If you discover a security vulnerability within Streamium, please send a private message on github. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
Please include the following information in your report:
- Description of the vulnerability
- Steps to reproduce the issue
- Potential impact
- Any suggested fixes (if applicable)
Streamium implements several security measures:
- JWT-based authentication
- Secure password hashing
- Rate limiting on login attempts
- Password reset with secure tokens
Data Protection
- Input validation and sanitization
- XSS protection
- CSRF protection
- SQL injection prevention through Prisma ORM
API Security
- Rate limiting on sensitive endpoints
- Request validation
- Secure error handling
When contributing to Streamium, please ensure:
- All passwords are hashed using bcrypt
- Sensitive data is never logged
- Environment variables are used for secrets
- Input is properly validated and sanitized
- Rate limiting is implemented on sensitive endpoints
- Error messages don't leak sensitive information
There are currently no known security issues. Check this section for updates on security-related issues and their status.