Group project for Polimi Perception, localization and mapping for mobile robots course 20/21.
The second part of the project, SLAM based on LIDAR and odometry sensor fusion is here: robotics_second
- Bags folder → contains the bags provided.
- Cfg folder → parameter.cfg that contains the configuration of the dynamic reconfigure server.
- Launch folder → robotics_first.launch is the launch file that starts everything.
- Msg folder → CustomOdometry.msg is the custom message & MotorSpeed.msg was provided to read the speeds from the bag.
- Src folder → agile_tf.cpp generates the tf of scout odom, baseline_calculator.cpp calculates the apparent baseline and the gear ratio, tf_publisher.cpp generates the tf of our odom, odometry_functional.cpp calculates the odom, does the dynamic reconfiguration and hosts the service to reset, twist.cpp synchronizes the messages of left and right front wheels.
- Srv folder → ResetToPose.srv is the definition of the service to reset to a given pose.
roslaunch robotics_first robotics_first.launch