This repo contains a generated API client to talk with authentik's API from Swift.
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 2023.10.7
- Package version:
All URIs are relative to http://localhost/api/v3
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AdminAPI | adminAppsList | GET /admin/apps/ | |
AdminAPI | adminMetricsRetrieve | GET /admin/metrics/ | |
AdminAPI | adminModelsList | GET /admin/models/ | |
AdminAPI | adminSettingsPartialUpdate | PATCH /admin/settings/ | |
AdminAPI | adminSettingsRetrieve | GET /admin/settings/ | |
AdminAPI | adminSettingsUpdate | PUT /admin/settings/ | |
AdminAPI | adminSystemCreate | POST /admin/system/ | |
AdminAPI | adminSystemRetrieve | GET /admin/system/ | |
AdminAPI | adminVersionRetrieve | GET /admin/version/ | |
AdminAPI | adminWorkersRetrieve | GET /admin/workers/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminAllList | GET /authenticators/admin/all/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminDuoCreate | POST /authenticators/admin/duo/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminDuoDestroy | DELETE /authenticators/admin/duo/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminDuoList | GET /authenticators/admin/duo/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminDuoPartialUpdate | PATCH /authenticators/admin/duo/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminDuoRetrieve | GET /authenticators/admin/duo/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminDuoUpdate | PUT /authenticators/admin/duo/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminMobileCreate | POST /authenticators/admin/mobile/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminMobileDestroy | DELETE /authenticators/admin/mobile/{uuid}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminMobileList | GET /authenticators/admin/mobile/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminMobilePartialUpdate | PATCH /authenticators/admin/mobile/{uuid}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminMobileRetrieve | GET /authenticators/admin/mobile/{uuid}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminMobileUpdate | PUT /authenticators/admin/mobile/{uuid}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminSmsCreate | POST /authenticators/admin/sms/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminSmsDestroy | DELETE /authenticators/admin/sms/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminSmsList | GET /authenticators/admin/sms/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminSmsPartialUpdate | PATCH /authenticators/admin/sms/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminSmsRetrieve | GET /authenticators/admin/sms/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminSmsUpdate | PUT /authenticators/admin/sms/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminStaticCreate | POST /authenticators/admin/static/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminStaticDestroy | DELETE /authenticators/admin/static/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminStaticList | GET /authenticators/admin/static/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminStaticPartialUpdate | PATCH /authenticators/admin/static/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminStaticRetrieve | GET /authenticators/admin/static/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminStaticUpdate | PUT /authenticators/admin/static/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminTotpCreate | POST /authenticators/admin/totp/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminTotpDestroy | DELETE /authenticators/admin/totp/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminTotpList | GET /authenticators/admin/totp/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminTotpPartialUpdate | PATCH /authenticators/admin/totp/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminTotpRetrieve | GET /authenticators/admin/totp/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminTotpUpdate | PUT /authenticators/admin/totp/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminWebauthnCreate | POST /authenticators/admin/webauthn/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminWebauthnDestroy | DELETE /authenticators/admin/webauthn/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminWebauthnList | GET /authenticators/admin/webauthn/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminWebauthnPartialUpdate | PATCH /authenticators/admin/webauthn/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminWebauthnRetrieve | GET /authenticators/admin/webauthn/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAdminWebauthnUpdate | PUT /authenticators/admin/webauthn/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsAllList | GET /authenticators/all/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsDuoDestroy | DELETE /authenticators/duo/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsDuoList | GET /authenticators/duo/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsDuoPartialUpdate | PATCH /authenticators/duo/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsDuoRetrieve | GET /authenticators/duo/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsDuoUpdate | PUT /authenticators/duo/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsDuoUsedByList | GET /authenticators/duo/{id}/used_by/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsMobileCheckInCreate | POST /authenticators/mobile/{uuid}/check_in/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsMobileDestroy | DELETE /authenticators/mobile/{uuid}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsMobileEnrollmentCallbackCreate | POST /authenticators/mobile/{uuid}/enrollment_callback/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsMobileEnrollmentStatusCreate | POST /authenticators/mobile/{uuid}/enrollment_status/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsMobileList | GET /authenticators/mobile/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsMobilePartialUpdate | PATCH /authenticators/mobile/{uuid}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsMobileReceiveResponseCreate | POST /authenticators/mobile/{uuid}/receive_response/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsMobileRetrieve | GET /authenticators/mobile/{uuid}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsMobileUpdate | PUT /authenticators/mobile/{uuid}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsMobileUsedByList | GET /authenticators/mobile/{uuid}/used_by/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsSmsDestroy | DELETE /authenticators/sms/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsSmsList | GET /authenticators/sms/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsSmsPartialUpdate | PATCH /authenticators/sms/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsSmsRetrieve | GET /authenticators/sms/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsSmsUpdate | PUT /authenticators/sms/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsSmsUsedByList | GET /authenticators/sms/{id}/used_by/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsStaticDestroy | DELETE /authenticators/static/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsStaticList | GET /authenticators/static/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsStaticPartialUpdate | PATCH /authenticators/static/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsStaticRetrieve | GET /authenticators/static/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsStaticUpdate | PUT /authenticators/static/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsStaticUsedByList | GET /authenticators/static/{id}/used_by/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsTotpDestroy | DELETE /authenticators/totp/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsTotpList | GET /authenticators/totp/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsTotpPartialUpdate | PATCH /authenticators/totp/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsTotpRetrieve | GET /authenticators/totp/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsTotpUpdate | PUT /authenticators/totp/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsTotpUsedByList | GET /authenticators/totp/{id}/used_by/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsWebauthnDestroy | DELETE /authenticators/webauthn/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsWebauthnList | GET /authenticators/webauthn/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsWebauthnPartialUpdate | PATCH /authenticators/webauthn/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsWebauthnRetrieve | GET /authenticators/webauthn/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsWebauthnUpdate | PUT /authenticators/webauthn/{id}/ | |
AuthenticatorsAPI | authenticatorsWebauthnUsedByList | GET /authenticators/webauthn/{id}/used_by/ | |
CoreAPI | coreApplicationsCheckAccessRetrieve | GET /core/applications/{slug}/check_access/ | |
CoreAPI | coreApplicationsCreate | POST /core/applications/ | |
CoreAPI | coreApplicationsDestroy | DELETE /core/applications/{slug}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreApplicationsList | GET /core/applications/ | |
CoreAPI | coreApplicationsMetricsList | GET /core/applications/{slug}/metrics/ | |
CoreAPI | coreApplicationsPartialUpdate | PATCH /core/applications/{slug}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreApplicationsRetrieve | GET /core/applications/{slug}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreApplicationsSetIconCreate | POST /core/applications/{slug}/set_icon/ | |
CoreAPI | coreApplicationsSetIconUrlCreate | POST /core/applications/{slug}/set_icon_url/ | |
CoreAPI | coreApplicationsUpdate | PUT /core/applications/{slug}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreApplicationsUsedByList | GET /core/applications/{slug}/used_by/ | |
CoreAPI | coreAuthenticatedSessionsDestroy | DELETE /core/authenticated_sessions/{uuid}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreAuthenticatedSessionsList | GET /core/authenticated_sessions/ | |
CoreAPI | coreAuthenticatedSessionsRetrieve | GET /core/authenticated_sessions/{uuid}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreAuthenticatedSessionsUsedByList | GET /core/authenticated_sessions/{uuid}/used_by/ | |
CoreAPI | coreBrandsCreate | POST /core/brands/ | |
CoreAPI | coreBrandsCurrentRetrieve | GET /core/brands/current/ | |
CoreAPI | coreBrandsDestroy | DELETE /core/brands/{brand_uuid}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreBrandsList | GET /core/brands/ | |
CoreAPI | coreBrandsPartialUpdate | PATCH /core/brands/{brand_uuid}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreBrandsRetrieve | GET /core/brands/{brand_uuid}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreBrandsUpdate | PUT /core/brands/{brand_uuid}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreBrandsUsedByList | GET /core/brands/{brand_uuid}/used_by/ | |
CoreAPI | coreGroupsAddUserCreate | POST /core/groups/{group_uuid}/add_user/ | |
CoreAPI | coreGroupsCreate | POST /core/groups/ | |
CoreAPI | coreGroupsDestroy | DELETE /core/groups/{group_uuid}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreGroupsList | GET /core/groups/ | |
CoreAPI | coreGroupsPartialUpdate | PATCH /core/groups/{group_uuid}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreGroupsRemoveUserCreate | POST /core/groups/{group_uuid}/remove_user/ | |
CoreAPI | coreGroupsRetrieve | GET /core/groups/{group_uuid}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreGroupsUpdate | PUT /core/groups/{group_uuid}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreGroupsUsedByList | GET /core/groups/{group_uuid}/used_by/ | |
CoreAPI | coreTokensCreate | POST /core/tokens/ | |
CoreAPI | coreTokensDestroy | DELETE /core/tokens/{identifier}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreTokensList | GET /core/tokens/ | |
CoreAPI | coreTokensPartialUpdate | PATCH /core/tokens/{identifier}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreTokensRetrieve | GET /core/tokens/{identifier}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreTokensSetKeyCreate | POST /core/tokens/{identifier}/set_key/ | |
CoreAPI | coreTokensUpdate | PUT /core/tokens/{identifier}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreTokensUsedByList | GET /core/tokens/{identifier}/used_by/ | |
CoreAPI | coreTokensViewKeyRetrieve | GET /core/tokens/{identifier}/view_key/ | |
CoreAPI | coreTransactionalApplicationsUpdate | PUT /core/transactional/applications/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUserConsentDestroy | DELETE /core/user_consent/{id}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUserConsentList | GET /core/user_consent/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUserConsentRetrieve | GET /core/user_consent/{id}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUserConsentUsedByList | GET /core/user_consent/{id}/used_by/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUsersCreate | POST /core/users/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUsersDestroy | DELETE /core/users/{id}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUsersImpersonateCreate | POST /core/users/{id}/impersonate/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUsersImpersonateEndRetrieve | GET /core/users/impersonate_end/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUsersList | GET /core/users/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUsersMeRetrieve | GET /core/users/me/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUsersMetricsRetrieve | GET /core/users/{id}/metrics/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUsersPartialUpdate | PATCH /core/users/{id}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUsersPathsRetrieve | GET /core/users/paths/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUsersRecoveryEmailRetrieve | GET /core/users/{id}/recovery_email/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUsersRecoveryRetrieve | GET /core/users/{id}/recovery/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUsersRetrieve | GET /core/users/{id}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUsersServiceAccountCreate | POST /core/users/service_account/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUsersSetPasswordCreate | POST /core/users/{id}/set_password/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUsersUpdate | PUT /core/users/{id}/ | |
CoreAPI | coreUsersUsedByList | GET /core/users/{id}/used_by/ | |
CryptoAPI | cryptoCertificatekeypairsCreate | POST /crypto/certificatekeypairs/ | |
CryptoAPI | cryptoCertificatekeypairsDestroy | DELETE /crypto/certificatekeypairs/{kp_uuid}/ | |
CryptoAPI | cryptoCertificatekeypairsGenerateCreate | POST /crypto/certificatekeypairs/generate/ | |
CryptoAPI | cryptoCertificatekeypairsList | GET /crypto/certificatekeypairs/ | |
CryptoAPI | cryptoCertificatekeypairsPartialUpdate | PATCH /crypto/certificatekeypairs/{kp_uuid}/ | |
CryptoAPI | cryptoCertificatekeypairsRetrieve | GET /crypto/certificatekeypairs/{kp_uuid}/ | |
CryptoAPI | cryptoCertificatekeypairsUpdate | PUT /crypto/certificatekeypairs/{kp_uuid}/ | |
CryptoAPI | cryptoCertificatekeypairsUsedByList | GET /crypto/certificatekeypairs/{kp_uuid}/used_by/ | |
CryptoAPI | cryptoCertificatekeypairsViewCertificateRetrieve | GET /crypto/certificatekeypairs/{kp_uuid}/view_certificate/ | |
CryptoAPI | cryptoCertificatekeypairsViewPrivateKeyRetrieve | GET /crypto/certificatekeypairs/{kp_uuid}/view_private_key/ | |
EnterpriseAPI | enterpriseLicenseCreate | POST /enterprise/license/ | |
EnterpriseAPI | enterpriseLicenseDestroy | DELETE /enterprise/license/{license_uuid}/ | |
EnterpriseAPI | enterpriseLicenseForecastRetrieve | GET /enterprise/license/forecast/ | |
EnterpriseAPI | enterpriseLicenseGetInstallIdRetrieve | GET /enterprise/license/get_install_id/ | |
EnterpriseAPI | enterpriseLicenseList | GET /enterprise/license/ | |
EnterpriseAPI | enterpriseLicensePartialUpdate | PATCH /enterprise/license/{license_uuid}/ | |
EnterpriseAPI | enterpriseLicenseRetrieve | GET /enterprise/license/{license_uuid}/ | |
EnterpriseAPI | enterpriseLicenseSummaryRetrieve | GET /enterprise/license/summary/ | |
EnterpriseAPI | enterpriseLicenseUpdate | PUT /enterprise/license/{license_uuid}/ | |
EnterpriseAPI | enterpriseLicenseUsedByList | GET /enterprise/license/{license_uuid}/used_by/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsEventsActionsList | GET /events/events/actions/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsEventsCreate | POST /events/events/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsEventsDestroy | DELETE /events/events/{event_uuid}/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsEventsList | GET /events/events/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsEventsPartialUpdate | PATCH /events/events/{event_uuid}/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsEventsPerMonthList | GET /events/events/per_month/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsEventsRetrieve | GET /events/events/{event_uuid}/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsEventsTopPerUserList | GET /events/events/top_per_user/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsEventsUpdate | PUT /events/events/{event_uuid}/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsEventsVolumeList | GET /events/events/volume/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsNotificationsDestroy | DELETE /events/notifications/{uuid}/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsNotificationsList | GET /events/notifications/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsNotificationsMarkAllSeenCreate | POST /events/notifications/mark_all_seen/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsNotificationsPartialUpdate | PATCH /events/notifications/{uuid}/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsNotificationsRetrieve | GET /events/notifications/{uuid}/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsNotificationsUpdate | PUT /events/notifications/{uuid}/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsNotificationsUsedByList | GET /events/notifications/{uuid}/used_by/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsRulesCreate | POST /events/rules/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsRulesDestroy | DELETE /events/rules/{pbm_uuid}/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsRulesList | GET /events/rules/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsRulesPartialUpdate | PATCH /events/rules/{pbm_uuid}/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsRulesRetrieve | GET /events/rules/{pbm_uuid}/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsRulesUpdate | PUT /events/rules/{pbm_uuid}/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsRulesUsedByList | GET /events/rules/{pbm_uuid}/used_by/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsSystemTasksList | GET /events/system_tasks/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsSystemTasksRetrieve | GET /events/system_tasks/{uuid}/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsSystemTasksRunCreate | POST /events/system_tasks/{uuid}/run/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsTransportsCreate | POST /events/transports/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsTransportsDestroy | DELETE /events/transports/{uuid}/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsTransportsList | GET /events/transports/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsTransportsPartialUpdate | PATCH /events/transports/{uuid}/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsTransportsRetrieve | GET /events/transports/{uuid}/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsTransportsTestCreate | POST /events/transports/{uuid}/test/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsTransportsUpdate | PUT /events/transports/{uuid}/ | |
EventsAPI | eventsTransportsUsedByList | GET /events/transports/{uuid}/used_by/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsBindingsCreate | POST /flows/bindings/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsBindingsDestroy | DELETE /flows/bindings/{fsb_uuid}/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsBindingsList | GET /flows/bindings/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsBindingsPartialUpdate | PATCH /flows/bindings/{fsb_uuid}/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsBindingsRetrieve | GET /flows/bindings/{fsb_uuid}/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsBindingsUpdate | PUT /flows/bindings/{fsb_uuid}/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsBindingsUsedByList | GET /flows/bindings/{fsb_uuid}/used_by/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsExecutorGet | GET /flows/executor/{flow_slug}/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsExecutorSolve | POST /flows/executor/{flow_slug}/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsInspectorGet | GET /flows/inspector/{flow_slug}/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsInstancesCacheClearCreate | POST /flows/instances/cache_clear/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsInstancesCacheInfoRetrieve | GET /flows/instances/cache_info/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsInstancesCreate | POST /flows/instances/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsInstancesDestroy | DELETE /flows/instances/{slug}/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsInstancesDiagramRetrieve | GET /flows/instances/{slug}/diagram/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsInstancesExecuteRetrieve | GET /flows/instances/{slug}/execute/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsInstancesExportRetrieve | GET /flows/instances/{slug}/export/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsInstancesImportCreate | POST /flows/instances/import/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsInstancesList | GET /flows/instances/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsInstancesPartialUpdate | PATCH /flows/instances/{slug}/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsInstancesRetrieve | GET /flows/instances/{slug}/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsInstancesSetBackgroundCreate | POST /flows/instances/{slug}/set_background/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsInstancesSetBackgroundUrlCreate | POST /flows/instances/{slug}/set_background_url/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsInstancesUpdate | PUT /flows/instances/{slug}/ | |
FlowsAPI | flowsInstancesUsedByList | GET /flows/instances/{slug}/used_by/ | |
ManagedAPI | managedBlueprintsApplyCreate | POST /managed/blueprints/{instance_uuid}/apply/ | |
ManagedAPI | managedBlueprintsAvailableList | GET /managed/blueprints/available/ | |
ManagedAPI | managedBlueprintsCreate | POST /managed/blueprints/ | |
ManagedAPI | managedBlueprintsDestroy | DELETE /managed/blueprints/{instance_uuid}/ | |
ManagedAPI | managedBlueprintsList | GET /managed/blueprints/ | |
ManagedAPI | managedBlueprintsPartialUpdate | PATCH /managed/blueprints/{instance_uuid}/ | |
ManagedAPI | managedBlueprintsRetrieve | GET /managed/blueprints/{instance_uuid}/ | |
ManagedAPI | managedBlueprintsUpdate | PUT /managed/blueprints/{instance_uuid}/ | |
ManagedAPI | managedBlueprintsUsedByList | GET /managed/blueprints/{instance_uuid}/used_by/ | |
Oauth2API | oauth2AccessTokensDestroy | DELETE /oauth2/access_tokens/{id}/ | |
Oauth2API | oauth2AccessTokensList | GET /oauth2/access_tokens/ | |
Oauth2API | oauth2AccessTokensRetrieve | GET /oauth2/access_tokens/{id}/ | |
Oauth2API | oauth2AccessTokensUsedByList | GET /oauth2/access_tokens/{id}/used_by/ | |
Oauth2API | oauth2AuthorizationCodesDestroy | DELETE /oauth2/authorization_codes/{id}/ | |
Oauth2API | oauth2AuthorizationCodesList | GET /oauth2/authorization_codes/ | |
Oauth2API | oauth2AuthorizationCodesRetrieve | GET /oauth2/authorization_codes/{id}/ | |
Oauth2API | oauth2AuthorizationCodesUsedByList | GET /oauth2/authorization_codes/{id}/used_by/ | |
Oauth2API | oauth2RefreshTokensDestroy | DELETE /oauth2/refresh_tokens/{id}/ | |
Oauth2API | oauth2RefreshTokensList | GET /oauth2/refresh_tokens/ | |
Oauth2API | oauth2RefreshTokensRetrieve | GET /oauth2/refresh_tokens/{id}/ | |
Oauth2API | oauth2RefreshTokensUsedByList | GET /oauth2/refresh_tokens/{id}/used_by/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsInstancesCreate | POST /outposts/instances/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsInstancesDefaultSettingsRetrieve | GET /outposts/instances/default_settings/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsInstancesDestroy | DELETE /outposts/instances/{uuid}/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsInstancesHealthList | GET /outposts/instances/{uuid}/health/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsInstancesList | GET /outposts/instances/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsInstancesPartialUpdate | PATCH /outposts/instances/{uuid}/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsInstancesRetrieve | GET /outposts/instances/{uuid}/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsInstancesUpdate | PUT /outposts/instances/{uuid}/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsInstancesUsedByList | GET /outposts/instances/{uuid}/used_by/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsLdapList | GET /outposts/ldap/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsLdapRetrieve | GET /outposts/ldap/{id}/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsProxyList | GET /outposts/proxy/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsProxyRetrieve | GET /outposts/proxy/{id}/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsRadiusList | GET /outposts/radius/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsRadiusRetrieve | GET /outposts/radius/{id}/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsAllDestroy | DELETE /outposts/service_connections/all/{uuid}/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsAllList | GET /outposts/service_connections/all/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsAllRetrieve | GET /outposts/service_connections/all/{uuid}/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsAllStateRetrieve | GET /outposts/service_connections/all/{uuid}/state/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsAllTypesList | GET /outposts/service_connections/all/types/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsAllUsedByList | GET /outposts/service_connections/all/{uuid}/used_by/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsDockerCreate | POST /outposts/service_connections/docker/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsDockerDestroy | DELETE /outposts/service_connections/docker/{uuid}/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsDockerList | GET /outposts/service_connections/docker/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsDockerPartialUpdate | PATCH /outposts/service_connections/docker/{uuid}/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsDockerRetrieve | GET /outposts/service_connections/docker/{uuid}/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsDockerUpdate | PUT /outposts/service_connections/docker/{uuid}/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsDockerUsedByList | GET /outposts/service_connections/docker/{uuid}/used_by/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsKubernetesCreate | POST /outposts/service_connections/kubernetes/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsKubernetesDestroy | DELETE /outposts/service_connections/kubernetes/{uuid}/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsKubernetesList | GET /outposts/service_connections/kubernetes/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsKubernetesPartialUpdate | PATCH /outposts/service_connections/kubernetes/{uuid}/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsKubernetesRetrieve | GET /outposts/service_connections/kubernetes/{uuid}/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsKubernetesUpdate | PUT /outposts/service_connections/kubernetes/{uuid}/ | |
OutpostsAPI | outpostsServiceConnectionsKubernetesUsedByList | GET /outposts/service_connections/kubernetes/{uuid}/used_by/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesAllCacheClearCreate | POST /policies/all/cache_clear/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesAllCacheInfoRetrieve | GET /policies/all/cache_info/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesAllDestroy | DELETE /policies/all/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesAllList | GET /policies/all/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesAllRetrieve | GET /policies/all/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesAllTestCreate | POST /policies/all/{policy_uuid}/test/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesAllTypesList | GET /policies/all/types/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesAllUsedByList | GET /policies/all/{policy_uuid}/used_by/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesBindingsCreate | POST /policies/bindings/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesBindingsDestroy | DELETE /policies/bindings/{policy_binding_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesBindingsList | GET /policies/bindings/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesBindingsPartialUpdate | PATCH /policies/bindings/{policy_binding_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesBindingsRetrieve | GET /policies/bindings/{policy_binding_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesBindingsUpdate | PUT /policies/bindings/{policy_binding_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesBindingsUsedByList | GET /policies/bindings/{policy_binding_uuid}/used_by/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesDummyCreate | POST /policies/dummy/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesDummyDestroy | DELETE /policies/dummy/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesDummyList | GET /policies/dummy/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesDummyPartialUpdate | PATCH /policies/dummy/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesDummyRetrieve | GET /policies/dummy/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesDummyUpdate | PUT /policies/dummy/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesDummyUsedByList | GET /policies/dummy/{policy_uuid}/used_by/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesEventMatcherCreate | POST /policies/event_matcher/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesEventMatcherDestroy | DELETE /policies/event_matcher/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesEventMatcherList | GET /policies/event_matcher/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesEventMatcherPartialUpdate | PATCH /policies/event_matcher/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesEventMatcherRetrieve | GET /policies/event_matcher/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesEventMatcherUpdate | PUT /policies/event_matcher/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesEventMatcherUsedByList | GET /policies/event_matcher/{policy_uuid}/used_by/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesExpressionCreate | POST /policies/expression/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesExpressionDestroy | DELETE /policies/expression/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesExpressionList | GET /policies/expression/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesExpressionPartialUpdate | PATCH /policies/expression/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesExpressionRetrieve | GET /policies/expression/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesExpressionUpdate | PUT /policies/expression/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesExpressionUsedByList | GET /policies/expression/{policy_uuid}/used_by/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesPasswordCreate | POST /policies/password/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesPasswordDestroy | DELETE /policies/password/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesPasswordExpiryCreate | POST /policies/password_expiry/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesPasswordExpiryDestroy | DELETE /policies/password_expiry/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesPasswordExpiryList | GET /policies/password_expiry/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesPasswordExpiryPartialUpdate | PATCH /policies/password_expiry/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesPasswordExpiryRetrieve | GET /policies/password_expiry/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesPasswordExpiryUpdate | PUT /policies/password_expiry/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesPasswordExpiryUsedByList | GET /policies/password_expiry/{policy_uuid}/used_by/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesPasswordList | GET /policies/password/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesPasswordPartialUpdate | PATCH /policies/password/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesPasswordRetrieve | GET /policies/password/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesPasswordUpdate | PUT /policies/password/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesPasswordUsedByList | GET /policies/password/{policy_uuid}/used_by/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesReputationCreate | POST /policies/reputation/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesReputationDestroy | DELETE /policies/reputation/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesReputationList | GET /policies/reputation/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesReputationPartialUpdate | PATCH /policies/reputation/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesReputationRetrieve | GET /policies/reputation/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesReputationScoresDestroy | DELETE /policies/reputation/scores/{reputation_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesReputationScoresList | GET /policies/reputation/scores/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesReputationScoresRetrieve | GET /policies/reputation/scores/{reputation_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesReputationScoresUsedByList | GET /policies/reputation/scores/{reputation_uuid}/used_by/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesReputationUpdate | PUT /policies/reputation/{policy_uuid}/ | |
PoliciesAPI | policiesReputationUsedByList | GET /policies/reputation/{policy_uuid}/used_by/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsAllDestroy | DELETE /propertymappings/all/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsAllList | GET /propertymappings/all/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsAllRetrieve | GET /propertymappings/all/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsAllTestCreate | POST /propertymappings/all/{pm_uuid}/test/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsAllTypesList | GET /propertymappings/all/types/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsAllUsedByList | GET /propertymappings/all/{pm_uuid}/used_by/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsLdapCreate | POST /propertymappings/ldap/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsLdapDestroy | DELETE /propertymappings/ldap/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsLdapList | GET /propertymappings/ldap/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsLdapPartialUpdate | PATCH /propertymappings/ldap/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsLdapRetrieve | GET /propertymappings/ldap/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsLdapUpdate | PUT /propertymappings/ldap/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsLdapUsedByList | GET /propertymappings/ldap/{pm_uuid}/used_by/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsNotificationCreate | POST /propertymappings/notification/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsNotificationDestroy | DELETE /propertymappings/notification/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsNotificationList | GET /propertymappings/notification/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsNotificationPartialUpdate | PATCH /propertymappings/notification/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsNotificationRetrieve | GET /propertymappings/notification/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsNotificationUpdate | PUT /propertymappings/notification/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsNotificationUsedByList | GET /propertymappings/notification/{pm_uuid}/used_by/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsRacCreate | POST /propertymappings/rac/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsRacDestroy | DELETE /propertymappings/rac/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsRacList | GET /propertymappings/rac/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsRacPartialUpdate | PATCH /propertymappings/rac/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsRacRetrieve | GET /propertymappings/rac/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsRacUpdate | PUT /propertymappings/rac/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsRacUsedByList | GET /propertymappings/rac/{pm_uuid}/used_by/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsSamlCreate | POST /propertymappings/saml/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsSamlDestroy | DELETE /propertymappings/saml/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsSamlList | GET /propertymappings/saml/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsSamlPartialUpdate | PATCH /propertymappings/saml/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsSamlRetrieve | GET /propertymappings/saml/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsSamlUpdate | PUT /propertymappings/saml/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsSamlUsedByList | GET /propertymappings/saml/{pm_uuid}/used_by/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsScimCreate | POST /propertymappings/scim/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsScimDestroy | DELETE /propertymappings/scim/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsScimList | GET /propertymappings/scim/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsScimPartialUpdate | PATCH /propertymappings/scim/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsScimRetrieve | GET /propertymappings/scim/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsScimUpdate | PUT /propertymappings/scim/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsScimUsedByList | GET /propertymappings/scim/{pm_uuid}/used_by/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsScopeCreate | POST /propertymappings/scope/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsScopeDestroy | DELETE /propertymappings/scope/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsScopeList | GET /propertymappings/scope/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsScopePartialUpdate | PATCH /propertymappings/scope/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsScopeRetrieve | GET /propertymappings/scope/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsScopeUpdate | PUT /propertymappings/scope/{pm_uuid}/ | |
PropertymappingsAPI | propertymappingsScopeUsedByList | GET /propertymappings/scope/{pm_uuid}/used_by/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersAllDestroy | DELETE /providers/all/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersAllList | GET /providers/all/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersAllRetrieve | GET /providers/all/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersAllTypesList | GET /providers/all/types/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersAllUsedByList | GET /providers/all/{id}/used_by/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersLdapCreate | POST /providers/ldap/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersLdapDestroy | DELETE /providers/ldap/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersLdapList | GET /providers/ldap/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersLdapPartialUpdate | PATCH /providers/ldap/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersLdapRetrieve | GET /providers/ldap/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersLdapUpdate | PUT /providers/ldap/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersLdapUsedByList | GET /providers/ldap/{id}/used_by/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersOauth2Create | POST /providers/oauth2/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersOauth2Destroy | DELETE /providers/oauth2/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersOauth2List | GET /providers/oauth2/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersOauth2PartialUpdate | PATCH /providers/oauth2/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersOauth2PreviewUserRetrieve | GET /providers/oauth2/{id}/preview_user/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersOauth2Retrieve | GET /providers/oauth2/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersOauth2SetupUrlsRetrieve | GET /providers/oauth2/{id}/setup_urls/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersOauth2Update | PUT /providers/oauth2/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersOauth2UsedByList | GET /providers/oauth2/{id}/used_by/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersProxyCreate | POST /providers/proxy/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersProxyDestroy | DELETE /providers/proxy/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersProxyList | GET /providers/proxy/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersProxyPartialUpdate | PATCH /providers/proxy/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersProxyRetrieve | GET /providers/proxy/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersProxyUpdate | PUT /providers/proxy/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersProxyUsedByList | GET /providers/proxy/{id}/used_by/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersRacCreate | POST /providers/rac/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersRacDestroy | DELETE /providers/rac/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersRacList | GET /providers/rac/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersRacPartialUpdate | PATCH /providers/rac/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersRacRetrieve | GET /providers/rac/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersRacUpdate | PUT /providers/rac/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersRacUsedByList | GET /providers/rac/{id}/used_by/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersRadiusCreate | POST /providers/radius/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersRadiusDestroy | DELETE /providers/radius/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersRadiusList | GET /providers/radius/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersRadiusPartialUpdate | PATCH /providers/radius/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersRadiusRetrieve | GET /providers/radius/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersRadiusUpdate | PUT /providers/radius/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersRadiusUsedByList | GET /providers/radius/{id}/used_by/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersSamlCreate | POST /providers/saml/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersSamlDestroy | DELETE /providers/saml/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersSamlImportMetadataCreate | POST /providers/saml/import_metadata/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersSamlList | GET /providers/saml/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersSamlMetadataRetrieve | GET /providers/saml/{id}/metadata/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersSamlPartialUpdate | PATCH /providers/saml/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersSamlPreviewUserRetrieve | GET /providers/saml/{id}/preview_user/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersSamlRetrieve | GET /providers/saml/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersSamlUpdate | PUT /providers/saml/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersSamlUsedByList | GET /providers/saml/{id}/used_by/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersScimCreate | POST /providers/scim/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersScimDestroy | DELETE /providers/scim/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersScimList | GET /providers/scim/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersScimPartialUpdate | PATCH /providers/scim/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersScimRetrieve | GET /providers/scim/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersScimSyncStatusRetrieve | GET /providers/scim/{id}/sync_status/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersScimUpdate | PUT /providers/scim/{id}/ | |
ProvidersAPI | providersScimUsedByList | GET /providers/scim/{id}/used_by/ | |
RacAPI | racEndpointsCreate | POST /rac/endpoints/ | |
RacAPI | racEndpointsDestroy | DELETE /rac/endpoints/{pbm_uuid}/ | |
RacAPI | racEndpointsList | GET /rac/endpoints/ | |
RacAPI | racEndpointsPartialUpdate | PATCH /rac/endpoints/{pbm_uuid}/ | |
RacAPI | racEndpointsRetrieve | GET /rac/endpoints/{pbm_uuid}/ | |
RacAPI | racEndpointsUpdate | PUT /rac/endpoints/{pbm_uuid}/ | |
RacAPI | racEndpointsUsedByList | GET /rac/endpoints/{pbm_uuid}/used_by/ | |
RbacAPI | rbacPermissionsAssignedByRolesAssignCreate | POST /rbac/permissions/assigned_by_roles/{uuid}/assign/ | |
RbacAPI | rbacPermissionsAssignedByRolesList | GET /rbac/permissions/assigned_by_roles/ | |
RbacAPI | rbacPermissionsAssignedByRolesUnassignPartialUpdate | PATCH /rbac/permissions/assigned_by_roles/{uuid}/unassign/ | |
RbacAPI | rbacPermissionsAssignedByUsersAssignCreate | POST /rbac/permissions/assigned_by_users/{id}/assign/ | |
RbacAPI | rbacPermissionsAssignedByUsersList | GET /rbac/permissions/assigned_by_users/ | |
RbacAPI | rbacPermissionsAssignedByUsersUnassignPartialUpdate | PATCH /rbac/permissions/assigned_by_users/{id}/unassign/ | |
RbacAPI | rbacPermissionsList | GET /rbac/permissions/ | |
RbacAPI | rbacPermissionsRetrieve | GET /rbac/permissions/{id}/ | |
RbacAPI | rbacPermissionsRolesList | GET /rbac/permissions/roles/ | |
RbacAPI | rbacPermissionsUsersList | GET /rbac/permissions/users/ | |
RbacAPI | rbacRolesCreate | POST /rbac/roles/ | |
RbacAPI | rbacRolesDestroy | DELETE /rbac/roles/{uuid}/ | |
RbacAPI | rbacRolesList | GET /rbac/roles/ | |
RbacAPI | rbacRolesPartialUpdate | PATCH /rbac/roles/{uuid}/ | |
RbacAPI | rbacRolesRetrieve | GET /rbac/roles/{uuid}/ | |
RbacAPI | rbacRolesUpdate | PUT /rbac/roles/{uuid}/ | |
RbacAPI | rbacRolesUsedByList | GET /rbac/roles/{uuid}/used_by/ | |
RootAPI | rootConfigRetrieve | GET /root/config/ | |
SchemaAPI | schemaRetrieve | GET /schema/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesAllDestroy | DELETE /sources/all/{slug}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesAllList | GET /sources/all/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesAllRetrieve | GET /sources/all/{slug}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesAllSetIconCreate | POST /sources/all/{slug}/set_icon/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesAllSetIconUrlCreate | POST /sources/all/{slug}/set_icon_url/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesAllTypesList | GET /sources/all/types/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesAllUsedByList | GET /sources/all/{slug}/used_by/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesAllUserSettingsList | GET /sources/all/user_settings/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesLdapCreate | POST /sources/ldap/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesLdapDebugRetrieve | GET /sources/ldap/{slug}/debug/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesLdapDestroy | DELETE /sources/ldap/{slug}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesLdapList | GET /sources/ldap/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesLdapPartialUpdate | PATCH /sources/ldap/{slug}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesLdapRetrieve | GET /sources/ldap/{slug}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesLdapSyncStatusRetrieve | GET /sources/ldap/{slug}/sync_status/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesLdapUpdate | PUT /sources/ldap/{slug}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesLdapUsedByList | GET /sources/ldap/{slug}/used_by/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesOauthCreate | POST /sources/oauth/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesOauthDestroy | DELETE /sources/oauth/{slug}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesOauthList | GET /sources/oauth/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesOauthPartialUpdate | PATCH /sources/oauth/{slug}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesOauthRetrieve | GET /sources/oauth/{slug}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesOauthSourceTypesList | GET /sources/oauth/source_types/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesOauthUpdate | PUT /sources/oauth/{slug}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesOauthUsedByList | GET /sources/oauth/{slug}/used_by/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesPlexCreate | POST /sources/plex/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesPlexDestroy | DELETE /sources/plex/{slug}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesPlexList | GET /sources/plex/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesPlexPartialUpdate | PATCH /sources/plex/{slug}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesPlexRedeemTokenAuthenticatedCreate | POST /sources/plex/redeem_token_authenticated/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesPlexRedeemTokenCreate | POST /sources/plex/redeem_token/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesPlexRetrieve | GET /sources/plex/{slug}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesPlexUpdate | PUT /sources/plex/{slug}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesPlexUsedByList | GET /sources/plex/{slug}/used_by/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesSamlCreate | POST /sources/saml/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesSamlDestroy | DELETE /sources/saml/{slug}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesSamlList | GET /sources/saml/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesSamlMetadataRetrieve | GET /sources/saml/{slug}/metadata/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesSamlPartialUpdate | PATCH /sources/saml/{slug}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesSamlRetrieve | GET /sources/saml/{slug}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesSamlUpdate | PUT /sources/saml/{slug}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesSamlUsedByList | GET /sources/saml/{slug}/used_by/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsAllDestroy | DELETE /sources/user_connections/all/{id}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsAllList | GET /sources/user_connections/all/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsAllPartialUpdate | PATCH /sources/user_connections/all/{id}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsAllRetrieve | GET /sources/user_connections/all/{id}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsAllUpdate | PUT /sources/user_connections/all/{id}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsAllUsedByList | GET /sources/user_connections/all/{id}/used_by/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsOauthCreate | POST /sources/user_connections/oauth/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsOauthDestroy | DELETE /sources/user_connections/oauth/{id}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsOauthList | GET /sources/user_connections/oauth/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsOauthPartialUpdate | PATCH /sources/user_connections/oauth/{id}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsOauthRetrieve | GET /sources/user_connections/oauth/{id}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsOauthUpdate | PUT /sources/user_connections/oauth/{id}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsOauthUsedByList | GET /sources/user_connections/oauth/{id}/used_by/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsPlexCreate | POST /sources/user_connections/plex/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsPlexDestroy | DELETE /sources/user_connections/plex/{id}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsPlexList | GET /sources/user_connections/plex/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsPlexPartialUpdate | PATCH /sources/user_connections/plex/{id}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsPlexRetrieve | GET /sources/user_connections/plex/{id}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsPlexUpdate | PUT /sources/user_connections/plex/{id}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsPlexUsedByList | GET /sources/user_connections/plex/{id}/used_by/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsSamlCreate | POST /sources/user_connections/saml/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsSamlDestroy | DELETE /sources/user_connections/saml/{id}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsSamlList | GET /sources/user_connections/saml/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsSamlPartialUpdate | PATCH /sources/user_connections/saml/{id}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsSamlRetrieve | GET /sources/user_connections/saml/{id}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsSamlUpdate | PUT /sources/user_connections/saml/{id}/ | |
SourcesAPI | sourcesUserConnectionsSamlUsedByList | GET /sources/user_connections/saml/{id}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAllDestroy | DELETE /stages/all/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAllList | GET /stages/all/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAllRetrieve | GET /stages/all/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAllTypesList | GET /stages/all/types/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAllUsedByList | GET /stages/all/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAllUserSettingsList | GET /stages/all/user_settings/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorDuoCreate | POST /stages/authenticator/duo/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorDuoDestroy | DELETE /stages/authenticator/duo/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorDuoEnrollmentStatusCreate | POST /stages/authenticator/duo/{stage_uuid}/enrollment_status/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorDuoImportDeviceManualCreate | POST /stages/authenticator/duo/{stage_uuid}/import_device_manual/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorDuoImportDevicesAutomaticCreate | POST /stages/authenticator/duo/{stage_uuid}/import_devices_automatic/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorDuoList | GET /stages/authenticator/duo/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorDuoPartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/authenticator/duo/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorDuoRetrieve | GET /stages/authenticator/duo/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorDuoUpdate | PUT /stages/authenticator/duo/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorDuoUsedByList | GET /stages/authenticator/duo/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorMobileCreate | POST /stages/authenticator/mobile/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorMobileDestroy | DELETE /stages/authenticator/mobile/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorMobileList | GET /stages/authenticator/mobile/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorMobilePartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/authenticator/mobile/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorMobileRetrieve | GET /stages/authenticator/mobile/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorMobileUpdate | PUT /stages/authenticator/mobile/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorMobileUsedByList | GET /stages/authenticator/mobile/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorSmsCreate | POST /stages/authenticator/sms/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorSmsDestroy | DELETE /stages/authenticator/sms/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorSmsList | GET /stages/authenticator/sms/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorSmsPartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/authenticator/sms/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorSmsRetrieve | GET /stages/authenticator/sms/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorSmsUpdate | PUT /stages/authenticator/sms/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorSmsUsedByList | GET /stages/authenticator/sms/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorStaticCreate | POST /stages/authenticator/static/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorStaticDestroy | DELETE /stages/authenticator/static/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorStaticList | GET /stages/authenticator/static/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorStaticPartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/authenticator/static/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorStaticRetrieve | GET /stages/authenticator/static/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorStaticUpdate | PUT /stages/authenticator/static/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorStaticUsedByList | GET /stages/authenticator/static/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorTotpCreate | POST /stages/authenticator/totp/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorTotpDestroy | DELETE /stages/authenticator/totp/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorTotpList | GET /stages/authenticator/totp/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorTotpPartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/authenticator/totp/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorTotpRetrieve | GET /stages/authenticator/totp/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorTotpUpdate | PUT /stages/authenticator/totp/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorTotpUsedByList | GET /stages/authenticator/totp/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorValidateCreate | POST /stages/authenticator/validate/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorValidateDestroy | DELETE /stages/authenticator/validate/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorValidateList | GET /stages/authenticator/validate/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorValidatePartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/authenticator/validate/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorValidateRetrieve | GET /stages/authenticator/validate/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorValidateUpdate | PUT /stages/authenticator/validate/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorValidateUsedByList | GET /stages/authenticator/validate/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorWebauthnCreate | POST /stages/authenticator/webauthn/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorWebauthnDestroy | DELETE /stages/authenticator/webauthn/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorWebauthnList | GET /stages/authenticator/webauthn/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorWebauthnPartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/authenticator/webauthn/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorWebauthnRetrieve | GET /stages/authenticator/webauthn/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorWebauthnUpdate | PUT /stages/authenticator/webauthn/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesAuthenticatorWebauthnUsedByList | GET /stages/authenticator/webauthn/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesCaptchaCreate | POST /stages/captcha/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesCaptchaDestroy | DELETE /stages/captcha/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesCaptchaList | GET /stages/captcha/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesCaptchaPartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/captcha/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesCaptchaRetrieve | GET /stages/captcha/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesCaptchaUpdate | PUT /stages/captcha/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesCaptchaUsedByList | GET /stages/captcha/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesConsentCreate | POST /stages/consent/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesConsentDestroy | DELETE /stages/consent/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesConsentList | GET /stages/consent/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesConsentPartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/consent/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesConsentRetrieve | GET /stages/consent/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesConsentUpdate | PUT /stages/consent/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesConsentUsedByList | GET /stages/consent/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesDenyCreate | POST /stages/deny/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesDenyDestroy | DELETE /stages/deny/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesDenyList | GET /stages/deny/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesDenyPartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/deny/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesDenyRetrieve | GET /stages/deny/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesDenyUpdate | PUT /stages/deny/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesDenyUsedByList | GET /stages/deny/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesDummyCreate | POST /stages/dummy/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesDummyDestroy | DELETE /stages/dummy/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesDummyList | GET /stages/dummy/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesDummyPartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/dummy/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesDummyRetrieve | GET /stages/dummy/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesDummyUpdate | PUT /stages/dummy/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesDummyUsedByList | GET /stages/dummy/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesEmailCreate | POST /stages/email/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesEmailDestroy | DELETE /stages/email/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesEmailList | GET /stages/email/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesEmailPartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/email/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesEmailRetrieve | GET /stages/email/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesEmailTemplatesList | GET /stages/email/templates/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesEmailUpdate | PUT /stages/email/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesEmailUsedByList | GET /stages/email/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesIdentificationCreate | POST /stages/identification/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesIdentificationDestroy | DELETE /stages/identification/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesIdentificationList | GET /stages/identification/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesIdentificationPartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/identification/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesIdentificationRetrieve | GET /stages/identification/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesIdentificationUpdate | PUT /stages/identification/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesIdentificationUsedByList | GET /stages/identification/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesInvitationInvitationsCreate | POST /stages/invitation/invitations/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesInvitationInvitationsDestroy | DELETE /stages/invitation/invitations/{invite_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesInvitationInvitationsList | GET /stages/invitation/invitations/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesInvitationInvitationsPartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/invitation/invitations/{invite_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesInvitationInvitationsRetrieve | GET /stages/invitation/invitations/{invite_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesInvitationInvitationsUpdate | PUT /stages/invitation/invitations/{invite_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesInvitationInvitationsUsedByList | GET /stages/invitation/invitations/{invite_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesInvitationStagesCreate | POST /stages/invitation/stages/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesInvitationStagesDestroy | DELETE /stages/invitation/stages/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesInvitationStagesList | GET /stages/invitation/stages/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesInvitationStagesPartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/invitation/stages/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesInvitationStagesRetrieve | GET /stages/invitation/stages/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesInvitationStagesUpdate | PUT /stages/invitation/stages/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesInvitationStagesUsedByList | GET /stages/invitation/stages/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPasswordCreate | POST /stages/password/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPasswordDestroy | DELETE /stages/password/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPasswordList | GET /stages/password/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPasswordPartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/password/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPasswordRetrieve | GET /stages/password/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPasswordUpdate | PUT /stages/password/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPasswordUsedByList | GET /stages/password/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPromptPromptsCreate | POST /stages/prompt/prompts/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPromptPromptsDestroy | DELETE /stages/prompt/prompts/{prompt_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPromptPromptsList | GET /stages/prompt/prompts/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPromptPromptsPartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/prompt/prompts/{prompt_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPromptPromptsPreviewCreate | POST /stages/prompt/prompts/preview/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPromptPromptsRetrieve | GET /stages/prompt/prompts/{prompt_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPromptPromptsUpdate | PUT /stages/prompt/prompts/{prompt_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPromptPromptsUsedByList | GET /stages/prompt/prompts/{prompt_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPromptStagesCreate | POST /stages/prompt/stages/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPromptStagesDestroy | DELETE /stages/prompt/stages/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPromptStagesList | GET /stages/prompt/stages/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPromptStagesPartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/prompt/stages/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPromptStagesRetrieve | GET /stages/prompt/stages/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPromptStagesUpdate | PUT /stages/prompt/stages/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesPromptStagesUsedByList | GET /stages/prompt/stages/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserDeleteCreate | POST /stages/user_delete/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserDeleteDestroy | DELETE /stages/user_delete/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserDeleteList | GET /stages/user_delete/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserDeletePartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/user_delete/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserDeleteRetrieve | GET /stages/user_delete/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserDeleteUpdate | PUT /stages/user_delete/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserDeleteUsedByList | GET /stages/user_delete/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserLoginCreate | POST /stages/user_login/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserLoginDestroy | DELETE /stages/user_login/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserLoginList | GET /stages/user_login/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserLoginPartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/user_login/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserLoginRetrieve | GET /stages/user_login/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserLoginUpdate | PUT /stages/user_login/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserLoginUsedByList | GET /stages/user_login/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserLogoutCreate | POST /stages/user_logout/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserLogoutDestroy | DELETE /stages/user_logout/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserLogoutList | GET /stages/user_logout/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserLogoutPartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/user_logout/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserLogoutRetrieve | GET /stages/user_logout/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserLogoutUpdate | PUT /stages/user_logout/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserLogoutUsedByList | GET /stages/user_logout/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserWriteCreate | POST /stages/user_write/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserWriteDestroy | DELETE /stages/user_write/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserWriteList | GET /stages/user_write/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserWritePartialUpdate | PATCH /stages/user_write/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserWriteRetrieve | GET /stages/user_write/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserWriteUpdate | PUT /stages/user_write/{stage_uuid}/ | |
StagesAPI | stagesUserWriteUsedByList | GET /stages/user_write/{stage_uuid}/used_by/ | |
TenantsAPI | tenantsDomainsCreate | POST /tenants/domains/ | |
TenantsAPI | tenantsDomainsDestroy | DELETE /tenants/domains/{id}/ | |
TenantsAPI | tenantsDomainsList | GET /tenants/domains/ | |
TenantsAPI | tenantsDomainsPartialUpdate | PATCH /tenants/domains/{id}/ | |
TenantsAPI | tenantsDomainsRetrieve | GET /tenants/domains/{id}/ | |
TenantsAPI | tenantsDomainsUpdate | PUT /tenants/domains/{id}/ | |
TenantsAPI | tenantsTenantsCreate | POST /tenants/tenants/ | |
TenantsAPI | tenantsTenantsCreateAdminGroupCreate | POST /tenants/tenants/{tenant_uuid}/create_admin_group/ | |
TenantsAPI | tenantsTenantsCreateRecoveryKeyCreate | POST /tenants/tenants/{tenant_uuid}/create_recovery_key/ | |
TenantsAPI | tenantsTenantsDestroy | DELETE /tenants/tenants/{tenant_uuid}/ | |
TenantsAPI | tenantsTenantsList | GET /tenants/tenants/ | |
TenantsAPI | tenantsTenantsPartialUpdate | PATCH /tenants/tenants/{tenant_uuid}/ | |
TenantsAPI | tenantsTenantsRetrieve | GET /tenants/tenants/{tenant_uuid}/ | |
TenantsAPI | tenantsTenantsUpdate | PUT /tenants/tenants/{tenant_uuid}/ |
- AccessDeniedChallenge
- App
- AppEnum
- AppleChallengeResponseRequest
- AppleLoginChallenge
- Application
- ApplicationRequest
- AuthModeEnum
- AuthTypeEnum
- AuthenticateWebAuthnStage
- AuthenticateWebAuthnStageRequest
- AuthenticatedSession
- AuthenticatedSessionAsn
- AuthenticatedSessionGeoIp
- AuthenticatedSessionUserAgent
- AuthenticatedSessionUserAgentDevice
- AuthenticatedSessionUserAgentOs
- AuthenticatedSessionUserAgentUserAgent
- AuthenticationEnum
- AuthenticatorAttachmentEnum
- AuthenticatorDuoChallenge
- AuthenticatorDuoChallengeResponseRequest
- AuthenticatorDuoStage
- AuthenticatorDuoStageDeviceImportResponse
- AuthenticatorDuoStageManualDeviceImportRequest
- AuthenticatorDuoStageRequest
- AuthenticatorMobileChallenge
- AuthenticatorMobileChallengeResponseRequest
- AuthenticatorMobilePayloadChallenge
- AuthenticatorMobileStage
- AuthenticatorMobileStageRequest
- AuthenticatorSMSChallenge
- AuthenticatorSMSChallengeResponseRequest
- AuthenticatorSMSStage
- AuthenticatorSMSStageRequest
- AuthenticatorStaticChallenge
- AuthenticatorStaticChallengeResponseRequest
- AuthenticatorStaticStage
- AuthenticatorStaticStageRequest
- AuthenticatorTOTPChallenge
- AuthenticatorTOTPChallengeResponseRequest
- AuthenticatorTOTPStage
- AuthenticatorTOTPStageRequest
- AuthenticatorValidateStage
- AuthenticatorValidateStageRequest
- AuthenticatorValidationChallenge
- AuthenticatorValidationChallengeResponseRequest
- AuthenticatorWebAuthnChallenge
- AuthenticatorWebAuthnChallengeResponseRequest
- AutoSubmitChallengeResponseRequest
- AutosubmitChallenge
- BackendsEnum
- BindingTypeEnum
- BlueprintFile
- BlueprintInstance
- BlueprintInstanceRequest
- BlueprintInstanceStatusEnum
- Brand
- BrandRequest
- Cache
- CapabilitiesEnum
- CaptchaChallenge
- CaptchaChallengeResponseRequest
- CaptchaStage
- CaptchaStageRequest
- CertificateData
- CertificateGenerationRequest
- CertificateKeyPair
- CertificateKeyPairRequest
- ChallengeChoices
- ChallengeTypes
- ClientTypeEnum
- Config
- ConsentChallenge
- ConsentChallengeResponseRequest
- ConsentPermission
- ConsentStage
- ConsentStageModeEnum
- ConsentStageRequest
- ContextualFlowInfo
- ContextualFlowInfoLayoutEnum
- Coordinate
- CurrentBrand
- DeniedActionEnum
- DenyStage
- DenyStageRequest
- Device
- DeviceChallenge
- DeviceChallengeRequest
- DeviceClassesEnum
- DigestAlgorithmEnum
- DigitsEnum
- DockerServiceConnection
- DockerServiceConnectionRequest
- Domain
- DomainRequest
- DummyChallenge
- DummyChallengeResponseRequest
- DummyPolicy
- DummyPolicyRequest
- DummyStage
- DummyStageRequest
- DuoDevice
- DuoDeviceEnrollmentStatus
- DuoDeviceRequest
- DuoResponseEnum
- EmailChallenge
- EmailChallengeResponseRequest
- EmailStage
- EmailStageRequest
- Endpoint
- EndpointRequest
- ErrorDetail
- ErrorReportingConfig
- Event
- EventActions
- EventMatcherPolicy
- EventMatcherPolicyRequest
- EventRequest
- EventTopPerUser
- ExpiringBaseGrantModel
- ExpressionPolicy
- ExpressionPolicyRequest
- ExtraRoleObjectPermission
- ExtraUserObjectPermission
- FilePathRequest
- Flow
- FlowChallengeResponseRequest
- FlowDesignationEnum
- FlowDiagram
- FlowErrorChallenge
- FlowImportResult
- FlowInspection
- FlowInspectorPlan
- FlowLayoutEnum
- FlowRequest
- FlowSet
- FlowSetRequest
- FlowStageBinding
- FlowStageBindingRequest
- FooterLink
- GenericError
- GeoipBindingEnum
- Group
- GroupMember
- GroupMemberRequest
- GroupRequest
- IdentificationChallenge
- IdentificationChallengeResponseRequest
- IdentificationStage
- IdentificationStageRequest
- InstallID
- IntentEnum
- InvalidResponseActionEnum
- Invitation
- InvitationRequest
- InvitationStage
- InvitationStageRequest
- IssuerModeEnum
- ItemMatchingModeEnum
- KubernetesServiceConnection
- KubernetesServiceConnectionRequest
- LDAPAPIAccessMode
- LDAPDebug
- LDAPOutpostConfig
- LDAPPropertyMapping
- LDAPPropertyMappingRequest
- LDAPProvider
- LDAPProviderRequest
- LDAPSource
- LDAPSourceRequest
- LDAPSyncStatus
- License
- LicenseForecast
- LicenseRequest
- LicenseSummary
- Link
- LoginChallengeTypes
- LoginMetrics
- LoginSource
- Metadata
- MobileDevice
- MobileDeviceCheckInRequest
- MobileDeviceEnrollmentCallback
- MobileDeviceEnrollmentRequest
- MobileDeviceEnrollmentStatus
- MobileDeviceEnrollmentStatusStatusEnum
- MobileDeviceInfo
- MobileDeviceInfoRequest
- MobileDeviceRequest
- MobileDeviceResponseRequest
- ModelEnum
- ModelRequest
- NameIdPolicyEnum
- NetworkBindingEnum
- NotConfiguredActionEnum
- Notification
- NotificationRequest
- NotificationRule
- NotificationRuleRequest
- NotificationTransport
- NotificationTransportModeEnum
- NotificationTransportRequest
- NotificationTransportTest
- NotificationWebhookMapping
- NotificationWebhookMappingRequest
- OAuth2Provider
- OAuth2ProviderRequest
- OAuth2ProviderSetupURLs
- OAuthDeviceCodeChallenge
- OAuthDeviceCodeChallengeResponseRequest
- OAuthDeviceCodeFinishChallenge
- OAuthDeviceCodeFinishChallengeResponseRequest
- OAuthSource
- OAuthSourceRequest
- OpenIDConnectConfiguration
- Outpost
- OutpostDefaultConfig
- OutpostHealth
- OutpostRequest
- OutpostTypeEnum
- PaginatedApplicationList
- PaginatedAuthenticateWebAuthnStageList
- PaginatedAuthenticatedSessionList
- PaginatedAuthenticatorDuoStageList
- PaginatedAuthenticatorMobileStageList
- PaginatedAuthenticatorSMSStageList
- PaginatedAuthenticatorStaticStageList
- PaginatedAuthenticatorTOTPStageList
- PaginatedAuthenticatorValidateStageList
- PaginatedBlueprintInstanceList
- PaginatedBrandList
- PaginatedCaptchaStageList
- PaginatedCertificateKeyPairList
- PaginatedConsentStageList
- PaginatedDenyStageList
- PaginatedDockerServiceConnectionList
- PaginatedDomainList
- PaginatedDummyPolicyList
- PaginatedDummyStageList
- PaginatedDuoDeviceList
- PaginatedEmailStageList
- PaginatedEndpointList
- PaginatedEventList
- PaginatedEventMatcherPolicyList
- PaginatedExpiringBaseGrantModelList
- PaginatedExpressionPolicyList
- PaginatedExtraRoleObjectPermissionList
- PaginatedExtraUserObjectPermissionList
- PaginatedFlowList
- PaginatedFlowStageBindingList
- PaginatedGroupList
- PaginatedIdentificationStageList
- PaginatedInvitationList
- PaginatedInvitationStageList
- PaginatedKubernetesServiceConnectionList
- PaginatedLDAPOutpostConfigList
- PaginatedLDAPPropertyMappingList
- PaginatedLDAPProviderList
- PaginatedLDAPSourceList
- PaginatedLicenseList
- PaginatedMobileDeviceList
- PaginatedNotificationList
- PaginatedNotificationRuleList
- PaginatedNotificationTransportList
- PaginatedNotificationWebhookMappingList
- PaginatedOAuth2ProviderList
- PaginatedOAuthSourceList
- PaginatedOutpostList
- PaginatedPasswordExpiryPolicyList
- PaginatedPasswordPolicyList
- PaginatedPasswordStageList
- PaginatedPermissionList
- PaginatedPlexSourceConnectionList
- PaginatedPlexSourceList
- PaginatedPolicyBindingList
- PaginatedPolicyList
- PaginatedPromptList
- PaginatedPromptStageList
- PaginatedPropertyMappingList
- PaginatedProviderList
- PaginatedProxyOutpostConfigList
- PaginatedProxyProviderList
- PaginatedRACPropertyMappingList
- PaginatedRACProviderList
- PaginatedRadiusOutpostConfigList
- PaginatedRadiusProviderList
- PaginatedReputationList
- PaginatedReputationPolicyList
- PaginatedRoleAssignedObjectPermissionList
- PaginatedRoleList
- PaginatedSAMLPropertyMappingList
- PaginatedSAMLProviderList
- PaginatedSAMLSourceList
- PaginatedSCIMMappingList
- PaginatedSCIMProviderList
- PaginatedSMSDeviceList
- PaginatedScopeMappingList
- PaginatedServiceConnectionList
- PaginatedSourceList
- PaginatedStageList
- PaginatedStaticDeviceList
- PaginatedSystemTaskList
- PaginatedTOTPDeviceList
- PaginatedTenantList
- PaginatedTokenList
- PaginatedTokenModelList
- PaginatedUserAssignedObjectPermissionList
- PaginatedUserConsentList
- PaginatedUserDeleteStageList
- PaginatedUserList
- PaginatedUserLoginStageList
- PaginatedUserLogoutStageList
- PaginatedUserOAuthSourceConnectionList
- PaginatedUserSAMLSourceConnectionList
- PaginatedUserSourceConnectionList
- PaginatedUserWriteStageList
- PaginatedWebAuthnDeviceList
- Pagination
- PasswordChallenge
- PasswordChallengeResponseRequest
- PasswordExpiryPolicy
- PasswordExpiryPolicyRequest
- PasswordPolicy
- PasswordPolicyRequest
- PasswordStage
- PasswordStageRequest
- PatchedApplicationRequest
- PatchedAuthenticateWebAuthnStageRequest
- PatchedAuthenticatorDuoStageRequest
- PatchedAuthenticatorMobileStageRequest
- PatchedAuthenticatorSMSStageRequest
- PatchedAuthenticatorStaticStageRequest
- PatchedAuthenticatorTOTPStageRequest
- PatchedAuthenticatorValidateStageRequest
- PatchedBlueprintInstanceRequest
- PatchedBrandRequest
- PatchedCaptchaStageRequest
- PatchedCertificateKeyPairRequest
- PatchedConsentStageRequest
- PatchedDenyStageRequest
- PatchedDockerServiceConnectionRequest
- PatchedDomainRequest
- PatchedDummyPolicyRequest
- PatchedDummyStageRequest
- PatchedDuoDeviceRequest
- PatchedEmailStageRequest
- PatchedEndpointRequest
- PatchedEventMatcherPolicyRequest
- PatchedEventRequest
- PatchedExpressionPolicyRequest
- PatchedFlowRequest
- PatchedFlowStageBindingRequest
- PatchedGroupRequest
- PatchedIdentificationStageRequest
- PatchedInvitationRequest
- PatchedInvitationStageRequest
- PatchedKubernetesServiceConnectionRequest
- PatchedLDAPPropertyMappingRequest
- PatchedLDAPProviderRequest
- PatchedLDAPSourceRequest
- PatchedLicenseRequest
- PatchedMobileDeviceRequest
- PatchedNotificationRequest
- PatchedNotificationRuleRequest
- PatchedNotificationTransportRequest
- PatchedNotificationWebhookMappingRequest
- PatchedOAuth2ProviderRequest
- PatchedOAuthSourceRequest
- PatchedOutpostRequest
- PatchedPasswordExpiryPolicyRequest
- PatchedPasswordPolicyRequest
- PatchedPasswordStageRequest
- PatchedPermissionAssignRequest
- PatchedPlexSourceConnectionRequest
- PatchedPlexSourceRequest
- PatchedPolicyBindingRequest
- PatchedPromptRequest
- PatchedPromptStageRequest
- PatchedProxyProviderRequest
- PatchedRACPropertyMappingRequest
- PatchedRACProviderRequest
- PatchedRadiusProviderRequest
- PatchedReputationPolicyRequest
- PatchedRoleRequest
- PatchedSAMLPropertyMappingRequest
- PatchedSAMLProviderRequest
- PatchedSAMLSourceRequest
- PatchedSCIMMappingRequest
- PatchedSCIMProviderRequest
- PatchedSMSDeviceRequest
- PatchedScopeMappingRequest
- PatchedSettingsRequest
- PatchedStaticDeviceRequest
- PatchedTOTPDeviceRequest
- PatchedTenantRequest
- PatchedTokenRequest
- PatchedUserDeleteStageRequest
- PatchedUserLoginStageRequest
- PatchedUserLogoutStageRequest
- PatchedUserOAuthSourceConnectionRequest
- PatchedUserRequest
- PatchedUserSAMLSourceConnectionRequest
- PatchedUserWriteStageRequest
- PatchedWebAuthnDeviceRequest
- Permission
- PermissionAssignRequest
- PlatformEnum
- PlexAuthenticationChallenge
- PlexAuthenticationChallengeResponseRequest
- PlexSource
- PlexSourceConnection
- PlexSourceConnectionRequest
- PlexSourceRequest
- PlexTokenRedeemRequest
- Policy
- PolicyBinding
- PolicyBindingRequest
- PolicyEngineMode
- PolicyRequest
- PolicyTestRequest
- PolicyTestResult
- Prompt
- PromptChallenge
- PromptChallengeResponseRequest
- PromptRequest
- PromptStage
- PromptStageRequest
- PromptTypeEnum
- PropertyMapping
- PropertyMappingPreview
- PropertyMappingTestResult
- ProtocolEnum
- Provider
- ProviderEnum
- ProviderModelEnum
- ProviderRequest
- ProviderTypeEnum
- ProxyMode
- ProxyOutpostConfig
- ProxyProvider
- ProxyProviderRequest
- RACPropertyMapping
- RACPropertyMappingRequest
- RACProvider
- RACProviderRequest
- RadiusOutpostConfig
- RadiusProvider
- RadiusProviderRequest
- RedirectChallenge
- Reputation
- ReputationPolicy
- ReputationPolicyRequest
- ResidentKeyRequirementEnum
- Role
- RoleAssignedObjectPermission
- RoleObjectPermission
- RoleRequest
- SAMLMetadata
- SAMLPropertyMapping
- SAMLPropertyMappingRequest
- SAMLProvider
- SAMLProviderRequest
- SAMLSource
- SAMLSourceRequest
- SCIMMapping
- SCIMMappingRequest
- SCIMProvider
- SCIMProviderRequest
- SCIMSyncStatus
- SMSDevice
- SMSDeviceRequest
- ScopeMapping
- ScopeMappingRequest
- SelectableStage
- ServiceConnection
- ServiceConnectionRequest
- ServiceConnectionState
- SessionUser
- Settings
- SettingsRequest
- SeverityEnum
- ShellChallenge
- SignatureAlgorithmEnum
- Source
- SourceRequest
- SourceType
- SpBindingEnum
- Stage
- StagePrompt
- StageRequest
- StaticDevice
- StaticDeviceRequest
- StaticDeviceToken
- StaticDeviceTokenRequest
- SubModeEnum
- SystemInfo
- SystemInfoRuntime
- SystemTask
- SystemTaskStatusEnum
- TOTPDevice
- TOTPDeviceRequest
- Tenant
- TenantAdminGroupRequestRequest
- TenantRecoveryKeyRequestRequest
- TenantRecoveryKeyResponse
- TenantRequest
- Token
- TokenModel
- TokenRequest
- TokenSetKeyRequest
- TokenView
- TransactionApplicationRequest
- TransactionApplicationResponse
- TypeCreate
- UiThemeEnum
- UsedBy
- UsedByActionEnum
- User
- UserAccountRequest
- UserAssignedObjectPermission
- UserConsent
- UserCreationModeEnum
- UserDeleteStage
- UserDeleteStageRequest
- UserFieldsEnum
- UserGroup
- UserGroupRequest
- UserLoginChallenge
- UserLoginChallengeResponseRequest
- UserLoginStage
- UserLoginStageRequest
- UserLogoutStage
- UserLogoutStageRequest
- UserMatchingModeEnum
- UserMetrics
- UserOAuthSourceConnection
- UserOAuthSourceConnectionRequest
- UserObjectPermission
- UserPasswordSetRequest
- UserPath
- UserRequest
- UserSAMLSourceConnection
- UserSAMLSourceConnectionRequest
- UserSelf
- UserSelfGroups
- UserServiceAccountRequest
- UserServiceAccountResponse
- UserSetting
- UserSourceConnection
- UserTypeEnum
- UserVerificationEnum
- UserWriteStage
- UserWriteStageRequest
- ValidationError
- Version
- WebAuthnDevice
- WebAuthnDeviceRequest
- Workers
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
Note, each API key must be added to a map of map[string]APIKey
where the key is: Authorization and passed in as the auth context for each request.
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
Note, each API key must be added to a map of map[string]APIKey
where the key is: Authorization and passed in as the auth context for each request.
Due to the fact that model structure members are all pointers, this package contains a number of utility functions to easily obtain pointers to values of basic types. Each of these functions takes a value of the given basic type and returns a pointer to it: