A template PR screamer for github repos. This includes a basic check-runner framework with type definitions. It also includes some helpful utilities, and test coverage for those utilities.
You will need to customize almost everything in this repo. It is not intended to be used "as is".
You can define your inputs in action.yml, and then incorporate them into your screamer in index.js:run
You can find a template check at ./checks/template.js.
Your checks get mounted in ./checks/index.js.
Takes a filename like secrets.json and returns secretsJson
const { camelCaseFileName } = require('./util');
// secretsJson
Clear any comments from this bot that are already on the PR. This prevents excessive comment polution
const { clearPreviousRunComments } = require('./util');
await clearPreviousRunComments(octokit, { owner, repo, pull_number });
Formats text as a markdown code block.
const { codeBlock } = require('./util');
JSON.stringify({ key: "value"}, null, 2),
"key": "value"
Determines whether a file uses tabs or spaces, and how many. If a file uses inconsistent indentation, it will return the most common form. This was written for JSON files, but should work with any consistently indented file.
const { detectIndentation } = require('./util');
// { amount: 2, type: 'spaces', indent: ' '}
Escapes a string so that it can be matched literally as a regex. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions#Escaping
const { escapeRegExp } = require('./util');
// test\[1\-9\]\+
Takes an array of GitHub Files (as returned by GitHub API), and returns an array of Directory Objects, ready to have checks run on them.
const { getAllRelevantFiles } = require('./util');
const { data: files } = await octokit.pulls.listFiles({
// This should be a list of files you want to scream at
const filesToCheck = [
const dirsTocheck = await getAllRelevantFiles(files, filesToCheck);
Read relevant files from the directory,
and split them by \n
const { getContents } = require('./util');
const directory = await getContents('streamliner', ['orders', 'secrets.json'])
directory: 'streamliner',
ordersPath: 'streamliner/orders',
ordersContents: [
'export CAT="pants"',
'dockerdeploy github/glg/someapp/main:latest'
secretsJsonPath: 'streamliner/secrets.json',
secretsJsonContents: [
' {',
' "name": "something",',
' "valueFrom": "arn:something:secret"',
' }',
Identifies the start and end line for a JSON object in a file
const { getLinesForJSON } = require('./util');
let fileLines = [
" {",
' "name":"WRONG",',
' "valueFrom": "differentarn"',
" },",
" {",
' "name":"MY_SECRET",',
' "valueFrom": "arn"',
" }",
let jsonObj = { name: "MY_SECRET", valueFrom: "arn" };
let lines = getLinesForJSON(fileLines, jsonObj);
// { start: 6, end: 9 }
Returns the first line number that matches a given RegExp. Returns null if no lines match
const { getLineNumber } = require('./util');
const ordersContents = [
"export SOMETHING=allowed",
'export SOMETHING_ELSE="also allowed"',
const regex = /export SOMETHING_ELSE=/;
const line = getLineNumber(ordersContents, regex);
// 2
Looks for a line that matches a given RegExp, and is also within a specified object.
const { getLineWithinObject } = require('./util');
const secretsJson = [
name: "JWT_SECRET",
valueFrom: "some secret arn",
const secretsJsonContents = JSON.stringify(secretsJson, null, 2).split("\n");
const regex = new RegExp(`"name":\\s*"${secretsJson[0].name}"`);
const lineNumber = getLineWithinObject(
// 3
Generates a markdown link that creates a new issue on a specified github repository
const { getNewIssueLink } = require('./util');
const issueLink = getNewIssueLink({
linkText: "Create an issue",
owner: "glg-public",
repo: "screamer.tml",
title: "Test Error",
body: "This text will be in the body of the issue",
// [Create an issue](https://github.com/glg-public/screamer.tml/issues/new?title=Test%20Error&body=This%20text%20will%20be%20in%20the%20body%20of%20the%20issue)
Creates a url that proposes a new file in github
const { getNewFileLink } = require('./util');
const link = getNewFileLink({
owner: "glg-public",
repo: "screamer.tml",
branch: "main",
filename: "test/fixtures/new-fixture.json",
value: JSON.stringify(
key: "value",
// https://github.com/glg-public/screamer.tml/new/main?filename=test%2Ffixtures%2Fnew-fixture.json&value=%7B%0A%20%20%22key%22%3A%20%22value%22%0A%7D
Get the owner, repo, and head branch for this PR
const { getOwnerRepoBranch } = require('./util');
const pr = require("./test/fixtures/pull-request.json");
// This context object is something you get for free in the action
const context = { payload: { pull_request: pr } };
const { owner, repo, branch } = getOwnerRepoBranch(context);
// owner: octocat
// repo: Hello-World
// branch: new-topic
Performs an HTTPS GET operation and returns a JSON-parsed body
const { httpGet } = require('./util');
// No Auth
let url = 'https://google.com';
const clusterMap = await httpGet(url);
// With Auth
url = 'https://deploy.glgresearch.com/deployinator/enumerate/roles';
const httpOpts = {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
const roles = await httpGet(url, httpOpts);
Leaves the correct type of comment for a given Result object.
- If
Result.line === 0
, it will leave an issue comment, and not a line-specific comment. - If
is an object like{start, end}
, it will leave the comment on the selected range of lines, in the file specified byResult.path
. - If
is a positive integer, it will leave a comment at that line, in the file specified byResult.path
. Result.problems
is an array of strings, and will be converted to a markdown list in the comment
const { leaveComment } = require('./util');
await leaveComment(octokit, result, {
owner: 'glg-public',
repo: 'screamer.tml',
pull_number: 1,
sha: 'e91f020470b41e2e5a42e0cfb9b4add9ab33145d'
Returns a link to a specific line, or range of lines in a blob
const { lineLink } = require('./util');
// Whole file
let link = lineLink({
owner: "glg-public",
repo: "screamer.tml",
sha: "c0db3ab6a7f43b416ee1810bdd49795540e19b07",
path: "test/fixtures/pull-request.json",
line: 0,
// https://github.com/glg-public/screamer.tml/blob/c0db3ab6a7f43b416ee1810bdd49795540e19b07/test/fixtures/pull-request.json
// A specific line
link = lineLink({
owner: "glg-public",
repo: "screamer.tml",
sha: "c0db3ab6a7f43b416ee1810bdd49795540e19b07",
path: "test/fixtures/pull-request.json",
line: 5,
// https://github.com/glg-public/screamer.tml/blob/c0db3ab6a7f43b416ee1810bdd49795540e19b07/test/fixtures/pull-request.json#L5
// A range of lines
link = lineLink({
owner: "glg-public",
repo: "screamer.tml",
sha: "c0db3ab6a7f43b416ee1810bdd49795540e19b07",
path: "test/fixtures/pull-request.json",
line: { start: 5, end: 9 },
// https://github.com/glg-public/screamer.tml/blob/c0db3ab6a7f43b416ee1810bdd49795540e19b07/test/fixtures/pull-request.json#L5-L9
Creates a url for a pull request.
const { prLink } = require('./util');
const link = prLink({
owner: 'glg-public',
repo: 'screamer.tml',
pull_number: 1
// https://github.com/glg-public/screamer.tml/pull/1
Wraps some text as a github suggestion comment
const { suggest } = require('./util');
const suggestion = suggest('You should do this', 'console.log("hello");')
Results in:
You should do this
Submits an issue comment on the PR which contains a link to a pre-populated bug report on this repository.
const { suggestBugReport } = require('./util');
const error = new Error("Test");
await suggestBugReport(octokit, error, "Test Error", {
owner: "org",
repo: "repo",
pull_number: 42,