akka-persistence-dynamodb writes journal and snapshot entries to DynamoDB. It implements the full akka-persistence-query API and is therefore very useful for implementing DDD-style application models using Akka and Scala for creating reactive applications.
This plugin is derived from dnvriend/akka-persistence-jdbc, not akka/akka-persistence-dynamodb.
It was impossible to change akka/akka-persistence-dynamodb to support aws-sdk v2. Because it is a complex structure. As a simpler solution, I decided to derive from dnvriend/akka-persistence-jdbc.
- Scala:
- Akka:
- Java:
Product | j5ik2o/akka-persistence-dynamodb | akka/akka-persistence-dynamodb | dnvriend/akka-persistence-jdbc |
DynamoDB support | ✓ | ✓ | - |
Write Sharding | ✓ | ✓ | - |
Non-blocking I/O | ✓ | - | - |
Journal Plugin | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Snapshot Plugin | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Query Plugin | ✓ | - | ✓ |
Supports aws-sdk-java-v2.
This plugin supports a simple sharding to avoid the throttle of write on DynamoDB.
Primary Index(for Writing)
- Partition Key = ${PersistenceId}-${SequenceNumber % ShardCount}
- Sort Key = ${SequenceNumber}
GSI: GetJournalRows(for Reading)
- PartitionKey = ${PersistenceId}
- Sort Key = ${SequenceNumber}
By the way, akka/akka-persistence-dynamodb maybe has a heavy maintenance cost because it provides complicated sharding.
- Supports non-blocking I/O by aws-sdk-java-v2
- The other logic implemented by akka-actor, akka-stream also non-blocking and async.
Add the following to your sbt build (Scala 2.11.x, 2.12.x):
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Release Repository" at "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/"
val version = "..."
libraryDependencies += Seq(
"com.github.j5ik2o" %% "akka-persistence-dynamodb" % version
Just this, if you like the default settings.
akka.persistence.journal.plugin = "dynamo-db-journal"
If overwrite the default values.
akka.persistence.journal.plugin = "dynamo-db-journal"
dynamo-db-journal {
class = "com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.journal.DynamoDBJournal"
plugin-dispatcher = "akka.actor.default-dispatcher"
table-name = "Journal"
get-journal-rows-index-name = "GetJournalRows"
tag-separator = ","
shard-count = 1
queue-buffer-size = 1024
queue-overflow-strategy = "Fail"
queue-parallelism = 32
write-parallelism = 32
soft-delete = true
query-batch-size = 1024
consistent-read = false
columns-def {
partition-key-column-name = "pkey"
persistence-id-column-name = "persistence-id"
sequence-nr-column-name = "sequence-nr"
deleted-column-name = "deleted"
message-column-name = "message"
ordering-column-name = "ordering"
tags-column-name = "tags"
dynamo-db-client {
max-concurrency = 128
max-pending-connection-acquires = ?
read-timeout = 3 s
write-timeout = 3 s
connection-timeout = 3 s
connection-acquisition-timeout = 3 s
connection-time-to-live = 3 s
max-idle-connection-timeout = 3 s
use-connection-reaper = true
threads-of-event-loop-group = 32
user-http2 = true
max-http2-streams = 32
batch-get-item-limit = 100
batch-write-item-limit = 25
Just this, if you like the default settings.
akka.persistence.snapshot-store.plugin = "dynamo-db-snapshot"
If overwrite the default values.
akka.persistence.snapshot-store.plugin = "dynamo-db-snapshot"
dynamo-db-snapshot {
table-name = "Snapshot"
columns-def {
partition-key-column-name = "pkey"
persistence-id-column-name = "persistence-id"
sequence-nr-column-name = "sequence-nr"
deleted-column-name = "deleted"
message-column-name = "message"
ordering-column-name = "ordering"
tags-column-name = "tags"
dynamo-db-client {
max-concurrency = 128
max-pending-connection-acquires = ?
read-timeout = 3 s
write-timeout = 3 s
connection-timeout = 3 s
connection-acquisition-timeout = 3 s
connection-time-to-live = 3 s
max-idle-connection-timeout = 3 s
use-connection-reaper = true
threads-of-event-loop-group = 32
user-http2 = true
max-http2-streams = 32
batch-get-item-limit = 100
batch-write-item-limit = 25
Just this, if you like the default settings.
dynamo-db-read-journal {
class = "com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.query.DynamoDBReadJournalProvider"
write-plugin = "dynamo-db-journal"
If overwrite the default values.
dynamo-db-read-journal {
class = "com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.dynamodb.query.DynamoDBReadJournalProvider"
plugin-dispatcher = "akka.actor.default-dispatcher"
write-plugin = "dynamo-db-journal"
table-name = "Journal"
tags-index-name = "TagsIndex"
get-journal-rows-index-name = "GetJournalRows"
tag-separator = ","
shard-count = 1
refresh-interval = 0.5 s
query-batch-size = 1024
consistent-read = false
columns-def {
partition-key-column-name = "pkey"
persistence-id-column-name = "persistence-id"
sequence-nr-column-name = "sequence-nr"
deleted-column-name = "deleted"
message-column-name = "message"
ordering-column-name = "ordering"
tags-column-name = "tags"
dynamo-db-client {
max-concurrency = 128
max-pending-connection-acquires = ?
read-timeout = 3 s
write-timeout = 3 s
connection-timeout = 3 s
connection-acquisition-timeout = 3 s
connection-time-to-live = 3 s
max-idle-connection-timeout = 3 s
use-connection-reaper = true
threads-of-event-loop-group = 32
user-http2 = true
max-http2-streams = 32
batch-get-item-limit = 100
batch-write-item-limit = 25
val readJournal : ReadJournal
with CurrentPersistenceIdsQuery
with PersistenceIdsQuery
with CurrentEventsByPersistenceIdQuery
with EventsByPersistenceIdQuery
with CurrentEventsByTagQuery
with EventsByTagQuery = PersistenceQuery(system).readJournalFor(DynamoDBReadJournal.Identifier)
Assuming the default values are used (adjust as necessary if not):
type | name | partition key | sort key | comments |
table | Journal | pkey (String) |
sequence-nr (Number) |
Provision capacity as necessary for your application. |
index | GetJournalRows (GSI) | persistence-id (String) |
sequence-nr (Number) |
Index on the Journal table. |
table | Snapshots | persistence-id (String) |
sequence-nr (Number) |
No indices necessary. |
I also found it necessary to specify the journal index name in the configuration:
dynamo-db-read-journal {
table-name = "Journal"
get-journal-rows-index-name = "GetJournalRows"
As the access to the DynamoDB instance is via the AWS Java SDK, use the methods for the SDK, which are documented at docs.aws.amazon.com
Apache License
This product was made by duplicating or referring to the code of the following products, so Dennis Vriend's license is included in the product code and test code.