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A toy large model for recommender system based on LLaMA2/SASRec/Meta's generative recommenders. Besides, note and experiments of official implementation for Meta's generative recommenders.


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①A toy large model for recommender system based on LLaMA2, SASRec, and Meta's generative recommenders. ②Note and experiments of official implementation for Meta's generative recommenders.

Part 1. DIY Toy RecLM

Toy RecLM includes DIY model based on LLaMA2(HSTU) + SASRec prediction layer.

1.1. Training Framework

1.2. Model Architecture

  • Version 1: Basic Implementation -- Combination of LLaMA2 and SASRec.

    LLaMA2 model as backbone based on baby-llama2-chinese and SASRec(SASRec.pytorch) at the prediction part.

    • Part 1: At first, we stack LLaMA2's Transformer Blocks. Note that since LLaMA2 uses decoder-only framework, it utilizes casual mask just the same as SASRec.

    LLaMA2 Transformer Block

    • Part 2.1: After Transformer Blocks, we implement prediction layer in SASRec. Specifically, we adopt an MF layer to predict the relevance of item $i$ by sharing item embedding.
    • Part 2.2: we generate an embedding by considering all actions of a user following SASrec.
  • Version 2. actions-speak-louder-than-words's modification for Model -- Hierarchical Sequential Transduction Unit (HSTU)

    Note that HSTU adopts a new pointwise aggregated attention mechanism instead of softmax attention in Transformers. (Just as in Deep Interest Network).

    • HSTU

      HSTU formulae & Structure

1.3. Model Training

We convert each user sequence (excluding the last action) $$ (\mathcal{S}{1}^{u},\mathcal{S}{2}^{u},\cdots,\mathcal{S}_{|\mathcal{S}^{u}|-1}^{u}) $$ to a fixed length sequence $s = {s_1, s_2, . . . , s_n}$ via truncation or padding items. We define $o_t$ as the expected output at time step $t$ and adopt the binary cross entropy loss as the objective function as in SASRec.

1.4. Implementation for Matching Task

actions-speak-louder-than-words's design for Matching

1.4.1. Data Process

Input is dataset of samples of user historical behavior sequences as follows.

<user_1 profile> <item_1 id features> ... <item_n id features>
<user_2 profile> <item_1 id features> ... <item_n id features>

Moreover, auxiliary time series tokens could be added into seqs above if available.

1.4.2. Installation

use the command to setup environment

# add conda-forge
conda config --add channels conda-forge

# install env
conda env create -f env.yml -n reclm
conda activate reclm

1.4.3. Training

Predict $p(\hat{s}_{i+1}|s_1,\cdots,s_i )$, and non-behavioral tokens & negative feedback will not included in loss calculation.

To train this model, use the command (set mode by $eval_only$ and choose backbone by $model_name$)

# LLaMA2 as backbone
torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=2 --eval_only=false --model_name='llama'

# HSTU as backbone
torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=2 --eval_only=false --model_name='hstu'

1.4.4. Evaluation

Use NDCG@10 and HR@10 to evaluate performance on whole dataset.

To evalutate this model by NDCG and hit ratio, use the command (set mode by $eval_only$ and load checkpoint by $ckpt_name$, and choose backbone by $model_name$)

# LLaMA2 as backbone
torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=2 --eval_only=true --ckpt_name='epoch_15.pth' --model_name='llama'

# HSTU as backbone
torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=2 --eval_only=true --ckpt_name='epoch_15.pth' --model_name='hstu'

About evaluation function, please refer to


1.5. Training Support

1.5.1. Support Acceleration by DeepSpeed

To accelerate by DeepSpeed, use the command

# pip install deepspeed

# recommended local compilation
git clone
cd DeepSpeed
rm -rf build
--global-option="build_ext" --global-option="-j8" --no-cache -v \
--disable-pip-version-check 2>&1 | tee build.log
Multi-node Configuration: Setup Passwordless SSH

For resource configuration of multi-node, we need generate ssh-key by ssh-keygen and pass key to other nodes by ssh-copy-id. Here we have one node with 2 gpus(NVIDIA RTX A6000). Still, we set multi-node configuration for guidance and in this case host just need to communicate with itself.

  • First generate ssh-key
  • Write ~/.ssh/config to get nickname and identity file of host and as follows.
Host host1
    User guyr
            port 22
                IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  • Write hostfile for deepspeed to get multi-node.
host1 slots=2
  • Use ssh-copy-id to copy identity file to other nodes
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa host1

# test
ssh host1
Argument Parser Configuration

To successfully run deepspeed, we need to add local_rank & deepspeed parameters in argparser, since deepspeed will add these hyperparameters to each process when launching tasks.

# when use deepspeed
parser.add_argument("--local_rank", type=int, default=0)
parser.add_argument("--deepspeed", type=str, default="ds_config.json")

Finally run deepspeed using the command

deepspeed --hostfile ./hostfile --master_port 12345 --include="host1:0,1" --eval_only=false --model_name='llama' --deepspeed ds_config.json

1.5.2. Support Setuptools & Docker


Add to set package configuration and required packages.

docker run hello-world
  • Add Dockerfile

Add Dockerfile to build docker env. Specifically, we use the command $ pip install -e .[deepspeed] to build env by in path './' and make this package editable. Use the command

# build docker
docker build -t toyreclm .
  • Add gpu configuration to docker

Use the command to add nvidia-container-script

sudo sh
sudo apt-get install nvidia-container-runtime
sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-container-toolkit
sudo systemctl restart docker

# check
which nvidia-container-runtime # /usr/bin/nvidia-container-runtime
  • Run docker

Use the command to run docker container

# run docker with container name $reclm$ and volume corresponding folders
docker run -it --gpus all --name reclm -e CONTAINER_NAME=reclm -v ./data:/app/data toyreclm /bin/bash
# # to copy data files into container
# docker cp ./data $CONTAINER_NAME:/app/

# check container name

# run ddp
torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=2 --eval_only=false --model_name='llama'


Install SSH is not recommended in docker since it conflicts with the concept of docker that each container runs only one process.

1.6. News

Part 2. Note and Experiments for Official Implementation

Facebookresearch updates official implementation of generative recommenders, here to analyze and carry out additional experiments for better comprehension. This part is placed at the folder './analysis'.

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2.1 Note

In, we discuss the details of the generative-recommender, e.g.,

  • data preprocess
  • training process
  • model architecture

Notably, this work inherits many ideas from Revisiting Neural Retrieval on Accelerators, and these work are from same authors.

So, in, we discuss the details of this related work.

2.2 Experiments

  • LM new features
  • parameter-efficient fine-tuning
  • quantization
  • model size
  • hyper-parameter


A toy large model for recommender system based on LLaMA2/SASRec/Meta's generative recommenders. Besides, note and experiments of official implementation for Meta's generative recommenders.








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