Hearthstone Deck Creator is Rails web app that lets users group Hearthstone playing cards into decks of 30. Users can save, compare, and edit their decks. In the actual Hearthstone game, players can create decks in similar fashion but the game's deck creator UI/UX is cumbersome. This web app is therefore meant to be a fast and easy way to experiment with deck composition outside of the game.
Both the frontend and backend are written with Ruby on Rails, so all of the views are written in HTML with embedded Ruby code. However, using the site you'll notice dynamic features on the screens, including card enlargment on hover and a deck roster pane that updates immediately when a new card is added to a deck. This is all done by using a JavaScript script to manipulate the DOM elements we created in our html-erb files. Although Ruby on Rails apps have their limitations, you can still use Rails to build interactive WebApps that fit the user-interactive 'Web 2.0' paradigm!
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To run this software locally you'll have to seed the database with card information. Register an account with mashape and enter your API key into the seeds file in the response object. If you need to push your clone to gibhut for any reason remember to delete your key beforehand
Since our seeding algorithm uses HTTP response types to clean off card data we don't want, seeding may take a while depending on your internet connection. If you want to track seeding progress, I added some console logs to print out the current card set your cleaning. If you want more detailed tracking you can alter the card_sets iterator in line 25 of the seeds.rb file to print any milestone you'd like.
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rake db:create rake db:migrate rake db:seed rails s
use rails console to explore the card data and view image sources
- My project partner Tyler Nodell, who also loves Hearthstone!