This is the source code for the tutorial application associated with the "IBM Bluemix Application Development" course on Udemy.
This is the second version of the resume application. It is based on the initial static version, but incorporates dynamic content from a JSON file using the Handlebars.js templating engine.
The handlebars resume can be run locally or uploaded to IBM Bluemix and run from there.
Throughout the course, we will continue to expand and build on this version.
- First, make a fork of this repository (repo) by following these instructions in the github documentation.
- Then, clone your new repository to your local machine by following these instructions.
- From a terminal or command console, change to the directory where the cloned files are. (Hint: The package.json file should be in this folder.)
- Type:
npm install
to install the required dependencies for the application. - Then, if there were no issues, type
npm start
to start the node.js application. - If the server starts, it will display the address and port where it is listening locally.
- Now, you can point your browser to that location and see the resume. You can also upload the files to IBM Bluemix and run the application there.
- You can also change the data in the data file (at data/resume.json) and reload the page to see your changes reflected in the resume.
- Review the course (if you are enrolled.)
- Stack Overflow (for generic Node, Express, Handlebars, Bluemix or Git questions)
- Google/Bing
- Contact the author (always happy to help.)