Huggle 3 QT-LX is an anti-vandalism tool for use on Wikipedia and other MediaWiki sites, written in C++ (QT framework). It is officialy supported for Windows (2000 or newer), MacOS and Linux (debian/ubuntu).
Libraries and tools you need to have to build:
- GCC (gcc g++ make)
- CMake 2.8.9 or higher is required
- QT4 sdk (libqt4-dev libqt4-webkit libqt4-network qt4-qmake libqtwebkit-dev libqt4-dev-bin qt4-dev-tools)
- (optional) QT5 sdk (libqt5webkit5-dev qt5-default qtquick1-5-dev qtlocation5-dev qtsensors5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev)
- (optional) Python (libpython-dev)
- checkout this repository
- cd REPO/huggle, execute
./configure --extension --qt4 #you can use --qt5 in case you have it
cd huggle_release
sudo make install
To enable python engine you need to:
On linux / mac: run ./configure with --python option, for example
./configure --qt5 --python
Note: you need to have cmake 3.0.0 or newer for this to work
On windows you need to run cmake with -DHUGGLE_PYTHON=TRUE for it to work
Now rebuild Huggle and hopefor the best!
If you manage to compile it, you can insert your .py extensions to HUGGLEROOT/extensions, for more information ask for help on our irc channel.
This is a documentation for users:
We have a channel irc:// so if you need any kind of help please go there.
Everyone is allowed to send the pull requests to this repository, and all regular contributors get a developer access to directly push if they need it. If you want to join a Huggle developer team, please see and insert yourself.
This repository is running CI using travis, if you want to change anything which doesn't require sanity check, like documentation or comments, please append [ci skip] to your message.
Please use
Huggle 3 is licensed under GPL v3+, some contents of this repository may be licensed under different license. See the local README or file headers for more information.