Instruction of the Project from the scratch to Architecture Level****
- download maven into local machine (
- Set up environment for maven
- CMD>mvn -version (appear version number)
- GmailRegistrationTest (straight forward test case which is can be executed from the test case level)
- Validate
- Execute properly
- Break down this Test Case into multipule packages (use TestNG framework concept and POM concept)
- Create a base class (BaseTest) for TestNG Framework
- @@Parameters("browser")
- @BeforeClass (Browser configuration globally)
- @BeforeMethod (Navigate to the URL)
- @AfterMethod
- @AfterClass (Close the browser)
- Creare Customize Thread.sleep
- Create Test Class For TestCase
- @Test
- Create a BasePage (abstract class) for initalization of webelement
- Create a Pom Pages Class corresponding to the eatch web pages
- Create Data Provider Class for accessing the data into test class
- @DataProvider(name="LogInTest")
- add poi api library file
- add Excell reading file (ExcelReader which is I created into project
- Create a Test Class
- @DataProvider
- Create a method
- Create a object of the ExcelReader class file
- Add the excel sheet into the project
- Name it testngdata
- Sheet name loginTest
- Create a variable of the row Count
- Create a variable of the column count
add the dependencis into POM file
add jar file (mysql-connector-java)
Add test class file
Create a test class and call the DbManager class into it