Binding for WebGPU API.
pnpm install
dotnet tool restore
dotnet fable Demo --watch --run http-server Demo
# Navigate to http://localhost:8080
Open Glutinum.WebGPU
at the top of your file in order to use the WebGPU API.
open Browser
open Glutinum.WebGPU
let canvas = document.getElementById ("canvas") :?> Types.HTMLCanvasElement
canvas.width <- 500
canvas.height <- 500
promise {
let! adapter = navigator.gpu.requestAdapter ()
let! device = adapter.Value.requestDevice ()
let context = canvas.getContext ("webgpu") :?> GPUCanvasContext
let swapChainFormat = navigator.gpu.getPreferredCanvasFormat ()
let swapChain =
context.configure (
device = device,
format = swapChainFormat,
alphaMode = GPUCanvasAlphaMode.opaque
let render () =
let commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder ()
let textureView = context.getCurrentTexture().createView ()
let renderPassDescriptor =
colorAttachments =
[| Some(
view = textureView,
loadOp = GPULoadOp.clear,
storeOp =,
clearValue = GPUColorDict(
r = Random().NextDouble(),
g = Random().NextDouble(),
b = Random().NextDouble(),
a = 1.0
) |]
let passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass (renderPassDescriptor)
passEncoder.``end`` () |> ignore
device.queue.submit [| commandEncoder.finish () |] |> ignore
let mutable oldTimestamp = 0.0
let rec gameLoop (currentTimestamp: float) =
// Re-render every 500ms
if (currentTimestamp - oldTimestamp) >= 500.0 then
render ()
oldTimestamp <- currentTimestamp
// Request the next frame
window.requestAnimationFrame gameLoop |> ignore
// Start the game loop
window.requestAnimationFrame gameLoop |> ignore
return ()
|> Promise.start