A multi-stage GNSS signal and data simulator
This is a GNSS signal and data simulator and generator to help the development of GNSS receiver. This program support multiple stage of simulation output:
- Reference trajectory of receiver (as standard reference result)
- Observation (help to debug and test PVT program)
- Baseband correlation result (combine with local channel configuration parameters help to debug baseband tracking and control program)
- Digital IF result (help to debug baseband process algorithm)
- A realtime GNSS signal simulator (with hardware signal interpolation and up convertor)
Change list as below:
An optimized initial version re-published on github
Add XML format trajectory output
Add support to load BDS ionosphere parameter in RINEX header
Add support to load GPS/BDS/Galileo UTC parameters in RINEX header
Add support to load BDS/Galileo ephemeris in RINEX file
Optimize XML file content interpreter
Add class NavBit and LNavBit to generate GPS LNAV data stream
Change format of GNSS_TIME to improve accuracy
Add GetTransmitTime() method
Remove obsolete file
Fix bug of TOW add extra 1 when put into LNAV data stream
Fix bug of not put in week number in LNAV data stream
Use complete GNSS time to get LNAV data stream
Add satellite signal power control support in XML
Add RINEX output functions
Restore CN0 field in SATELLITE_PARAM structure as stored CN0
Add support for B1C and E1C
Fix bug of CN0 assign incorrect value during satellite add/remove
Add support for system select
Add support for B-CNAV2 data stream generation
Bug fix on B-CNAV1 stream generation
Option to use Vel/Acc to calculated satellite position
Add some variables and functions for future multi-frequency support
Minor bug fix on satellite acc calculation for GEO satellite
Modifications to comply with stricter syntax checking
Add SignalSim.h to include all necessary header files for package users
Add a new class CSatelliteSignal to get data/pilot modulation
Add a new NavBit derived class D1D2NavBit to generate BDS2 data stream
Call to GetFrameData() in NavBit class will be obsolete in the future
Add pilot bit generation function
Remove pilot bit generation in NavBit and CSatelliteSignal class
GetFrameData() method in NavBit (and derived classes) no longer support pilot bit generation
Add Galileo I/NAV data stream generation class
Add inter-signal correction (delay between different frequencies) support in XML format
Add GLONASS satellite parameter and raw measurement calculation
Add GLONASS slot/freq output to RINEX file
Add GLONASS GNAV data stream composition
Leap second correction in CSatelliteSignal
Update the PDF file for design description
Add complex_number class
Add E5 support
Add dummy F/NAV data stream generation
Satellite signal generation allows NULL pointer for data bit to generate all 0 modulation data
Replace UnscaleDouble and roundi/roundu with UnscaleInt/UnscaleUint
Add UnscaleLong/UnscaleULong to better support data fields longer than 32bit (C-NAV and BC-NAV)
Add support to RINEX 4 format navigation file
Modify Rinex.cpp to support RINEX 4 format data set
Expand and modify GPS_EPHEMERIS structure to support ephemeris from different navigation data format
Calculate clock/delay for different frequency with corresponding parameters
Change BCNavBit to virtual class and derive three classes for B-CNAV1/2/3 data stream
Combine iode2/iode3 to iode in ephemeris structure
Add B-CNAV2 and B-CNAV3 support in CSatelliteSignal
Modify GetTravelTime() and GetCarrierPhase() to use correct group delay
Add GPS L1C CNAV2 navigation stream generation class
Fix bugs in BDS D1/D2 navigation stream generation
Add L1C/L5/E6 support into CSatelliteSignal class
Observation support multi-frequency in structure and RINEX output
Made following changes to enable almanac read and data stream generation containing almanac subframe/string
Change function parameter of SetAlmanac() in NavBit and all derived classes
Add functions to read almanac file in Almanac.cpp
Add array to store almanacs in CNavData class
Add functions to read almanac files and convert ephemeris to almanac in CNavData class
Ephemeris to almanac conversion for GLONASS and BDS GEO satellites will be added in future version
The time parameter of FindEphemeris() and FindGloEphemeris() definition changes to follow corresponding system
Add almanac subframe/string generation for D1/D2, LNAC and GNAV data stream
Add almanac word (word 710) to Galileo E1 data stream
Add Reed-Solomon encoded ephemeris (word 1720) to Galileo E1 data stream
Bug fixes on E1 ephemeris word and TOW composition
Add Galileo E5a F/NAV data modulation support
Bug fix of group delay and signal modulation phase in B2b signal
New CNavBit class for CNAV bit stream generation
Expand URA index range to support corresponding data field in CNAV
L2CM and L5I signal use CNAV data modulation
CMakeLists.txt added to XmlObsGen folder to guide how to build project using cmake
Minor fixes
Add JSON format scenario control file to replace XML format
Add JsonParser.cpp/JsonParser.h to read JSON data structure from file
Add JsonInterpreter.cpp/JsonInterpreter.h to translate JSON data structure to scenario control
Add a JsonObsGen project that has the same output using test_obs2.json (same parameters as test_obs2.xml used in XmlObsGen project)
Rearrange some definitions and declarations
Change FREQ_INDEX_XXX definitions to SIGNAL_INDEX_XXX for better discriminate signals at same frequency
Key word extension in JSON for future IF data generation support
Following bug fix and improvements on almanac data stream composition
Fix bug on possible incorrect week number in data stream of I/NAV and F/NAV if almanac of some satellite missing
Fix bug on incorrect week number set in data stream
Second parameter of function CompleteAlmanac() uses UTC time
Add BDS GEO satellite ephemeris to almanac conversion
Add GLONASS satellite ephemeris to almanac conversion