SwiftGodot provides Swift language bindings for the Godot 4.3 game engine using the new GDExtension system (for 4.1 compatibility, use the 4.1 branch, for 4.2 compatibility use the 4.2 branch).
SwiftGodot can be used to either build an extension that can be added to an existing Godot project, where your code is providing services to the game engine, or it can be used as an API with SwiftGodotKit which embeds Godot as an application that is driven directly from Swift.
Tutorials and Documentation:
- Meet Swift Godot
- SwiftGodot API Documentation
- Differences to GDScript
- Tutorials and walkthroughs
- SwiftGodot port of KenneyNL's StarterKit 3D Platformer
Of interest to the community:
- Running Godot in VisionPro using GodotVision
- Example Godot on Vision GodotVisionExample
Driving Godot from Swift has the advantage that on MacOS you can debug your code from Xcode as well as the Godot code.
No game stutters caused by GC, unlike C#.
Learn more: Swift Godot: Fixing the Multi-million dollar mistake
The SwiftGodotKick project can create a skeleton template GDExtension with Swift, as well as a standalone SwiftGodotKit project that can be used to quickly iterate on your game on MacOS.
Currently, SwiftGodot can be used in projects targeting the iOS, Linux, macOS, or Windows platforms. It may be possible to target additional platforms, but testing for other platforms has not been completed and stability cannot be verified at this time.
SwiftGodot is built on the GDExtension framework, which is still in an experimental state, and consequently SwiftGodot is still in an experimental state. Compatibility may break in order to fix major bugs or include critical features. That being said, much of the Godot API surface has been implemented and SwiftGodot is suitable for use in small to mid size projects.
There are two ways of consuming SwiftGodot, you can either reference this module in SwiftPM by using this address - and it will trigger a complete source code build for you, or to quickly iterate on MacOS, you can use a convenient binary in the peer https://github.com/migueldeicaza/SwiftGodotBinary
Currently this requires Swift 5.9 or Xcode 15.
You should be all set by referencing this as a package from SwiftPM
but if you want to just work on the binding generator, you may want
to open the Generator project and edit the okList
to trim the build times.
To drive Godot from Swift, use the companion SwiftGodotKit
module which embeds Godot directly into your application, which
allows you to to launch the Godot runtime from your code.
Creating an extension that can be used in Godot requires a few components:
- Your Swift code: this is where you bring the magic
- A
file that describes where to find the requires Swift library assets - Some Swift registration code and bootstrap code
- Importing your extension into your project
Your Swift code will be compiled into a shared library that Godot will call. To get started, the simplest thing to do is to create a Swift Library Package that references the Swift Godot package, like this:
// swift-tools-version: 5.9
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "MyFirstGame",
products: [
.library(name: "MyFirstGame", type: .dynamic, targets: ["MyFirstGame"]),
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/migueldeicaza/SwiftGodot", branch: "main")
targets: [
name: "MyFirstGame",
dependencies: ["SwiftGodot"])]
The above will compile all of SwiftGodot for you - alternatively, if
you do not need access to the source, you can use the .binaryTarget
feature of SwiftPM and reference an .xcframework
that I have
conveniently published on GitHub at
The next step is to create your source file with the magic on it, here we declare a spinning cube:
import SwiftGodot
class SpinningCube: Node3D {
public override func _ready () {
let meshRender = MeshInstance3D()
meshRender.mesh = BoxMesh()
addChild(node: meshRender)
public override func _process(delta: Double) {
rotateY(angle: delta)
Additionally, you need to write some glue code for your project to be loadable by Godot, you can do it like this:
/// We register our new type when we are told that the scene is being loaded
func setupScene (level: GDExtension.InitializationLevel) {
if level == .scene {
register(type: SpinningCube.self)
// Export our entry point to Godot:
public func swift_entry_point(
interfacePtr: OpaquePointer?,
libraryPtr: OpaquePointer?,
extensionPtr: OpaquePointer?) -> UInt8
print ("SwiftGodot Extension loaded")
guard let interfacePtr, let libraryPtr, let extensionPtr else {
print ("Error: some parameters were not provided")
return 0
initializeSwiftModule(interfacePtr, libraryPtr, extensionPtr, initHook: setupScene, deInitHook: { x in })
return 1
Alternatively, you can use the #initSwiftExtension
import SwiftGodot
#initSwiftExtension(cdecl: "swift_entry_point", types: [SpinningCube.self])
Also, you can use EntryPointGeneratorPlugin
that will scan the target source files and generate entry point called swift_entry_point
with types
array mentioning all classes with @Godot
macro attached. All you need is to add plugins
entry in your Package.swift
as below:
let package = Package(
name: "MyFirstGame",
products: [
.library(name: "MyFirstGame", type: .dynamic, targets: ["MyFirstGame"]),
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/migueldeicaza/SwiftGodot", branch: "main")
targets: [
name: "MyFirstGame",
dependencies: ["SwiftGodot"],
// this plugin will generate a source file visible to compiler with '#initSwiftExtension(cdecl: "swift_entry_point", types: [SpinningCube.self])'
plugins: [
.plugin(name: "EntryPointGeneratorPlugin", package: "SwiftGodot")
To make your extension available to Godot, you will need to
build the binaries for all of your target platforms, as well
as creating a .gdextension
file that lists this payload,
along with the entry point you declared above.
You would create something like this in a file called
entry_symbol = "swift_entry_point"
compatibility_minimum = 4.2
macos.debug = "res://bin/MyFirstGame"
macos.release = "res://bin/MyFirstGame"
windows.debug.x86_32 = "res://bin/MyFirstGame"
windows.release.x86_32 = "res://bin/MyFirstGame"
windows.debug.x86_64 = "res://bin/MyFirstGame"
windows.release.x86_64 = "res://bin/MyFirstGame"
linux.debug.x86_64 = "res://bin/MyFirstGame"
linux.release.x86_64 = "res://bin/MyFirstGame"
linux.debug.arm64 = "res://bin/MyFirstGame"
linux.release.arm64 = "res://bin/MyFirstGame"
linux.debug.rv64 = "res://bin/MyFirstGame"
linux.release.rv64 = "res://bin/MyFirstGame"
android.debug.x86_64 = "res://bin/MyFirstGame"
android.release.x86_64 = "res://bin/MyFirstGame"
android.debug.arm64 = "res://bin/MyFirstGame"
android.release.arm64 = "res://bin/MyFirstGame"
In the example above, the extension always expects the platform specific payload to be called "MyFirstGame", regarless of the platform. If you want to distribute your extension to other users and have a single payload, you will need to manually set different names for those.
You need to copy both the new .gdextension
file into
an existing project, along with the resources it references.
Once it is there, Godot will load it for you.
Once you create your extension and have loaded it into Godot, you can reference it from your code by using the "Add Child Node" command in Godot (Command-A on MacOS) and then finding it in the hierarchy.
In our example above, it would appear under Node3D, as it is a Node3D subclass.
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