Folder containing the implementation of the duckrace algorithm in the real track. To use install the duckietown shell DTS and run the following command to build:
dts devel build -f
And to run the built code:
dts devel run
Based on ROS, find the scripts inside packages/lmpc.
In the latest version the nodes are meant to be run on a pc connectected to the same network as the duckiebots. If you want to run the code in the duckiebots use the flag -H in both build and run followed by the robot name (duckwalker.local or duckvader.local, duckvader is preferred) and remove ROS_MASTER_URI from launchers/ (a script that runs when the container is launched).
Sends a message every n seconds to syncronize the MPC.
Runs the MPC
Runs the actual LMPC. IS makes at first a loop as MPC and then it starts to explore.