This repository contains the resolution of any practice tasks of IEEEXtreme. The exercises are solved in Python 3 or C++.
For more information about this competition: IEEEXtreme site. For more information about the practice tasks: IEEEXtreme practice tasks.
- Aeneas' cryptographic disc (4th c. B.C.) 100 pts.
- Bear Sums 100 pts.
- BeetleBag 100 pts.
- Blackgate Penitentiary 100 pts.
- Charlie New PC 70.59 pts.
- Concentration Game 100 pts.
- Drawing Rooted Binary Trees 100 pts.
- Fibonacci 100 pts.
- Lemons 100 pts.
- Minimum Permutation 100 pts.
- Monokeros 100 pts.
- RecXor 100 pts.
- Rumour 100 pts.
- Running Up Stairs 100 pts.
- Troll Coder 100 pts.
- Vangelis the Batbear and the Bubbles challenge 100 pts.
- Xtreme Rappers 100 pts.
- Impact Factor 100 pts.
- Bit Soccer 100 pts.
- Xplore 100 pts.
- Telescope Scheduling 100 pts.
- Preparing for Xtreme 12.0 100 pts.
- Mosaic Decoration I 100 pts.
- Crafting Wooden Tables 100 pts.
- Game of Life 100 pts.
- Let’s Cheer Up Bob 100 pts.
- Gotta Catch 'Em All 100 pts.
- Painter's Dilemma 100 pts.
- Rigged Dice 100 pts.
- Word Search 100 pts.
- Gaius Letters 100 pts.