Git Awards gives your ranking on GitHub by language and by location (city, country and worldwide) based on the number of stars on your repos.
In order to calculate your ranking on GitHub we:
- Get all GitHub users with their location
- Geocode their location
- Get all GitHub repositories with language and number of stars
With this information we are able to compute your ranking for a given language in a given city.
There are over 10 Millions users and 15 Millions repositories on GitHub, we cannot just call the GitHub API for each user and his repos.
However the GitHub list API returns 100 results at a time with basic information :
With this one can get up to 500k user / repo per hour : this is enough to get the entire list of users and repositories with basic informations (username, repo name, etc).
Rake tasks are :
rake user:crawl
rake repo:crawl
Now we need to get detailed informations such as location, language, number of stars.
GitHub Archive is a project to record the public GitHub timeline, archive it, and make it easily accessible for further analysis.
The GitHub Archive dataset is public, with Google Big Query we can filter the dataset to get only the latest event for each repo and users. Unfortunatly the GitHub Archives events starts from 2011, so we won't get ranking informations for users and repos that have been inactive since 2011.
- Request for users :
- Request for repositories :
We can then download the results as JSON, parse the result, and fill missing information about users and repos.
Rake tasks are :
rake user:parse_users
rake repo:parse_repos
We now have the users location, and repositories language and number of stars. In order to get country and world rank we need to geocode user locations
Location on GitHub is a plain text field, there are about 1 million profiles with location on GitHub. Free geocoding APIs usually have a hard rate limiting. First step is to geocode only distinct location, which leaves about 100k locations to geocode. A solution to speed up the geocoding is to use a combination of :
Rake task is :
rake user:geocode_locations
We now have all the information we need to compute ranking.
To get rankings we first calculate a score for each user in each language using this formula :
sum(stars) + (1.0 - 1.0/count(repositories))
Then we use Postgres ROW_NUMBER() function to get ranks compared to other developers with repositories in the same languages, in the same location (by city, by country or worldwide).
Ok, now we have all GitHub users' ranking :)
In order to speed up queries based on user ranks, we create a table with all rankings information. Once we have all rankings informations on a single table we can properly index it, we get acceptable response time when we query it from a web application.
The query to create the language_rankings table can be found here :
Next steps :
- Github connect
- Manually refresh your informations
- Automating data update
- Improve UI
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch
git push origin my-new-feature
- Create a new Pull Request
This project is available under the MIT license. See the license file for more details.