select the Pick button to the right of the text field when editing the connection, and then select the appropriate method. |
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why am i not able to connect start_game signal of HUD node to new_game() function of Main node? |
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when i am trying to connect start_game signal of HUD node to new_game() function of Main node , I can't find the function new_game() in the options in the pop? |
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When I create a new group named "mobs" and use the code to clear all mobs, the Player and the HUD are also cleared. I assume the problem is that they are being included the in mobs group, but I have no idea how this group is supposed to know what is inside it anyway. How do I make sure the "mobs" group only contains instances of Mob? |
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Something breaking down between my _on_start_button_pressed and new_game, not sure what I'm missing. Tried disconnecting and reconnecting, but no change. new_game triggers fine if I have _ready call it. I'm seeing the debug print I added for the start button press. Best I can tell is the signal isn't being emitted. Anyone have an idea what's breaking down? Here's my _on_start_button_pressed: func _on_start_button_pressed():
print("Debug: Start Button pressed")
start_game.emit Here's my new_game: func new_game():
print("Debug: new_game called")
score = 0
$HUD.show_message("Get Ready") |
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I was crashing with an error that it couldn't find "$HUD.update_score(score)" and I had to poke around for the solution. Mine was named #hud and not #HUD. Case matters apparently, because I fixed the case and the game works fine. Hope that makes sense and helps someone. |
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So I worked through this over a couple of days and I was a bit confused at the end because I realized that I never added my mob scene to the Main tree. So I was left wondering "how the f is this even connected?" Of course it was a bit simple to solve by simply going backwards. But I wonder if it would be useful to show the mob scene in the tree somehow. Basically to show its being used by Mobpath. Maybe this would be good for a small game like this, and would be problematic in a complicated scene. |
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Hi all, I have having an issue after pressing Start button. Error message: Attempt to call function 'start' in base 'null instance' on a null instance. There seems to be an issue with the message timer activation. 3 things were called onto the stack frames and the corresponding code below:
func show_message(text):
$Message.text = text
func new_game():
score = 0
$HUD.show_message("Get Ready")
get_tree().call_group("mobs", "queue_free")
func _on_start_button_pressed():
start_game.emit() Can anyone share where I went wrong? |
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The instructions say to extend HUD from CanvasLayer. But if I do I get this error: script inherits from native type ‘area2d’ so it cannot be instanced in object of type node Changing it to "extends Node" works - I found a similar question posed online too so I was surprised not to see a similar comment here. |
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Hello I am having some issues with my scripts breaking at the start_game.emit() portion of the code. I have added signal start_game to the top of the script, under extends CanvasLayer, and linked the start game signal from later in the script func _on_start_button_pressed():
start_game.emit() to the new_game() function in the script func new_game():
score = 0
$HUD.show_message("Get Ready")
get_tree().call_group("mobs", "queue_free") Despite seemingly following the instructions, when I press the start button the game crashes, and the debugger identifies the line with start_game.emit() as the point where the code breaks. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? |
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I also had to start the $ScoreTimer.start()
$MobTimer.start() |
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I'm pretty sure I followed all the instructions but for some reason the score wont update. It merely stays at zero |
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When trying to make a signal from hud - start_game() to Main - new_game(). In the Connect a Signal to a method window I select Main (root node), but in the Select Method window the new_game() function is not appearing even though the main.tscn file is attached to the Main node. So I cant make the signal work. I have a working Player hit signal so I don't know what the Issue is. See: Using Godot Engine v4.3.stable.official [77dcf97d8] |
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I had a rather trivial question on the function design here:
In this function, the callee
This approach makes sure that the usage of $MessageTimer only stays inside the |
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I played around a bit to change the rules of the game - instead of dying I wanted to collect mobs for extra points (and the game would end after 30 seconds). So I did the following: func _on_player_hit():
score +=10
$HUD.update_score(score) But the $Mob.hide() works only for the first mob. After that I just go through the mobs. I get the +10 points, so the collision works, the hit effect works, but only the $Mob.hide() stops working. Any ideas? |
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I am having issues with my Start Button. When I press it, it toggles down/up but does not start a new game or print the debug line I inserted. func _on_start_button_pressed(): It does show as connected, even deleted the connection and reconnected. I don't get any errors when I press the button and the only debugging info I am getting refers to delta not being used. |
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I didn't see this spelled out anywhere but I had to call |
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I need help. The score isn't working for me. When time passes the score stays the same i will put the hud and main codes in the reply to anyone explain why isnt working. |
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Maybe I'm not sure, because i'm coming from the webdev. Isn't it better to make interaction on even button_up than on pressed? |
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hi extends Node
@export var mob_sence :PackedScene
var score
func _ready() -> void:
func game_over() -> void:
func new_game():
$HUD.show_massage("Get Ready")
func _on_mob_timer_timeout() -> void:
var mob=mob_sence.instantiate()
var mob_spwan_location=$mob_path/mob_spwan_location
var direction=mob_spwan_location.rotation+PI/2
var velocity=Vector2(randf_range(150.0,250.0),0.0)
func _on_score_timer_timeout() -> void:
func _on_start_timer_timeout() -> void:
$score_timer.start() HUD: extends Label
signal start_game
func show_massage(text):
func show_game_over():
show_massage("Game Over")
await $show_massage_timer.timeout
$massage.text="Doge the creeps!"
await get_tree().create_timer(1.0).timeout
func updare_score(score):
func _on_play_button_pressed() -> void:
func _on_show_massage_timer_timeout() -> void:
$massage. Hide()
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help me there are 2 problems: 1 - i can only start the game with the main node selected and pressing F6 (play current scene) |
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I'm so dumb, I called MessageLabel Message and not worked |
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As soon as I hit the start button, the game crashes with this error, " @ new_game(): Node not found. "HUD" (relative to "/root/main")." This is the func that the error is and its on the "$HUD.update_score(score)" line. func new_game():
score = 0
$HUD.show_message("Get Ready") |
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I'm really new to godot so perhaps it's a stupid question: |
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Just a tip, when I encounter bugs (as I did on the last two sections) it helped me to compare my GDscript code to the tutorial code from the Github link they shared. For whatever reason there have been a couple of instances where I totally left out lines of code in a function for some reason, and just comparing my functions to the Github code has been a quick and easy way to tell if I just missed something or mistyped something. |
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My God I actually finished it. I have no training or coding skills but still can't shake a fascination with it. But I changed it so player turns in whatever direction they're going, also changed $HUD.show_game_over() to $HUD.show_message("Game Over"), where you can put whatever text you want there. There is one problem: none of the creeps are moving. They spawn randomly along the path, and animate correctly, but don't go anywhere. The "Game Over" works when I run into them, but they're paralyzed. Did this happen with anyone else? Does it have to do with paths? Here's the code I have for that section, I'd appreciate any help: func _on_mob_timer_timeout() -> void:
# create a new instance of the scene
var mob = mob_scene.instantiate()
# Choose a random location on Path2D.
var mob_spawn_location = $MobPath/MobSpawnLocation
mob_spawn_location.progress_ratio = randf()
# Set the mob's direction perpendicular to the path direction.
var direction = mob_spawn_location.rotation + PI / 2
# Set the mob's position to a random location
mob.position = mob_spawn_location.position
# Add some randomness to the direction.
direction += randf_range (-PI / 4, PI / 4)
mob.rotation = direction
# Choose the velocity for the mob
var velocity = Vector2(randf_range(150.0, 250.0), 0.0)
add_child(mob) |
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help me i have a problem with the player being invisible in-game and when in title screen the player is visible here is my code #
extends Area2D
signal hit
@export var speed = 400 # How fast the player will move (pix/sec)
var screen_size # Size of the game window.
func _ready():
screen_size = get_viewport_rect().size
func _process(delta):
var velocity = Vector2.ZERO # The player's movement vector
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_right"):
velocity.x += 1
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_left"):
velocity.x -= 1
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_down"):
velocity.y += 1
if Input.is_action_pressed("move_up"):
velocity.y -= 1
if velocity.length() > 0:
velocity = velocity.normalized() * speed
position += velocity * delta
position = position.clamp(Vector2.ZERO, screen_size)
if velocity.x < 0:
$AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = true
$AnimatedSprite2D.flip_h = false
func _on_body_entered(_body: Node2D) -> void:
pass # Replace with function body.
hide() # Player disappears after being hit
# Must be deferred as we can't change physics proprierties on a physics callback.
$CollisionShape2D.set_deferred("disabled", true)
func start(pos):
position = pos
$CollisionShape2D.disabled = false #
extends Node
@export var mob_scene: PackedScene
var score
func game_over():
func new_game():
score = 0
$HUD.show_message("Get ready!")
get_tree().call_group("mobs", "queue_free")
func _on_score_timer_timeout():
score += 1
func _on_start_timer_timeout():
func _on_mob_timer_timeout():
# Create a new instance of the Mob scene.
var mob = mob_scene.instantiate()
# Choose a random location on Path2D.
var mob_spawn_location = $MobPath/MobSpawnLocation
mob_spawn_location.progress_ratio = randf()
# Set the mob's direction perpendicular to the path direction.
var direction = mob_spawn_location.rotation + PI / 2
# Set the mob's position to a random location.
mob.position = mob_spawn_location.position
# Add some randomness to the direction.
direction += randf_range(-PI / 4, PI / 4)
mob.rotation = direction
# Choose the velocity for the mob.
var velocity = Vector2(randf_range(150.0, 250.0), 0.0)
mob.linear_velocity = velocity.rotated(direction)
# Spawn the mob by adding it to the Main scene.
add_child(mob) |
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Hi I am having problem with the Start button, It does nothing when I press it. My Main: extends Node
@export var mob_scene: PackedScene
var score
func game_over():
func new_game():
get_tree().call_group("mobs", "queue_free")
score = 0
$HUD.show_message("Get Ready")
func _on_score_timer_timeout():
score += 1
func _on_start_timer_timeout():
func _on_mob_timer_timeout():
# Create a new instance of the Mob scene.
var mob = mob_scene.instantiate()
# Choose a random location on Path2D.
var mob_spawn_location = $MobPath/MobSpawnLocation
mob_spawn_location.progress_ratio = randf()
# Set the mob's direction perpendicular to the path direction.
var direction = mob_spawn_location.rotation + PI / 2
# Set the mob's position to a random location.
mob.position = mob_spawn_location.position
# Add some randomness to the direction.
direction += randf_range(-PI / 4, PI / 4)
mob.rotation = direction
# Choose the velocity for the mob.
var velocity = Vector2(randf_range(150.0, 250.0), 0.0)
mob.linear_velocity = velocity.rotated(direction)
# Spawn the mob by adding it to the Main scene.
add_child(mob) my HUD: extends CanvasLayer
# Notifies `Main` node that the button has been pressed
signal start_game
func show_message(text):
$Message.text = text
func show_game_over():
show_message("Game Over")
# Wait until the MessageTimer has counted down.
await $MessageTimer.timeout
$Message.text = "Dodge the Creeps!"
# Make a one-shot timer and wait for it to finish.
await get_tree().create_timer(1.0).timeout
func update_score(score):
$ScoreLabel.text = str(score)
func _on_start_button_pressed():
func _on_message_timer_timeout():
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I just wanted to state my issue and how I resolved it for anyone who may have been dealing with the same thing. When trying to get the script to delete the old creeps by using the call group function to have them cleared from queue, it was not working for me in the new game function. I remedied by adding the same line of code to the game over function and it works like a charm. |
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The final piece our game needs is a User Interface (UI) to display things like score, a "game over" message, and a restart button. Create a new scene, click the "Other Node" button and add a Canvas...
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