cd ~
git clone
Add this to your bashrc/profile/zrc files
export PATH=$PATH:~/git_bin
export RELEASE_BRANCH_NAME=<name of default branch>
If you want Git to use a different editor than VIM you can use this command to set it to the editor of your choice
git config --global core.editor "nano"
This updates from $RELEASE_BRANCH_NAME then creates a new branch using the first arguement for the branch name following feature/
new_feature new_feature_name
This updates from $RELEASE_BRANCH_NAME then creates a new branch using the first arguement for the branch name following hotfix/
new_hotfix new_feature_name
Adds new files and runs add -p to review changes. Adds a commit and requests a comment then pushes up branch
Most complex command this updates from $RELEASE_BRANCH_NAME then reorders the changes so this branches are the most recent then allow the user the ability to squash and ammend the commit message for all commits on that branch.
This command does not push the branch so you have time to review incase it dropped important changes.
git status
git push origin <branch_name> -f
This command compares your local branches to the ones on Github and provides the ability pick which ones delete useing vi