- install all the dependencies from package.json (This will pull the dependecy versions from yarn.lock)
- tsc - convert all the ts files to js files & put them in the dist folder
After building all the files, run the below command to start the server in local
yarn start
By default this will start the server on 5001 port. If you want to use your custom port then use PORT env variable to set the custom value
Accessing GraphQL endpoint
Accessing REST endpoint
To run the server in debug mode, launch your server from vscode debug launcher using Start the server in debug mode
Note: Make sure you set all the env variables in your .env file
Set below environment variables in a .env file at the root, as shown in the .env.example file
(To upload the file blob on azure)
Note: First, install the heroku-cli
Follow the below steps to deploy the master branch to your heroku app (for now app is - wfto-covid19-service)
- Login to heroku in your terminal
heroku login
This will redirect to the login page in your default browser. Enter your login details => Close the page => Return back to the terminal (You should be logged in now)
- Use git to deploy the master branch to git
git push heroku master
To check the deployment logs
heroku logs --tail (to check the last few lines of the logs)
heroku logs (to get all the logs)
To see the changes deployed to heroku
- clone the source code from heroku git, to the local machine
heroku git:clone -a <app-name>
cd <app-name>
App => Settings => config vars Add all the env variables you're using in your local to the heroku app
- Try to use as much typescript as possible (Though you have the option to write plain javascipt as well in .ts files)
- Working with GraphQL
- Add the resolver with the business logic
- Update the schema to reflect your resolver, its input & output
- Working with REST
- Create the controller with the business logic
- Map the controller methods to the specific endpoint & HTTP method in
- Map the router in
- All the services used either in the REST or the GrpahQL flow, should be put under
Follow this structure while adding your code to this repo
- Api
- graphql
- resolvers
- schema
- rest
- controllers (endpoint controllers)
- routers (map the rest endpoints with the controller methods)
- graphql
- services